Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

User:Dfrg.msc/test site

<Riana> a <Riana> so now, everytime you sign in <Riana> you have to go /ns identify password

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RfA Thanks

Dear Dfrg.msc, 
 ______  __                       __                               __     
/\__  _\/\ \                     /\ \                             /\ \    
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   \ \ \ \ \  _ `\  /'__`\  /' _ `\ \ , <  /\ \/\ \  / __`\/\ \/\ \\ \ \  
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      \/_/  \/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/`/___/> \/___/  \/___/   \/_/
For your contribution to My RfA, which passed with 8000 Supports, 2 Neutrals and no opposes.    

The standards and dedication of the English Wikipeidan Administrators is excellent and I am privileged to stand among them. Thankyou for putting you trust in me, I'll not see it abused. And now, I will dance naked around a fire. Party at my place! Cheers! Dfrg.msc 09:56, 15 October 2007 (UTC)

Welcome to the Jungle

Please accept your honorary grrBathrobe Cabal Slippers... Of Doom!

Welcome brother, to our Bathrobe Cabal. Please familiarize yourself with the aims of the The Illustrious and Honorable Bathrobe Cabal of Wikipedia.

As is customary, the welcome song shall be sung:

Welcome to the jungle! We got fun n' games, We got everything you want. Honey, we know the names. We are the people that can find - Whatever you may need. If you got the money honey; We got your disease. In the jungle! Welcome to the jungle! Watch it bring you to your shunn,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees; I wanna watch you bleed!

If you have a suggestion for the advancement of the Bathrobe Cabal of Wikipedia; or a country you would like to see invaded, please direct your comment to the Bathrobe Cabal diabolical discussion page. Stay Frosty! Dfrg_msc 05:59, 7 February 2008 (UTC)


Collapsible sec

W O R M S    A G A I N S T    N U C L E A R    K I L L E R S
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       \_\  /__\  /____/ /______\ \____| |__\ | |____| |_\ \_/
         \                                                 /
          \    Your System Has Been Officically WANKed    /
    You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.

23:59, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

g>SsksamKxmXL,L,LXX,XLX, == My RfA ==LIBYA YAHYA BOROIK Sara Bonnita true tb dj wrld- Must listen Bhm.wwweneverxxxxD:-)

Dear Dfrg.msc, thank you for you efforts to build consensus on my RfA. As you know, it was unsuccessful. I am not the type of editor to be disheartened by such a result, and have gained much experience.

I will run again, however I am concerned that I may see your name in the same place, for the same reasons. I would greatly appreciate knowing what I could do to earn your support next time.

If you have anything to contribute by way of improvements or comments, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Kind regards, Dfrg.msc 00:27, 10 June 2007 (UTC)

Fool! You destroyed it all! You blew all up! NOO! Culverin? 11:25, 13 September 2007 (UTC)