I don't tend to contribute much new material, mostly because I can hardly think of any facts to add to articles here. Generally I just look for vandalism and/or typos while reading and clicking my way through this fascinating accumulation of knowledge, which, given enough free time, I sometimes continue for days on end. I originally created this account so I could mark my spelling corrections as minor edits, but maybe I'll find something of my own to contribute some day.
-- Cohen the Bavarian 20:06, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Est omnino difficile iudicare inclusionis meritum cuiusdam rei in encyclopædia cum ratio sciendi quid populi referat incerta sit, sed nihilominus aliquid encyclopædiam dedecet
It is generally difficult to judge the worthiness of a particular topic for inclusion in an encyclopedia considering that there is no certain way to know what interests people, but some topics nevertheless are not fit for an encyclopedia.
This motto reflects the desire of these Wikipedians to be reluctant, but not entirely unwilling, to remove articles from Wikipedia.
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