Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

User:Ale jrb/Scripts/waLib.js

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/* ============================================== *\
** WikiApps JavaScript GUI, API & AJAX Library
**      for MediaWiki v1.13 and above
** Created (c) by Alex Barley [[User:Ale_jrb]]
**		version 1.0.11
\* ============================================== */

// mediawiki objects
function wa_mediawikiUser ( who ) {
	if ( ! who ) return false;
	var waUserObj			= this;
	this.rootApi			= mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
	this.getUserGroup = function(group, onDone) {
		var groups;
		if (who == 'self') {
			groups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');
			for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++) {
				if (groups[i] == group) return true;
			return false;
		} else {
			this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
			this.ajax.requestUrl 	= this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=users&usprop=groups&ususers=' + encodeURIComponent(who);
			this.ajax.doRequest		(function() { 
										wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response;
										waUserGroups = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('g');
										for (var i = 0; i < waUserGroups.length; i ++) {
											if (waUserGroups[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue == group) { onDone(true); return true; }
	this.getUserContribs = function ( number, onDone ) {
		if (who == 'self') 		{ var user = mw.config.get('wgUserName'); } else { var user = who; }
		if (number === 0) 		number = 1;
		if (number > 100) 		number = 100;
		this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
		this.ajax.requestUrl 	= this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=usercontribs&uclimit=' + number + '&ucuser=' + encodeURIComponent(who) + '&ucprop=ids|title|timestamp|comment';
		this.ajax.doRequest		(function() { 
									wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response; 
									waUserObj.editDetails = [];
									if (wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length === 0) {
										waUserObj.editDetails[0] = {};
										waUserObj.editDetails[0].pageid 		= false; waUserObj.editDetails[0].revid 		= false;
										waUserObj.editDetails[0].title 		= false; waUserObj.editDetails[0].timestamp 	= false;
									for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length; i ++) { // for each revision
										var tempData = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item')[i];
										waUserObj.editDetails[i] = {};
										waUserObj.editDetails[i].pageid 		= tempData.getAttribute('pageid');
										waUserObj.editDetails[i].revid 		= tempData.getAttribute('revid');
										waUserObj.editDetails[i].title 		= tempData.getAttribute('title');
										waUserObj.editDetails[i].timestamp 	= tempData.getAttribute('timestamp');
	this.getUserLogs = function(number, onDone) {
		if (who == 'self') 		{ var user = mw.config.get('wgUserName'); } else { var user = who; }
		if (number === 0) 		number = 1;
		if (number > 100) 		number = 100;
		this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
		this.ajax.requestUrl 	= this.rootApi + '?format=xml&action=query&list=logevents&lelimit=' + number + '&leuser=' + encodeURIComponent(who) + '&leprop=ids|title|timestamp|comment|type';
		this.ajax.doRequest		(function() { 
									wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse = waUserObj.ajax.response; 
									waUserObj.logDetails = [];
									if (wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length === 0) {
										waUserObj.logDetails[0] = {};
										waUserObj.logDetails[0].pageid 		= false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].logid 		= false;
										waUserObj.logDetails[0].title 		= false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].timestamp 	= false;
										waUserObj.logDetails[0].type 		= false; waUserObj.logDetails[0].action 		= false;
									for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item').length; i ++) { // for each revision
										var tempData = wa_mediawikiUser.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('item')[i];
										waUserObj.logDetails[i] = {};
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].pageid 		= tempData.getAttribute('pageid');
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].logid 		= tempData.getAttribute('logid');
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].title 		= tempData.getAttribute('title');
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].timestamp 	= tempData.getAttribute('timestamp');
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].type 		= tempData.getAttribute('type');
										waUserObj.logDetails[i].action 		= tempData.getAttribute('action');
	// construct
	if (who == 'self') {
		this.isSysop = this.getUserGroup('sysop');
		this.isRollback = this.getUserGroup('rollback');
		this.isAutoconfirmed = this.getUserGroup('autoconfirmed');
var waUser = new wa_mediawikiUser('self');

function wa_mediawikiApi() {
	// this function handles a multitude of Wiki API calls.
	var wa_mediaWiki		= this;	// callback
	this.rootApi			= mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
	this.apiResponse		= false; 			// actual response from API - allows manual parsing, if desired
	this.apiPage			= {};
	this.apiPage.plain		= false; 			// the provided name of the last page called in this object
	this.apiPage.enc		= false; 			// the encoded name of the last page called in this object				= {}; 				// general response of the method called - associative array filled with requested data
	this.ajax				= false; 			// the ajax object - allows manual access to the ajax object/functions, if desired
	this.onCompleteAction 	= function() { return true; }; 	// onCompleteAction is the function that will be called whenever the current operation is complete
	this.internalOnComplete	= function() { return true; }; 	// internalOnComplete is the function that will be called (callback) when an internal operation completes
	this.internalRequest	= false;						// internalRequest specifies whether this is an internal callback or not
	this.getToken = function(token, page) {
		// Store per-run information
		this.apiPage['plain'] = page;

		if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) {
			this.apiPage['enc'] = page;
		} else {
			this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page);

		page = this.apiPage['enc'];
		token = token.toLowerCase();
		// Check that the operation is supported
		var requestToken = "";
		if (token.match(/(edit|delete|protect|move|block|unblock)/i)) {
			requestToken = "csrf";
		} else if (token === "rollback") {
			requestToken = "rollback";
		} else {
			// Not supported
			return false;

		// Build the response handler
		var onTokenResponse = function() {
			console.log("Got response! " + requestToken);

			// Store the result
			wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;

			// Parse result data
			var pageData = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName("page")[0];
			var tokenData = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName("tokens")[0];
			var pageId = pageData.getAttribute("pageid");
			var isMissing = pageData.getAttribute("missing");
			var tokenValue = tokenData.getAttribute(requestToken + "token");

			// Store specific result data['token'] = [];['token'].push(

			// Internal result format
			// [<page is missing>, <page ID>]
			var internalResult = [];
			internalResult[0] = !!isMissing;
			internalResult[1] = pageId ? pageId : false;
			if (wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest == false) {
			} else {
				wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest = false;
				wa_mediaWiki.internalOnComplete(, internalResult);
		// Run the request
		console.log("Running the request!");
		var requestUrl = this.rootApi + "?action=query&format=xml&meta=tokens&type=" + requestToken + "&titles=" + page;
		this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
		this.ajax.requestUrl 	= requestUrl;
		return true;
	this.getPage = function(page, revisions, properties) {
		// set vars
		if (properties == 'rollback-int') {
			properties = 'rollback';
		} else {
			this.apiPage['plain'] 	= page;
			if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = page; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page); }
			page 					= this.apiPage['enc'];
		// verification
		if (revisions > 500) revisions = 500;
		if (properties.match(/^(?:(?:ids|flag|timestamp|user|size|comment|content|rollback)\|?)*$/i) == null) properties = 'ids|user|content';
		// go
		if (properties.match(/rollback/i) != null) {
			var rollbackRequest 	= true;
			properties = properties.replace(/\|rollback\|/ig, '');
			properties = properties.replace(/rollback\|/ig, '');
			properties = properties.replace(/\|rollback/ig, '');
			properties = properties.replace(/\|\|/ig, '|');
			properties = properties.replace(/rollback/ig, '');
			var requestUrl 			= this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvtoken=rollback&rvprop=' + properties + '&rvlimit=' + revisions;
		} else {
			var rollbackRequest 	= false;
			var requestUrl 			= this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvprop=' + properties + '&rvlimit=' + revisions;
		this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
		this.ajax.requestUrl 	= requestUrl;
		this.ajax.doRequest		(function() { 
									wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse 			= wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response; 					= new Object;
									if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0] == null) {['page'] = new Object;['page']['status'] = 'E'; } else {
['page'] 				= new Object; 
['page']['revisions']	= [];
['page']['status'] 	= 'OK';
										for (var i = 0; i < wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev').length; i ++) { // for each revision
	['page']['revisions'][i] = new Object;
											// get details
											if (properties.match(/ids/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['id'] 				
														= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('revid');
											if (properties.match(/size/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['size'] 			
														= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('size');
											if (properties.match(/user/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['user'] 			
														= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('user');
											if (properties.match(/comment/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['comment']		 
														= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('comment');
											if (properties.match(/timestamp/i) != null)['page']['revisions'][i]['timestamp'] 	
														= wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('timestamp');
											if ( (rollbackRequest == true) && (i == 0) ) { 
		['token']		= [];
		['token'][1] 	= encodeURIComponent(wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].getAttribute('rollbacktoken'));
												var internal = [];
												if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('page')[0].getAttribute('missing') != null) { internal[0] = true; } else { internal[0] = false; }
											// get content
											if (properties.match(/content/i) != null) {
		['page']['revisions'][i]['content'] = '';
												for (var j = 0; j < wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].childNodes.length; j ++) {
			['page']['revisions'][i]['content'] += wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[i].childNodes[j].nodeValue;
									if (wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest == false) {wa_mediaWiki.onCompleteAction(; } else 
										{ if (typeof internal == 'undefined') { var internal = false; } wa_mediaWiki.internalRequest = false; wa_mediaWiki.internalOnComplete(, internal); }
		return true;
	this.getLastNotUser = function(page, excludeWho) {
		// this function gets the username of the most recent editor to the page who ISN'T excludeWho
		if (typeof excludeWho != 'string') return false;
		this.apiPage['plain'] 	= page;
		if (page.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = page; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(page); }
		page 					= this.apiPage['enc'];
		var requestUrl 			= this.rootApi + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=revisions&titles=' + page + '&rvprop=user&rvlimit=1&rvexcludeuser=' + encodeURIComponent(excludeWho);
		this.ajax 				= new wa_ajaxcall();
		this.ajax.requestUrl 	= requestUrl;
		this.ajax.doRequest		(function() { 
									var ret;
									wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse 			= wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response; 
									if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0] == null) { 
										// an error occurred - sort it
										if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('missing') != null) { ret = 'missing'; } else {
											ret = 'no-other-user'; }
									} else {
										ret = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].getAttribute('user');
		return true;
	this.editPage = function(title, text, summary, minor, addWhere, token) {
		// shortcut to performAction('edit')
		var details = [];
		details[0]	= text;
		details[1]	= summary;
		details[2]	= minor;
		details[3]	= addWhere;
		wa_mediaWiki.performAction('edit', title, details, token);
		return true;
	this.deletePage = function(title, reason, token) {
		// shortcut to performAction('delete')
		var details = reason;
		wa_mediaWiki.performAction('delete', title, details, token);
		return true;
	this.rollbackPage = function(title, user, summary, token) {
		// shortcut to performAction('rollback')
		// NB. a user must be provided; rollback will only occur if they are the last editor to the page.
		var details = [];
		details[0] 	= user;
		if (summary !== false) { details[1] = summary; } else { details[1] = ''; }
		wa_mediaWiki.performAction('rollback', title, details, token);
	this.performAction = function(action, target, details, token, internal) {
		// this module only accepts block, edit, rollback and deletion requests. Other actions must be performed manually, though the getToken method allows the
		// easy retrieval of the correct token for almost any action.
		// --
		// NB. internal is an internal parameter, allowing library to communicate internal data between functions. Modifying it will result in unexpected actions.
		// verification
		if ( (token == null) || (token == '') || (token == 0) || (token == false) ) {
			// get a token
			this.internalRequest = true;
			this.internalOnComplete = function(passToken, internal) { wa_mediaWiki.performAction(action, target, details, passToken['token'][1], internal); };
			this.getToken(action, target);
			return false;

		if (internal === undefined) {
			internal = [];
		// set vars
		this.apiPage['plain'] 			= target;
		if (target.indexOf('%20') > -1) { this.apiPage['enc'] = target; } else { this.apiPage['enc'] = encodeURIComponent(target); }
		target 							= this.apiPage['enc'];
		if (details == null) 			{ details = ''; } else if (typeof(details) == 'object') { for (x in details) { if (typeof details[x] == 'string') details[x] = encodeURIComponent(details[x]); } } else { details = encodeURIComponent(details); }
		// go
		switch ( action ) {
			case 'edit': // shortcut to this method from editPage method
				if (typeof(details) != 'object') 		return false; 		// we need an array: 
				if (typeof(details[0]) != 'string') 	details[0] = '';	//details[0] - text
				if (typeof(details[1]) != 'string') 	details[1] = '';	//details[1] - edit summary
				if (typeof(details[2]) != 'boolean') 	details[2] = false;	//details[2] - minor edit?
				if (typeof(details[3]) != 'string') 	details[3] = 'text';//details[3] - appendtext, prependtext, text
				if (details[2] == true) { var minor = 'minor=true'; } else { var minor = 'notminor=true'; }
				if (internal[0] == true) details[3] = 'text';
				if (details[3] == 'appendtext') { details[0] = encodeURIComponent('\n\n') + details[0]; }
				this.ajax					= new wa_ajaxcall();
				this.ajax.requestUrl		= this.rootApi;
				this.ajax.postParams		= 'format=xml&action=edit&title=' + target + '&summary=' + details[1] + '&' + details[3] + '=' + details[0] + '&' + minor + '&token=' + token;				(function() {
												wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
												return true;
			case 'rollback':
				if ( internal[0] == true ) { wa_mediaWiki.onCompleteAction(false); return false; }
				if ( (details[1] == '') || (details[1] == null) || (typeof details[1] == 'undefined') ) { var useCustomSummary = false; } else { var useCustomSummary = true; }
				var params = 'format=xml&action=rollback&title=' + target + '&user=' + details[0] + '&token=' + token;
				if (useCustomSummary == true) params += '&summary=' + details[1];
				this.ajax					= new wa_ajaxcall();
				this.ajax.requestUrl		= this.rootApi;
				this.ajax.postParams		= params;				(function() {
												wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
												if ( (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('error')[0] == null) || (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].getAttribute('code') == null) )
														//if (wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('revid') == wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('old_revid')) {
														//	var r = false;
														//} else {
															var r = wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse.getElementsByTagName('rollback')[0].getAttribute('revid');
													} else { var r = false; }
												return true;
			case 'delete':
				// we have the required token. Perform the deletion!
				if (internal[0] == true) 	return false;
				this.ajax					= new wa_ajaxcall();
				this.ajax.requestUrl		= this.rootApi;
				this.ajax.postParams		= 'format=xml&action=delete&title=' + target + '&reason=' + details + '&token=' + token;				(function() {
												wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
												return true;
				return true;
			case 'block':
				// additional verification for blocking
				if (typeof(details) != 'object') 		return false; 		// we need an array: 
				if (typeof(details[0]) != 'string') 	return false;		//details[0] - expiry as string - you must provide this, or the block will not happen
				if (typeof(details[1]) != 'boolean') 	return false;		//details[1] - anonymous only - you must provide this, or the block will not happen
				if (typeof(details[2]) != 'string') 	details[2] = '';	//details[2] - reason as string 
				if (typeof(details[3]) != 'boolean') 	details[3] = true;	//details[3] - prevent account creation
				if (typeof(details[4]) != 'boolean') 	details[4] = true;	//details[4] - autoblock - default, hardblock
				// build valid syntax
				if (details[1] == true) { var anonOnly = '&anononly'; } else { var anonOnly = ''; }
				if (details[3] == true) { var createAccount = '&nocreate'; } else { var createAccount = ''; }
				if (details[4] == true) { var autoblock = '&autoblock'; } else { var autoblock = ''; }
				// we have the required token
				this.ajax					= new wa_ajaxcall();
				this.ajax.requestUrl		= this.rootApi;
				this.ajax.postParams		= 'format=xml&action=block&user=' + target + '&expiry=' + details[0] + '&reason=' + details[2] + anonOnly + createAccount + 
														autoblock + '&token=' + token;				(function() {
												wa_mediaWiki.apiResponse = wa_mediaWiki.ajax.response;
												return true;
				return false;

// non-gui objects
function wa_ajaxcall () {
	var waMyAjax = this;
	this.requestType		= 'GET';
	this.responseType		= 'xml';
	this.requestUrl			= '';
	waMyAjax.pageRequest 	= false;
	this.postParams			= '';
	this.response 			= false;
	this.abort = function () {
		if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest != false ) {
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.abort ();
			return true;
	} = function ( runOnComplete ) {
		waMyAjax.requestType = 'POST';
		waMyAjax.doRequest ( runOnComplete );
	this.get = function ( runOnComplete ) {
		waMyAjax.requestType = 'GET';
		waMyAjax.doRequest ( runOnComplete );
	this.doRequest = function ( runOnComplete ) {
		if ( this.requestUrl == '' ) return false;
		if ( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { // if good browser
			waMyAjax.pageRequest = new XMLHttpRequest ();
		else if ( window.ActiveXObject ) { // if IE
			try { // try request 1
				waMyAjax.pageRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
			catch ( e ) { // it failed.
				try {	// try request 2
					waMyAjax.pageRequest = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
				catch ( e ) { return false; }
			return false;
		waMyAjax.pageRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
			if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.readyState == 4 ) { 
				if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.status == 200 ) {
					if ( waMyAjax.responseType == 'xml' ) {
						waMyAjax.response = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML;
					} else {
						waMyAjax.response = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText;
					if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML ) waMyAjax.responseXML = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseXML;
					if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText ) waMyAjax.responseText = waMyAjax.pageRequest.responseText;
					runOnComplete ();
		if ( this.requestType == 'GET' ) {
			// do get request'GET', this.requestUrl, true);
			switch (this.responseType) {
				default: case 'xml':
					if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ) { waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ( 'text/xml' ); } else {
						waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( 'Content-type', 'text/xml' ); }
				case 'html':
					if ( waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ) waMyAjax.pageRequest.overrideMimeType ( 'text/html' );
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.send ( null );
		else if ( this.requestType == 'POST' )
			// do post request ( 'POST', this.requestUrl, true );
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Content-length", this.postParams.length );
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.setRequestHeader ( "Connection", "close" );
			waMyAjax.pageRequest.send ( this.postParams );
		{ /* unrecognised */ }
	return true;

// drawing objects
function wa_document () {
	// document -- main interface representation. grabs required document ids for easy use. not used directly. sits above wiki interface, to allow override
	// vars
	this.wk_base 				= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
	this.wk_content_base 		= document.getElementById('bodyContent');
	this.wk_top_links_port		= document.getElementById('p-personal');
	this.wk_top_links			= document.getElementById('pt-watchlist') ? document.getElementById('pt-watchlist').parentNode : this.wk_top_links_port;
	this.wk_pref_link			= document.getElementById('pt-preferences');
	this.root					= mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');
	this.user					= mw.config.get('wgUserName');					= mw.config.get('wgTitle');
	return true;

function wa_window ( parent_opt ) {
	// window -- main interface compontent. wikiapps gui is built of windows. they're esentially divs, attached to a parent div. child of document.
		// providing a parent_opt object (must be another window) will result in that object being the parent node. otherwise, the default document 
		// object is used.
	// vars - enable quick window creation by setting CSS style defaults
	this.win_fill 		= false; 			this.win_bd_wd 		= 0;
	this.win_top 		= 0; 				this.win_bd_rt		= '';
	this.win_left 		= 0; 				this.win_bd_lf		= '';
	this.win_width 		= 0; 				this.win_bd_bt		= '';
	this.win_height 	= 0; 				this.win_bd_tp		= '';
	this.win_bg 		= '#000000'; 		this.win_class 		= '';
	this.win_bd 		= '#000000'; 		this.win_alpha 		= 1;
	this.win_disp		= 'block';			this.win_obj 		= document.createElement ( 'div' );
	this.win_z			= '9999999';
	this.win_pos		= 'absolute';		this.win_handler	= 'click';
	this.win_func		= function() {  };	this.win_fade		= 'visible';
	this.win_attached	= false;			this.win_cursor		= 'auto';
	this.win_padding	= 3;				this.win_content	= '';
	this.win_margin		= 0;				this.win_id 		= '';
	this.win_talign		= 'left';			this.win_overflow	= 'visible';
	this.win_right		= false;			this.win_bottom		= false;
	this.win_maintfill	= true;				this.hidden			= false;
	this.win_fontsize	= 10;
	if ( parent_opt == null ) { this.parentObj = this.wk_base; } else { 
		if ( typeof parent_opt.win_obj !== 'undefined' ) {
			this.parentObj = parent_opt.win_obj; 
		} else if ( parent_opt != null ) {
			this.parentObj = parent_opt;
	// methods
	this.applyAll = function() {
			// applyAll - method
			// applyAll applies current settings to the window object. if createNew is set as true, a new window will be created and appended to the base.
			// if not provided, the current object's settings will be updated. special behaviour: setting win_fill to true will cause the window to 
			// automatically maintain the shape of the window. setting it to false will disable auto updating, and unfill the screen. 						= this.win_pos; 							= this.win_z;
		// special behaviour - fill screen, usage background cover etc. only 1 per page
		if (this.win_fill == true) {						= 'fixed';							= '0px';							= '0px';						= document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px';						= document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px';
			// fill screen - attach updater to window resize
			var wa_selfFill		= this;
			if (this.win_maintfill == true) {
				if (window.addEventListener) {
					window.addEventListener('resize', function() {  
					}, false);
					window.attachEvent('onresize', function() {  
			if (this.win_right !== false) { = this.win_right + 'px'; } else { = this.win_left + 'px'; }
			if (this.win_bottom !== false) { = this.win_bottom + 'px'; } else { = this.win_top + 'px'; }
			if (this.win_width != 0) {	 = this.win_width 	+ 'px'; } else { 	= 'auto'; }
			if (this.win_height != 0) { this.win_height 	+ 'px'; } else { 	= 'auto'; }
		if (this.win_obj.addEventListener) 					{ this.win_obj.addEventListener(this.win_handler, this.win_func, false); } 
																else { this.win_obj.attachEvent('on'+this.win_handler, this.win_func); }					= this.win_bg;							= this.win_padding	+ 'px';
		if (this.win_margin != 'auto') { = this.win_margin + 'px'; } else { = 'auto'; }							= this.win_bd_wd 	+ 'px solid ' + this.win_bd;
		if (this.win_bd_rt != '') 	= this.win_bd_rt;
		if (this.win_bd_tp != '') 		= this.win_bd_tp;
		if (this.win_bd_bt != '') 	= this.win_bd_bt;
		if (this.win_bd_lf != '') 	= this.win_bd_lf;							= this.win_cursor;							= this.win_overflow;							= this.win_alpha.toString();                  						= this.win_alpha.toString();               							= 'alpha(opacity='+ (this.win_alpha * 100) +')';						= this.win_talign;							= this.win_fontsize	+ 'px';
		// compatibility with 'hide' module
		if (this.hidden == false) = this.win_disp;
		this.win_obj.innerHTML 								= this.win_content;
		if (this.win_attached == false) { this.parentObj.appendChild(this.win_obj); this.win_attached = true; }
		return true; // successful init
	// special methods - effects for windows = function(centerPositions, maintainCenter, offset) {
		// center - places the window in the centre of the user's screen. set maintainCenter to true and this position will be kept even if
		// the window is resized.
		if (((this.win_pos != 'fixed') && (this.win_pos != 'absolute')) || (this.win_fill == true)) { return false; }
		var screenWidth 			= document.documentElement.clientWidth;
		var screenHeight 			= document.documentElement.clientHeight;
		var myWidth 				= this.win_obj.offsetWidth;
		var myHeight 				= this.win_obj.offsetHeight;
		var leftPos					= ((screenWidth / 2) - (myWidth / 2));
		var topPos					= ((screenHeight / 2) - (myHeight / 2));
		if (typeof offset == 'object') {
			leftPos += offset[0];
			topPos	+= offset[1];
		if ((centerPositions == 'left') || (centerPositions == 'both')) = leftPos + 'px';
		if ((centerPositions == 'top')  || (centerPositions == 'both')) 	= topPos + 'px';
		if (maintainCenter == true) {
			var wa_selfCenter = this;
			if (window.addEventListener) {
				window.addEventListener('resize', function() {;
				}, false);
				window.attachEvent('onresize', function() {;
		return true;
	this.fade = function(fadeSpeed, opacityLimit, runWhenFinished) {
		// fade - toggle method - the object will be faded in if currently hidden, and faded out if currently visible.
		var stepDefault	= 20;
		var stepNumber	= fadeSpeed * stepDefault;
		var stepSize	= 1 / stepNumber;
		var wa_selfFade = this;
		if (opacityLimit == null) opacityLimit = 0;
		if (interval != null) clearInterval(interval);
		// user call - prepare fade
		if (this.win_fade == 'visible') {
			// start fade out
			var tempAlpha = 1; // just in case
			wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
			var interval = setInterval(function() {
				tempAlpha = parseFloat(;
				tempAlpha = tempAlpha - stepSize;
				wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
				if (tempAlpha <= (0 + opacityLimit)) {
					tempAlpha = (0 + opacityLimit);
					wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
		= 'none';
					wa_selfFade.win_fade				= 'invisible';
					if (runWhenFinished != null) runWhenFinished();
					clearInterval				(interval);
			}, (1000 / stepDefault));
			// start fade in
			var tempAlpha = 0; // just in case
			wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';	= 'block';
			var interval = setInterval(function() {
				tempAlpha = parseFloat(;
				tempAlpha = tempAlpha + stepSize;
				wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
				if (tempAlpha >= (1 - opacityLimit)) {
					tempAlpha = (1 - opacityLimit);
					wa_selfFade.win_alpha					= tempAlpha; 		= tempAlpha;	= tempAlpha;		= 'alpha(opacity='+ (tempAlpha * 100) +')';
					wa_selfFade.win_fade				= 'visible';
					if (runWhenFinished != null) runWhenFinished();
					clearInterval				(interval);
			}, (1000 / stepDefault));
		return true;
	this.setLocation = function( toLeft, toTop, domMove ) {
		// this is a shortcut for setting the position of a window
		if ( ! domMove ) { 
			this.win_top = toTop;
			this.win_left = toLeft;
		} else { = toLeft + 'px'; = toTop + 'px';
		return true;
	this.move = function(toTop, toLeft, time, runWhenFinished) {
		// time is the length of time for the move. To be smooth, the move needs about a frame per 5 pixels of movement, regardless of time.
		if (runWhenFinished == null) runWhenFinished = function() {  };
		if ( (toTop == this.win_top) && (toLeft == this.win_left) ) return false;
		// first, calculate the distance to be travelled on both sides
		var topDis = toTop - this.win_top;
		var leftDis = toLeft - this.win_left;
		// pick the bigger one
		if (Math.abs(topDis) >= Math.abs(leftDis)) { var moveDis = Math.abs(topDis); } else { var moveDis = Math.abs(leftDis); }
		// divide by the time to get how many pixels we have to move per second
		var pps = moveDis / time;
		var smoothSteps = ((1 / time) * 4);
		var fps = pps / smoothSteps;
		// we know the number of frames per second. Now, we need to know how far to move in each direction per step. Multiply the fps by the time,
		// to get the total steps then divide the total distance by the total steps to get a value.
		var totalSteps = fps * time;
		if (topDis > 0) { var topMove = smoothSteps; } else if (topDis < 0) { var topMove = (smoothSteps * -1); } else { var topMove = 0; }
		if (leftDis > 0) { var leftMove = smoothSteps; } else if (leftDis < 0) { var leftMove = (smoothSteps * -1); } else { var leftMove = 0; }
		var wa_selfMove = this;
		var i = 0;
		var interval = setInterval(function() {
			var newTop = wa_selfMove.win_top + topMove;
			var newLeft = wa_selfMove.win_left + leftMove;
			wa_selfMove.setLocation(newTop, newLeft);
			if (i >= totalSteps) { wa_selfMove.setLocation(toTop, toLeft); clearInterval(interval); runWhenFinished(); }
			i ++;
		}, (1000 / fps));
	this.hide = function () {
		this.hidden = true; = 'none';
		return true;
	}; = function () {
		this.hidden = false; = 'block';
		return true;
	this.addScriptEvent = function(eventHandler, eventFunction) {
		if (this.win_obj.addEventListener) { 
			this.win_obj.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, false); 
			this.win_obj.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction); 
	return true;

function wa_element(elementType) {
	// element -- wa building block. elements can be of any type, but if a div, use of wa_window is recommended. element offers a greater level of control, but less automation than
	// 				windows. elementType must be a valid html element.
	if (elementType == null) return false;
	this.ele_obj = document.createElement(elementType);
	this.attach = function(attachTo, attachWhere) {
		// attachWhere can be [append, before]. if blank, append is used.
		if (attachTo == null) return false;
		if (attachWhere == null) var attachWhere = 'append';
		switch (attachWhere) {
			case 'after':
			case 'before':
				attachTo.parentNode.insertBefore(this.ele_obj, attachTo);
				return false;
		return true;
	this.addScriptEvent = function(eventHandler, eventFunction) {
		if (this.ele_obj.addEventListener) { 
			this.ele_obj.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, false); 
			this.ele_obj.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction); 
	this.destroy = function() {
		var selfElement = this.ele_obj;
		selfElement = null;
		return false;
	return true;

$(document).ready( function( $ ) {
	wa_window.prototype = new wa_document;
	wa_element.prototype = new wa_document;

// handy functions
// arrays
function in_array ( needle, haystack, recursive ) {
	if ( recursive == true ) {
		for ( var i in haystack ) { //var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( ( typeof haystack[i] == 'object' ) && ( typeof haystack[i] != 'function' ) ) {
				var t = in_array ( needle, haystack[i], true );
				if ( t == true ) return t;
			} else {
				if ( haystack[i] == needle ) return true;
		return false;
	} else {
		if ( typeof haystack != 'object' ) return false;
		for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i ++ ) {
			if ( haystack[i] == needle ) return true;
		return false;

function sort_array_multi(array, id, direction) {
	// this function sorts a multi-dimentional array into numerical order based
	// on an id field in one of the sets.
		// e.g. [0] = [1, hi]
		// 		[1] = [3, test]
		//		[2] = [2, boo]
	// where [#][0] is the id field would be sorted to [0], [2], [1] is acsending order etc.
	if (typeof array != 'object') return false;
	if ( (direction != 'ascending') && (direction != 'descending') ) { direction = 'descending'; }
	if (typeof id != 'number') id = 0;
	var index = []; // the index array is what keeps track of the ids in the array before sorting
	for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) {
		index[i] = array[i][id] + '::' + i;
	// first, sort the index array into the correct order.
	index.sort(function(a,b) { 
								var ta =  a; var tb = b;
								ta = ta.substr(0, ta.indexOf('::'));
								tb = tb.substr(0, tb.indexOf('::'));
								if (direction == 'ascending') { return (ta - tb); } else { return (tb - ta); }
	// the index array is now in the right order. build a new array with full content based off the order in the index array.
	var newArray = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < index.length; i ++) {
		var aid = index[i].substr(index[i].indexOf('::') + 2);
		newArray[i] = array[aid];
	return newArray;

function echo_nodes_recursive ( parent ) {
	var nex = '';
	if ( ! parent.childNodes ) { 
		if (parent.nodeValue) if (parent.nodeValue != '') return parent.nodeValue; 
		return false; 
	} else
	if (parent.childNodes.length == 0) { 
		if (parent.nodeValue) if (parent.nodeValue != '') return parent.nodeValue; 
		return false; 
	for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i ++) {
		var nex2 = echo_nodes_recursive(parent.childNodes[i]);
		if (nex2 != false) nex = nex + nex2;
	return nex;

// internet explorer
function ie_create_document() {
	if (typeof ActiveXObject == 'undefined') return false;
	var implementations = ['Microsoft.XMLDOM', 'Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0', 'MSXML2.DOMDocument', 'MSXML.DOMDocument'];
	for (var ii in implementations) {
		try {
			var r = new ActiveXObject(implementations[ii]);
			return r;
		} catch (e) {}
	return false;

function ie_getElementById(parent, id) {
	// parent should be document or an AJAX return etc.
	if (parent.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
	for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i ++) {
		if (parent.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
			var at = parent.childNodes[i].attributes;
			at = at.getNamedItem('id');
			if (at != null) if (at.value == id) return parent.childNodes[i];

		var t = ie_getElementById(parent.childNodes[i], id);
		if (typeof t == 'object') return t;
	return false;

function ie_cloneNode(node, cloned) {
	// clone a node to avoid the stupid IE no such interface error
	var current;
	if (!cloned) {
		current = document.createElement(node.nodeName);
	} else {
		current = cloned.appendChild(document.createElement(node.nodeName));
	for (var j = 0; j < node.attributes.length; j++) {
		current.setAttribute(node.attributes[j].nodeName, node.attributes[j].nodeValue);
	for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
		if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
			ie_cloneNode(node.childNodes[i], current);
		} else if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) {
			var text = document.createTextNode(node.childNodes[i].nodeValue);
	return current;

// events
function wa_attach(object, eventHandler, eventFunction, useCapture) {
	if ( useCapture == null ) useCapture = false;
	if (object.addEventListener) { 
		if ( eventHandler == 'mouseenter' ) {
			object.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseMove( eventFunction ), useCapture); 
		} else if ( eventHandler == 'mouseleave' ) {
			object.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseMove( eventFunction ), useCapture); 
		} else {
			object.addEventListener(eventHandler, eventFunction, useCapture);
		object.attachEvent('on' + eventHandler, eventFunction); 

function mouseMove ( eventFunction ) {
	return function (e) {
		var target = e.relatedTarget;
		if ( ( this === target ) || ( wa_isChild ( target, this) ) ) { return; } ( this, e );

function wa_isChild ( childTest, parentTest ) {
	if ( childTest === parentTest ) return false;
	while ( childTest && ( childTest !== parentTest ) ) {
		try { childTest = childTest.parentNode; }
		catch ( e ) { return true; }
	return ( childTest === parentTest );

function wa_getObjPos ( object ) {
	var curleft = curtop = 0;
	if ( object.offsetParent ) {
		do {
			curleft += object.offsetLeft;
			curtop  += object.offsetTop;
		} while ( object = object.offsetParent );
	return [ curleft, curtop ];

function mousex ( e ) {
	// read event, return mouse x pos
	if ( !e ) var e = window.event;
	if ( e.pageX ) {
		var r = e.pageX;
	else if ( e.clientX ) {
		var r = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
	return r;

function mousey ( e ) {
	// read event, return mouse x pos
	if ( !e ) var e = window.event;
	if ( e.pageY ) {
		var r = e.pageY;
	else if ( e.clientY ) {
		var r = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
	return r;

var wikiapps = true;