I enjoy drinking water, tea, almost any kind of juice, and milk-based sweet beverages (I most often take chocolate milk). I do not like alcoholic beverages and soft drinks; they are too unhealthy. As for food, I eat lots of vegetables and fruit and I try to avoid fried stuff. I'm a pescetarian. I particularly enjoy Chinese and Japanese cuisines and Subway.
I enjoy linguistics and learning languages. I have studied many languages to a certain level, but I can only properly talk in English, my native Portuguese and to a lesser extent Esperanto and Dutch.
Politically, I greatly admire panarchism and right-libertarianism. I don't like coercion (and consequently the state) and think it's essentially unethical. I don't think society needs it at all. But I believe that people should have the right to choose under what government or anarchic system they want to live. I definitely do not get along with some people holding excessively sexist, homophobic, transphobic or racist views, but since I believe in unlimited free speech, they are free to do so. The best thing to do is to educate them about the errors in their ideas; but if they do not want to be educated, they should be ignored.
I don't like the idea of schooling (and to some degree universities) as primary forms of education. In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to teach someone what they do not want to learn, so all education should be voluntary. The internet is one great alternative way of acquiring knowledge: it provides unlimited and free information, book downloading (that's because I'm against copyright), groups to talk to people interested in the same subject and many other forms of education.
The top three sites I visit when online are Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia. I mostly read and edit articles, listen to music, watch educational or entertaining videos, talk to my friends and participate on groups. You can find out more about me in this bunch of userboxes below, which is a bit unorganized (I'm going to fix this sometime).
This user likes that the subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, she would use it.
"There's" with a plural subject
This user knows that "there's" with a plural subject is a pervasive grammatical error. There'sThere are too many people making this mistake. Don't be one of them.
This user does not wish to speak or hear sarcasm, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
Deze user puede falar prawie allt und often mélange tutto
This user has been scratched several times by their pet cat.
This user thinks that Bullfighting should be extinct.
This user generally supports the death penalty, but feels it should only be used against those convicted of the most serious crimes (murder, rape, etc.).
This user prefers that the death penalty be used very sparingly.
This user is a liberal who supports the death penalty in certain situations, such as this one.