About Me
Welcome to my page, such as it is.
I have a wide range of interests, and I'm making some updates to pages that I come across.
Among topics that interest me (in no specific order):
- astronomy
- linguistics and languages (although I have no talent for anything beyond English)
- alphabets and scripts
- aircraft
- ships and all things nautical
- railroads
- geography
- maps
- history, especially of nations
- birds
- fish
- obscure animals
- anything systematic
- whatever is on the Main_Page
- ...and many other random things!
Sometime, I might include some biographical information here, but don't hold your breath. Okay, it's worth noting that I'm a professional computer geek (I run networks for a living), and I live in Silicon Valley, the capitol of geekdom. I don't actually like computers that much, but it pays the bills.
I've decided to start adding some userboxes, but that's a work in progress that will take a looong time, mostly because I don't care that much.
I've made random edits for quite a while, but finally decided to start a bit more focused contributions, perhaps. I've joined a Wikiproject, and I may join more at some point. For now, I'll stick with the Hawaii project. I'm hoping to mostly focus on adding geographical information related to Kauai, since that's what I know and really like. We'll see how that goes!
Well, not so well - life happens. Back to occasional random edits!
I think I'll add a /Sandbox for myself.