About me
I am interested in all kinds of animals, especially amphibians and crustaceans. Since I explored my passion through Wikipedia entries, I want to contribute photos (which I take myself) and information on these taxa, so that others can access and use this for personal and/or professional purposes. For many interested people, young students and elderly retirees alike, Wikipedia will be the first place to encounter facts and figures produced by scientific research. Therefore, I feel it should also provide the means for people to dive in deeper, which is why I try to add a lot of open references (mostly peer-reviewed journal articles) about topics that I am familiar with and expand or create articles about lesser known crustacean species and genera.
Articles created
- Nanhaipotamon
- Daipotamon minos (without existing account)
- Arquatopotamon
- Nanhaipotamon hongkongense
- Bryocyclops
Articles expanded
Photographies added
- Hornet
- Actias sinensis
- Odorrana schmackeri
- Ocypode gaudichaudii
- Dendropsophus rhodopeplus
- Atelopus pulcher
- Kaloula rugifera
- Microlophus peruvianus
- Sydney United Sports Center
- Leichhardt Oval
- Lambert Park (Leichhardt)
- Cherax quadricarinatus
- Hong Kong cascade frog