User:B-bot/source/Daily Page Creator
This task will create daily pages if they do not exist. The list of pages is kept in a table at User:B-bot/Daily page creator pages.
/// <summary>
/// This task will create any daily pages that do not exist
/// </summary>
public class DailyPageCreator : BBotBase
#region Settings
/// <summary>
/// How many days in advance will the page be created?
/// </summary>
const int DaysInAdvance = 1;
/// <summary>
/// This page has the list of pages to be created
/// </summary>
const String ScriptPage = "User:B-bot/Daily page creator pages";
/// <summary>
/// Ignore anything in the file before this point
/// </summary>
const String PageListScriptStart = "==Page list==";
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name for this job
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override string GetJobName()
return "Daily Page Creator";
/// <summary>
/// The master function to perform the job
/// </summary>
public void PerformTask()
// Connect to Wikipedia
Site site = TryToConnect("", Properties.Settings.Default.BotUserName, Properties.Settings.Default.BotPassword);
// Log the start
if (UserspaceTest)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Start, "B-Bot \"Daily Page Creator\" process now commencing <font color='red'>'''IN TEST MODE'''</font>.", null);
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Start, "B-Bot \"Daily Page Creator\" process now commencing.", null);
// Load the script
Page pgScript = new Page(site, ScriptPage);
// We are looking for something formatted like this:
//==Page list==
//{| border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 cellalign=top
//| '''Daily page format string''' || '''Template format string''' (omit the <nowiki>{{subst:</nowiki> and <nowiki>}}</nowiki>
//|| Category:Wikipedia files missing permission as of {0:d MMMM yyyy}
//|| Files missing permission subcategory starter|1={0:dd}|2={0:MMMM}|4={0:yyyy}
int intPageListSectionStarts = pgScript.text.IndexOf(PageListScriptStart);
if (0 > intPageListSectionStarts)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Error, "[[" + ScriptPage + "]] does not contain " + PageListScriptStart + ". Aborting", null);
String PageList = pgScript.text.Substring(intPageListSectionStarts);
// Now, ignore anything before the first |-
int intTableStart = PageList.IndexOf("|-");
if (0 > intTableStart)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Error, "Cannot find the start of the table in [[" + ScriptPage + "]] - the data portion of the table (not the header) should start with |- (all content before |- is ignored). Aborting", null);
PageList = PageList.Substring(intTableStart);
// Now, find |} and end there
int intTableEnd = PageList.IndexOf("|}");
if (0 > intTableEnd)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Error, "Cannot find the end of the table in [[" + ScriptPage + "]] - the data portion of the table should end with |} (all content after |} is ignored). Aborting", null);
PageList = PageList.Substring(0, intTableEnd);
// Now, split up the commands
String[] arrCommands = PageList.Split(new String[] { "|-" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int intPagesCreated = 0;
// Loop through the commands
foreach (String strCommand in arrCommands)
String strTrimCommand = strCommand.Trim();
if ("" == strTrimCommand)
String[] arrData = strTrimCommand.Split(new String[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (2 != arrData.Length)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Error, "Error parsing command: <code><nowiki>" + strTrimCommand + "</nowiki></code>. There appear to be more than two lines. Aborting", null);
// Loop through the days
for (int intDay = -1; intDay <= DaysInAdvance; intDay++)
DateTime dtm = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(intDay);
String strPageName = String.Format(arrData[0], dtm).Trim();
String strTemplate = "{{subst:" + String.Format(arrData[1].Trim(), dtm) + "}}";
// Does the page already exist?
Page pg = new Page(site, strPageName);
if (!pg.Exists())
// Only create yesterday or today if the category is not empty
if ((intDay <= 0) && strPageName.ToLower().StartsWith("category:"))
CreateCatIfNeeded(ref site, null, strPageName, strTemplate);
if (UserspaceTest)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Informational, "TEST MODE: Would create [[:" + strPageName + "]] using <code><nowiki>" + strTemplate + "</nowiki></code>.", null);
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Informational, "Now creating [[:" + strPageName + "]] using <code><nowiki>" + strTemplate + "</nowiki></code>.", null);
pg.text = strTemplate;
pg.Save("Creating dated category using " + strTemplate, false);
else if (UserspaceTest)
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Informational, "TEST MODE: [[:" + strPageName + "]] ALREADY EXISTS so in live mode, I would do nothing. If it didn't exist, I would create it using <code><nowiki>" + strTemplate + "</nowiki></code>.", null);
LogToEventLog(ref site, MessageType.Finish, "Process complete. Created " + intPagesCreated.ToString() + " pages.", null);
catch (Exception ex)
// Use a separate connection for our less-important API calls
Site site2 = TryToConnect("", Properties.Settings.Default.BotUserName, Properties.Settings.Default.BotPassword);
LogToEventLog(ref site2, MessageType.Error, "Exception in DailyPageCreator. Aborting task", ex);