User:R160K/Uzanto Universala/script.js
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
//–Read cefserva from page
//-Read uzanto and pagspeco from page
//-Read requestingWiki from url
//-Scrape styles from original userpage
function displayUserpage()
//Ĉefserva Paĝo, Uzanto and Paĝspeco (###Eventually these data should be read from something, perhaps a template, on the userpage itself###)
//This link points to the service the user's main account is on
cefserva = ""; //###perhaps change the name of this variable to make it clearer that it is just ĉefservo###
uzanto = "R160K";
pagspeco = "User";
packetNo = 1;
//This project:
requestingWiki = "";
if (cefserva == requestingWiki) {return false};
//build string and make IFRAME
cefservaPago = "https://" + cefserva + "/wiki/User:R160K/Uzanto_Universala/Ĉefserva_Paĝo#uzanto=" + escape(uzanto) + "&pagspeco="
+ escape(pagspeco) + "&requestingwiki=" + escape(requestingWiki) + "&packetno=" + packetNo;
document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML = '<span id="loadStatus" style="text-align:center; ">Loading...</span><br /> \
<IFRAME id="cefservaFramo" src="'+cefservaPago+'" style="visibility:hidden; "></IFRAME>';
//make string-building variables static and shared
//###eventually there should be a shared string-building, returning function for building the ĉefserva paĝo###
displayUserpage.cefserva = cefserva;
displayUserpage.uzanto = uzanto;
displayUserpage.pagspeco = pagspeco;
displayUserpage.requestingWiki = requestingWiki;
//function to receive data packets from relay frame
function receivePacket(packetNo, numPackets, packet)
//add the received packet to the function's shared data variable += unescape(packet);
//update the status <span> on the userpage
document.getElementById('loadStatus').innerText = "Packets loaded: " + packetNo + " of " + numPackets;
//check if this is the last packet
if (packetNo == numPackets)
//this is the last packet
//display data on the page
document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML =;
//this is not the last
//increment the packet number
packetNo = 1 + packetNo * 1;
//change the hash of the ĉefserva paĝo
//build string
cefservaPago = "https://" + displayUserpage.cefserva + "/wiki/User:R160K/Uzanto_Universala/Ĉefserva_Paĝo#uzanto=" + escape(displayUserpage.uzanto) + "&pagspeco="
+ escape(displayUserpage.pagspeco) + "&requestingwiki=" + escape(displayUserpage.requestingWiki) + "&packetno=" + packetNo;
//fire string
var theFrame = document.getElementById("cefservaFramo");
theFrame.src = cefservaPago;
//function to be run on the Ĉefserva Paĝo
function runCefservaPago()
//this wiki ###eventually this needs to be read from the page, perhaps###
currentService = "";
//extract variables from url
//###come back later and do this using # instead of ? – should allow pages to load from the cache and result in quicker loading.###
partToScan = location.hash;
uzanto = partToScan.split("uzanto=")[1].split("&")[0];
uzanto = unescape(uzanto);
pagspeco = partToScan.split("pagspeco=")[1].split("&")[0];
pagspeco = unescape(pagspeco);
requestingWiki = partToScan.split("requestingwiki=")[1].split("&")[0];
requestingWiki = unescape(requestingWiki);
packetNo = partToScan.split("packetno=")[1].split("&")[0];
packetNo = packetNo * 1;
//Scraper URL to load
scraperUrlToLoad = "https://" + currentService + "/wiki/" + pagspeco + ":" + uzanto;
//load the userpage content of the cefservaPago
//document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML = "Test";
var quots = '"';
document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML = "<iframe id='scraperFrame' src='"+scraperUrlToLoad+"' style='visibility:hidden; ' onload='relayInfo("+quots+requestingWiki+quots+","+quots+packetNo+quots+")'></iframe> \
<iframe id='relayFrame' name='relayFrame' src=''></iframe>";
//function to scrape the user or user_talk page data from the frame
function relayInfo(requestingWiki, packetNo)
//extract and escape body content
sourceWin = document.getElementById("scraperFrame").contentWindow;
sourceDoc = sourceWin.document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML;
sourceDoc = escape(sourceDoc);
//maximum packet size is 1975 bytes
maxPacketSize = 1975;
//calculate number of packets required
numPackets = Math.ceil(sourceDoc.length / maxPacketSize);
//calculate start position for current packet
packetStart = maxPacketSize * (packetNo - 1);
//get packet
packet = sourceDoc.substr(packetStart, maxPacketSize);
//Build URL:
//relay URL to load
relayUrlToLoad = "https://" + requestingWiki + "/wiki/User:R160K/Uzanto_Universala/Loca_Framo#packetNo="
+ packetNo +"&numPackets=" + numPackets + "&data=" + packet;
//load url (or change hash)
document.getElementById("relayFrame").contentWindow.location = relayUrlToLoad;
//function to request a new packet when the hash is changed
function nextPacket(evt)
partToScan = location.hash;
requestingWiki = partToScan.split("requestingwiki=")[1].split("&")[0];
requestingWiki = unescape(requestingWiki);
packetNo = partToScan.split("packetno=")[1].split("&")[0];
packetNo = packetNo * 1;
relayInfo(requestingWiki, packetNo)
function runLocaFramo(evt)
topFrame = window.parent.parent;
//extract values from URL
partToScan = location.hash;
packetNo = partToScan.split("packetNo=")[1].split("&")[0];
numPackets = partToScan.split("numPackets=")[1].split("&")[0];
data = partToScan.split("data=")[1].split("&")[0];
packetNo = packetNo * 1;
numPackets = numPackets * 1;
//send packets to grandparent window
grandParent = window.parent.parent;
//This is the basic script that is run when any page loads
//Create a string from URI-typed location
var pageURL = window.location + "";
//Check if page loaded is a userpage
if (pageURL.lastIndexOf("User:R160K") == pageURL.length - "User:R160K".length)
//It is a userpage
//initialise shared packet receiver variable = "";
//begin the process of displaying the other-wiki userpage
//Check if page loaded is a Ĉefserva Paĝo
if (pageURL.lastIndexOf("User:R160K/Uzanto_Universala/Ĉefserva_Paĝo") >= 0 || pageURL.lastIndexOf("Uzanto_Universala/%C4%88efserva_Pa%C4%9Do") >= 0)
//add handler for hashchange event
window.onhashchange = nextPacket;
//initialise the Ĉefserva Paĝo.
//Check if page loaded is a Ĉefserva Paĝo
if (pageURL.lastIndexOf("User:R160K/Uzanto_Universala/Loca_Framo") >= 0)
window.onhashchange = runLocaFramo;