Template:Commodity Commodities and commoditizationSoft commoditiesGeneral Barley Cocoa Coffee Cotton Corn Cottonseed oil Flaxseed Frozen orange juice Oat Olive oil Palm oil Peanut oil Potatoes Rapeseed Rice Rye Rubber Soybean Soybean oil Sugar Tea Wheat Animals &animal products Ambergris Bristle Butter Cashmere Civet Feathers Feeder cattle Lean Hog Live cattle Goats Hide (skin) Horses Ivory Lard Milk Musk Pet industry Pork bellies Pork belly futures Sheep Silk Sponges Tallow Whalebone Wool Wool tops Hard commoditiesEnergy Coal Compressed hydrogen Crude oil Ethanol Heating oil Natural gas Propane Thorium Uranium Industrial metals Aluminium Aluminium alloy Cobalt Copper Lead Molybdenum Nickel Steel Tin Zinc Precious metals Gold Palladium Platinum Silver Organizations Commodity market Futures contract Futures exchange List of commodities exchanges List of futures exchanges Laws Commodity Exchange Act Miscellaneous Commodification Commoditization Commodification of nature Commodification of water Commodity status of animals Fictitious commodities Heritage commodification Economic value Exchange value Price Use value/utility List of traded commodities