package tasks::DRVClerk;
=begin metadata
Bot: AnomieBOT
Task: DRVClerk
BRFA: Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 66
Status: Approved 2012-08-19
Created: 2012-07-16
Peform the following tasks at [[WP:DRV]]:
* Create the daily DRV subpage.
* Create the monthly DRV subpage.
* Fix the headers on the daily DRV subpages, if they get removed or damaged.
* Maintain the lists at [[WP:DRV#Active discussions]] and [[WP:DRV#Recent discussions]].
* Remove headers from closed non-current discussions.
=end metadata
use utf8;
use strict;
use AnomieBOT::Task qw/:time/;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
my @months=('','January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
my $screwup;
my $headerContents = '[^=\n](?-s:.*[^=\n])?';
sub new {
my $class=shift;
my $self=$class->SUPER::new();
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=for info
Approved 2012-08-19<br />[[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 66]]
sub approved {
return 2;
sub run {
my ($self, $api)=@_;
my $res;
$api->task('DRVClerk', 0, 10, qw/d::Talk d::Templates d::Redirects d::Sections/);
# Only check once per hour
my $t=$api->store->{'lasttime'};
$self->{'lasttime'}=$t if($t=~/^\d+$/ && $t<=time());
$self->{'broken'}=$api->store->{'broken'} if(exists($api->store->{'broken'}));
my $starttime=time();
my $t=$self->{'lasttime'}+($self->{'broken'}?300:3600)-$starttime;
return $t if $t>0;
# If it's close enough to 23:00, just wait for 23:00.
return $t if($t>0 && $t<($self->{'broken'}?300:3600));
# If it's close enough to 00:00, just wait for 00:00.
return $t if($t>0 && $t<($self->{'broken'}?300:1800));
my $startdate=[10,11,2018];
$startdate=$api->store->{'startdate'} if exists($api->store->{'startdate'});
# Get the content of all versions of "DRV top" and "DRV bottom" since the startdate
my @re_top=();
my @re_bottom=();
my %cont=();
do {
my $t=$api->query(
titles => 'Template:DRV top',
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'timestamp|content',
rvslots => 'main',
rvlimit => 1,
if($t->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to load revisions for Template:DRV top: ".$t->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
%cont=() if $t->{'timestamp'} lt sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", reverse @$startdate);
push @re_top, $t;
} while(%cont);
do {
my $t=$api->query(
titles => 'Template:DRV bottom',
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'timestamp|content',
rvslots => 'main',
rvlimit => 1,
if($t->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to load revisions for Template:DRV bottom: ".$t->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
%cont=() if $t->{'timestamp'} lt sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", reverse @$startdate);
push @re_bottom, $t;
} while(%cont);
my $re='(?>'.join('|', @re_top).').*?(?:'.join('|', @re_bottom).')';
$screwup=' Errors? [[User:'.$api->user.'/shutoff/DRVClerk]]';
# Iterate over all our pages
my $broken=0;
my $today=_make_date();
my $sevendays=_date_add($today,-7,0,0);
my $fortnight=_date_add($today,-14,0,0);
my $new_start=$fortnight;
my @cur=();
my @old=();
my @cursumm=();
my @oldsumm=();
MAINLOOP: for(my $date=_make_date(time+3600); _cmp_date($startdate,$date)<=0; $date=_date_add($date,-1,0,0)){
return 0 if $api->halting;
my $title='Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/'.$date->[2].' '.$months[$date->[1]].' '.$date->[0];
$api->log("Checking DRVs in $title");
my $tok=$api->edittoken($title);
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
$api->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
return 300;
if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
my $intxt=$tok->{'revisions'}[0]{'slots'}{'main'}{'*'} // '';
my $outtxt=$intxt;
# Fix header if necessary
my $fixedhead=0;
my $pageheader=_makepagehead($date);
my $oldtxt;
do {
} while($oldtxt ne $outtxt);
$fixedhead=($outtxt ne $intxt);
# If the page has been edited in the last day, keep watching it in case
# the last closing gets reverted.
my $ts=ISO2timestamp($tok->{'revisions'}[0]{'timestamp'}) // time;
$new_start=[@$date] if(time()-$ts<86400 && _cmp_date($date,$new_start)<0);
# Remove headers if all discussions are closed and it has been
# long enough since the last edit
my $rmhead=0;
if(time()-$ts>86400 && _cmp_date($date,$today)<0){
my $txt=$outtxt;
$txt=~s/\n====$headerContents====[^\n]*\n\s*($re)/ _rmsubhead($1) /ge;
$api->log("Crap, $title is b0rken");
$api->warn("Crap, $title is b0rken\n");
$api->whine("[[$title]] is broken", "Help! A section in [[$title]] seems to contain a level-4 header. Probably someone screwed up the wikitext created by {{tls|DRV top}} (which could make me think an entire discussion is part of <nowiki>{{{1}}} or {{{2}}}</nowiki>) or {{tls|DRV bottom}} (so I'm not finding the end of the discussion and running it together with the next one). Anyway, I can't remove the headers from that page until someone fixes it.");
} elsif($txt ne $outtxt && $txt!~/\n====$headerContents====[^\n]*\n/){
# If the headers weren't all removed, that means something is still
# active. So make sure we don't drop it from scanning next time.
$new_start=[@$date] if _cmp_date($date,$new_start)<0;
# Figure out where to put the page
# Future, don't list yet
} elsif(_cmp_date($date,$today)==0){
# Today, always list as active
push @cur, "{{$title}}\n";
unshift @cursumm, [@$date];
} elsif(_cmp_date($date,$sevendays)>=0){
# Last 7 days, list as active if not empty
push @cur, "{{$title}}\n";
unshift @cursumm, [@$date];
} elsif(_cmp_date($date,$fortnight)>=0){
# Last 14 days, list as recent if not empty
push @old, "{{$title}}\n";
unshift @oldsumm, [@$date];
} else {
# Older, list only if not closed
push @old, "{{$title}}\n";
unshift @oldsumm, [@$date];
# Need to edit?
next unless($fixedhead || $rmhead);
# Create summary
my @summary=();
push @summary, "new discussion page: ".$date->[2].' '.$months[$date->[1]].' '.$date->[0];
} else {
push @summary, "fix page header";
push @summary, "remove section headers for closed log page" if $rmhead;
my $summary='(BOT) '.ucfirst(join('; ', @summary)).".$screwup";
$api->log("$summary in $title");
my $r=$api->edit($tok, $outtxt, $summary, 0, 1);
if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
# Ok, we've processed all the subpages. Now update the lists of DRVs on
# the main page.
my $ret=$self->update_list($api, 'Recent', \@old, \@oldsumm);
return $ret if $ret;
$ret=$self->update_list($api, 'Active', \@cur, \@cursumm);
return $ret if $ret;
# Save checked revision
# Check if the monthly log page needs creation too
my $date=_make_date(time+86400);
my $title='Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/'.$date->[2].' '.$months[$date->[1]];
my $tok=$api->edittoken($title);
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
$api->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
return 300;
if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
last unless exists($tok->{'missing'});
my @days=();
my $m=$date->[1];
for($date=[1,$date->[1],$date->[2]]; $date->[1]==$m; $date=_date_add($date,1,0,0)){
my $t=$title.' '.$date->[0];
unshift @days, "{{#ifexist: $t | {{$t}} | }}";
my $outtxt="{{Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/Header}}\n".join("\n", @days);
my $r=$api->edit($tok, $outtxt, "Create monthly log page", 0, 1);
if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
return $starttime+($self->{'broken'}?300:3600)-time;
sub update_list {
my ($self,$api,$page,$list,$summ)=@_;
my $title="Wikipedia:Deletion review/$page";
$api->log("Updating discussions lists on $title");
my $tok=$api->edittoken($title);
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
$api->warn("Task disabled: ".$tok->{'content'}."\n");
return 300;
if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to get edit token for $title: ".$tok->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
$api->warn("WTF? $title is missing!\n");
return 60;
my $intxt=$tok->{'revisions'}[0]{'slots'}{'main'}{'*'};
my $outtxt=$intxt;
my $txt="\n==[[$title|$page discussions]]==\n";
} else {
$txt.="* (None at this time)\n";
unless($outtxt=~s#\n== *\[\[Wikipedia:Deletion review\/\Q$page\E\|\Q$page\E discussions\]\] *==\s*\n.*#$txt#s){
$api->log("Could not find discussions section in $title!");
$api->warn("Could not find discussions section in $title!");
return 60;
if($intxt ne $outtxt){
my $summary;
my $m=0;
my @summ=map {
$_=substr($months[$_->[1]],0,3).' '.$_->[0];
} else {
} @$summ;
$summary='(BOT) Updating discussions: '.join(', ', @summ).$screwup;
$api->log("$summary in $title");
$summary='(BOT) Updating discussions: major backlog!'.$screwup if length($summary)>500;
} else {
$summary='(BOT) Updating discussions: no old discussions'.$screwup;
my $r=$api->edit($tok, $outtxt, $summary, 0, 1);
if($r->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Write failed on $title: ".$r->{'error'}."\n");
return 60;
return 0;
sub _make_date {
my $t=shift || time;
if(ref($t) eq 'ARRAY'){
return _fix_date([@$t]);
} else {
my @t=gmtime($t);
return [@t];
sub _date_add {
my @t=@{$_[0]};
return _fix_date([@t]);
sub _fix_date {
my $t=shift;
my @t=gmtime(timegm(0,0,0,$t->[0],$t->[1]-1,$t->[2]-1900));
return [@t];
sub _cmp_date {
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
my $x;
$x=$a->[1]-$b->[1] if $x==0;
$x=$a->[0]-$b->[0] if $x==0;
return $x;
sub _makepagehead {
my $date=shift;
return '<noinclude>{{Deletion review log header}}</noinclude>
'.'===[[Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/'.$date->[2].' '.$months[$date->[1]].' '.$date->[0].'|'.$date->[0].' '.$months[$date->[1]].' '.$date->[2].']]===
<!--Please notify the administrator who performed the action that you wish to be reviewed by leaving {{subst:DRVNote|page name}} on their talk page.
Add a new entry BELOW THIS LINE copying the format: {{subst:drv2|page=<PAGE NAME>|xfd_page=<XFD PAGE NAME>|reason=<REASON>}} ~~~~ -->
sub _va {
my $txt=shift;
return "\n'''{{visible anchor|$txt}}'''\n";
sub _rmsubhead {
my $txt=shift;
return "\x02ERROR\x03" if $txt=~/\n====$headerContents====[^\n]*\n/;
$txt=~s/\n====+\s*+($headerContents(?<!\s)|)\s*====+[^\n]*\n/ _va($1) /ge;
return "\n$txt";