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* HAPPI gadget
* This gadget is part of a research study being conducted by the
* GroupLens Research lab at the University of Minnesota. Please see
* the consent form at
* If you have questions/comments/suggestions, please direct them to
* User:EpochFail.
* importScript("User:EpochFail/HAPPI.js")
* importScript("User:Csewiki/vector.js");
* importStylesheet('User:Csewiki/vector.css');
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function getPgName (unwatchLink){
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function onClick(e) {
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sajax_do_call('wfAjaxWatch', [inProgress, action], showResult);
return false;
function showResult (request) {
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/*** Start editing here ***/
// When you want to end your break?
// no leading zeroes. (example: 7 - correct, 07 - incorrect)
var date = { year: 2011, month: 2, day: 26};
var time = { hours: 20, minutes: 22, seconds: 0 };
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