Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

Suriname Stock Exchange

Suriname Stock Exchange
TypeStock exchange
LocationParamaribo, Suriname
Founded1 Januari 1994
OwnerVereniging voor de Effectenhandel in Suriname (VvES)
CurrencySurinamese dollar (SRD)
No. of listings12

The Suriname Stock Exchange (SSX) is the stock exchange of Suriname. It is being organized by an association called the Vereniging voor de Effectenhandel in Suriname (VvES), and it was founded on 1 January 1994.[1]

The trade in stocks does not happen on a daily base, but twice a month on the first and third Thursday.[2] In 2014 the National Assembly adopted the Law Capital Market (Wet Kapitaalmarkt), in line with a demand of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force.[3][4] In 2019 the VvES and the Surinamese American financial technological company OuroX signed a memorandum of understanding to found a digital stock exchange, in accordance to obligations that are provided in the law.[5] According to the law the stock exchange should have been suborderd to the Central Bank of Suriname. Both are not yet realized (as per 2023).[1][6][7]

Some notable moments out of the history of the stock exchange are the subscription to US$55 million stocks of Staatsolie Suriname NV in 2010, the move from Buiten-Sociëteit Het Park to the trainingcenter of Assuria in 2011 and the launch of the website in the same year.[1]


  • Assuria NV
  • NV Consolidated Industries Corporation (CIC)
  • De Surinaamsche Bank NV
  • NV Elgawa
  • Hakrinbank NV
  • NV Surinaamse Assurantie Maatschappij Self Reliance
  • Staatsolie Suriname NV
  • Surinaamse Brouwerij NV
  • NV Hotelmaatschappij Torarica
  • Varossieau Suriname NV
  • NV Verenigde Surinaamse Holdingmij (VSH)
  • NV VSH Foods (formerly Margarine- en Vettenfabriek NV, since 2000 part of VSH

See also


  1. ^ a b c Dagblad Suriname, Vereniging voor Effectenhandel in Suriname herdenkt 25-jarig bestaan, 13 January 2019 (in Dutch)
  2. ^ Assuria, Suriname Stock Exchange (in Dutch)
  3. ^ Dagblad Suriname, Wet Kapitaalmarkt door DNA, 19 May 2014 (in Dutch)
  4. ^ National Assembly, Wet Kapitaalmarkt 2014 (in Dutch)
  5. ^ United News, De eerste stap naar de moderne digitale effectenbeurs voor Suriname, 29 April 2019 (in Dutch)
  6. ^ Dagblad Suriname, Effectenbeurs moet binnen twee jaar onder Centrale Bank vallen, 12 December 2014 (in Dutch)
  7. ^ Starnieuws, Uitgifte Centrale Bank Certificaten deze maand, 5 juni 2023 (in Dutch)