Roger D. Jones is currently Research Fellow at the Center for Complex Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology.
He has a wiki entry at Roger Jones (physicist).
Wikipedia articles: Creations or significant contributions
Major articles
- Abraham-Lorentz force
- Autocatalytic reaction
- Basic introduction to the mathematics of curved spacetime
- Common integrals in quantum field theory
- Darwin Lagrangian
- Electromagnetic wave equation
- Formulation of Maxwell's equations in special relativity
- Foundations of general relativity
- Larmor formula
- Laughlin wavefunction
- Maxwell's equations
- Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime
- Moving magnet and conductor problem
- Newtonian foundation of general relativity
- Nonhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation
- Photon dynamics in the double-slit experiment
- Photon polarization
- Relation between Schrödinger's equation and the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
- Sinusoidal plane-wave solutions of the electromagnetic wave equation
- Static forces and virtual-particle exchange
- Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation
Minor articles
Adaptive computation and neural networks
In addition, I directed the construction of the following sites:
Biography sites
1975 - 1979: Dartmouth College
As a physics graduate student at Dartmouth College, Jones published five papers as principal or sole author in the field of quantum relativistic plasmas.
- Quantum plasmas I: The convergence formalism
- Quantum plasmas. II: The high frequency conductivity of a magnetized plasma
- Kinetic equation of a slightly relativistic plasma
- Hamiltonian of a slightly relativistic plasma
- Bremsstrahlung in a magnetized plasma
These papers addressed short and long-range infinities that arose in the interaction of charged particles in plasmas. A method to eliminate these infinities was successfully proposed. The consequences on transport in plasmas were elucidated. The physics of the magnetic interaction among particles in slightly relativistic plasmas was clarified.[1]
1979 - 1989: Laser fusion, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jones researched the kinetic theory of high-Z plasmas in the presence of intense laser fields;[2] the behavior of laser-generated collisionless shocks and rarefactions;[3] self-focusing and filamentation of laser light due to thermal and ponderomotive effects;[4] [5] paraxial light propagation and hydrodynamics in absorbing plasmas; harmonic generation due to nonlinear electron response to lasers;[6] surface waves in plasmas;[7] [8] [9] the effects of magnetic fields on fusion burn; hot electron generation due to parametric instabilities in hohlraums; the generation of fast ions and hot electrons in open laser/plasma geometries;[10] and the interaction of intense laser light with calcified biological tissue in water environments.[11] [12] In addition to laser-plasma interactions, Jones studied topics in biological physics.[13]
In 1981, Jones took a sabbatical and returned to Dartmouth as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics.
1989 - 1995: Machine learning, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jones co-founded the Nonlinear Adaptive Computation Effort at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which focused on developing software data mining and control systems that have the capacity to learn from data. His technology, CNLS (Connection Normalized Local Spline Neural Networks) enabled machines to learn from data as they interacted with the data.[14] He led teams in the application of these techniques to areas such as chemical process control, automobile control, traffic control and control of high-energy accelerators.[15] [16] He applied this technology to finance and banking in areas such as fraud detection in tax returns and credit card transactions.
During this period Jones served on the Executive Board for the Center for Nonlinear Studies. He received the "Los Alamos Distinguished Performance Award" for work associated with development and application of his inventions.
In June of 1995 the Philadelphia Inquirer published a series of articles on corparate welfare provided by the National Laboratories..[17] The lead article, entitled "How Billions in Taxes Failed to Create Jobs" featured the industrial collaboration projects of Jones and his team.
1995-2007: Technology companies
In July of 1995 Jones co-founded, in collaboration with Citibank, the Center for Adaptive Systems Applications (CASA), an advanced analytics company. CASA was acquired by HNC Software in March of 2000 and subsequently by Fair Isaacs. CASA technology became part of the Fair Isaac credit scoring offering.
Jones co-founded a number of information-based technology companies during this period. These companies focused on finance and reinsurance. Discover Magazine published and article in February 2002 on the technologies of these companies.[18] He also became involved in the establishment of an emerging Santa Fe technology community.[19] In the quiet economic period following 9/11, many of the Santa Fe technology companies failed. Some of the companies co-founded by Jones survived, or even thrived, and by 2004, they had merged into a single company, CommodiCast (now named Qforma). By 2003 the companies had developed expertise in the pharmaceutical vertical as well as finance.
During this period Jones made research contributions in the areas of economics, physics and finance.[20][21] [22] [23]