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(\__/) (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination
Photos I have taken
=Built Environment
- Pejar Dam near Goulburn - 14 June 2006.
- National Archives of Australia - 19 May 2007.
- Eastern Suburbs Railway plaque - 20 May 2007.
- St. James Building in Elizabeth Street, Sydney - 20 May 2007.
- St. James Building sign - 20 May 2007.
- Amaroo Park hillclimb - 27 January 2008.
- Amaroo Park sign - 27 January 2008.
- Dorrigo Steam Railway and Museum - 17 August 2005.
- Chief of Army (Australia) vehicle - 25 April 2008.
- The driveway entrance off McDermott Drive.
- Buildings inside the college grounds.
Natural Environment
Image:Joshuatreesydney.jpg|Joshua Tree at Cook and Phillip Park, Sydney - 20 May 2007. File:Dangar Falls Dorrigo (1).JPG|Dangar Falls at Dorrigo, New South Wales - 17 August 2005. Image:The Gap looking north.JPG|The Gap, New South Wales looking north - 1 October 2006. Image:The Gap looking south.JPG|The Gap, New South Wales looking south- 1 October 2006.
Image:William Schey.jpg|William Schey - 27 January 2008. Image:Peter Cosgrove.jpg|Peter Cosgrove - 25 April 2008. Image:Admiral Russ Shalders.jpg|Vice Admiral Russ Shalders - 25 April 2008. Image:Ken Gillespie.jpg|Ken Gillespie - 25 April 2008. Image:General Peter Leahy.jpg|Peter Leahy - 25 April 2008. Image:Angus Houston.jpg|Angus Houston - 25 April 2008.