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:I said: "I would ask any uninvolved admin active on 3RRNB <u>on their talk page</u>." ''Would'' ask [if that was needed]. [[User:My very best wishes|My very best wishes]] ([[User talk:My very best wishes#top|talk]]) 15:18, 5 June 2018 (UTC) |
:I said: "I would ask any uninvolved admin active on 3RRNB <u>on their talk page</u>." ''Would'' ask [if that was needed]. [[User:My very best wishes|My very best wishes]] ([[User talk:My very best wishes#top|talk]]) 15:18, 5 June 2018 (UTC) |
:Siebert, MVBW is a longtime editor in many topic areas and hundreds of editors who've interacted with him know that he is not an edit-warrior and that he's the first to disengage and change his approach when there's valid reason. Your aggressive conduct including a battleground tone at AN3 board is only demonstrating to everyone where any problem lies in this matter. [[User:SPECIFICO |<b style="color: #0011FF;"> SPECIFICO</b>]][[User_talk:SPECIFICO | ''talk'']] 16:23, 5 June 2018 (UTC) |
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Revision as of 16:23, 5 June 2018
Yo Ho Ho
- Thank you! Let's hope for the best, but the future does not look good. Here is what I really think:
Epigraph: "Отдалась лихому супостату" (Voloshin)
Что ж ты, моя Родина несчастная,
Обернулась Бабою-Ягой -
Не Людмилой, пленницей прекрасною,
А Наиной с ядерной клюкой?
"Буками" и "Градами" хрипящая,
В пепле отвратительных побед,
Ты - не мать, не девица гулящая,
А с зубами баба-людоед.
Ты сожрала бедную Абхазию,
Крымский полуостров и Донбасс.
Ты бы съела целую Евразию,
Исполняя сталинский наказ.
Ты не помнишь собственной Истории,
Жжет шовинистический угар.
Ты сжигаешь жизни в крематории,
Где шурует Путлер-кочегар.
Ты взвинтила ложью до истерики
Своего Ивана-дурака,
И уже на выборы в Америке
Тянется костлявая рука…
На зловещих часах
Приближается полночь -
Целый мир на весах
Призывает на помощь.
Торжествуют ИГИЛ
И Осама Бен Ладен:
Восстает из могил
Президент Ку-клукс-кладен.
Все подвластно eму.
Он страну обезглавил.
В белоснежном дому
Будет жить Желтый Дьявол[1].
Будут Штаты "Совком" -
Как спланировал Путин:
"Вашингтонский Обком"
И Нью-Йоркский Распутин.
- ^ Reference to the “The City of Yellow Devil” by Maksim Gorky.
- They represent my own vision of the future, also. The second poem, in particular, sent chills through me. Joy to the world. --Iryna Harpy (talk) 21:42, 25 December 2016 (UTC)
- One Russian pundit said: "In three years from now Americans will not recognize their country". And I think that people are responsible even in countries without free elections:
Разве вы не знаете, граждане,
Что чекисты взорвали ваши квартиры
И рука их не дрогнет чтоб каждого,
Каждого из вас замочить в сортире?
Разве вы не видите что пропаганда
Распинает вас, как мальчиков, на голубых экранах,
И поэтому свирепствует Луганда
В разоренных руссофилами странах?
Разве ты не знаешь, Ксения,
Что отец твой был отравлен своим чекистом?
Ведь не будет и тебе спасения
От чекистской "милости" нечистой!
Время возвращается вспять,
И решает банда вурдалаков в погонах:
Может быть увезти вас на Север опять -
Вдоль по тундре, да в телячьих вагонах?
Впрочем, нет, зачем же им городить Гулаг
И охранять заполярные колонии?
Проще ведь пристрелить бунтарей как собак,
Или в Лондоне отравить полонием.
Вот уже и Немцов расстрелян,
Уничтожен как честь народа.
Список казней Кремлем заверен
И прозвучит как приговор террора.
Ну а кто-то скончается внезапно -
Галстуком задушен или простыл на ветру:
Этот "гад" уже не уйдет на Запад,
Даже если он офицер ГРУ.
В мерзлом воздухе страх клубится
И взывает Шаламов из ледяного ада:
“Люди, прошлое повторится!
Вертухаям верить не надо!”
Разве вы не знаете что народ виновен – всегда,
Даже если он дал себя обмануть?
Заедино холопы и господа
Выбирают гибельный путь.
BTW, there are very strange Presidential elections in Russia right now, especially given previous events in the life of one of the announced "candidates". In another country that could be something along the lines of the Hamlet, but in Russia this is classic Petrushka because Hamlet was already killed by the poisoned sword. So, here is my take on it:
To K.S.
Можно ли участвовать в выборах там, где выбирают убийцу?
Только лишь чтоб назвать всех убийц поименно.
И не важно, чекисты они, коммунисты или арийцы,
И какого цвета у них знамена.
Но только где же он, рыцарь слова и дела, -
Там, где даже кандидат приговоренный говорить боится?
Храбрый он, и воров разоблачил умело,
Только знает он, что не жулики они и не воры, а убийцы.
Просто те, что правду говорили, давно уже убиты,
Или отвернулись и уехали давно.
Те, что остались, - вертухаи да бандиты,
Или обмануты и им уже все равно.
И теперь на зачищенном поле
Выступают фальшивые партии и кандидаты.
Расскажите-ка о взрывах домов, ребята!
Где же, друже, ваша вольная воля?
Так зачем же ты мельтешишь, как Петрушка,
В балагане кроваваго Иудушки без лица?
Каждый ведь знает что ты - его игрушка,
Даром что он погубил твоего отца.
My very best wishes (talk) 17:30, 17 December 2017 (UTC)
But this is all predictable because Russia has been always like that for centuries. There is no hope. That's why the only possibility was to escape it, individually or as an entire nation. Here is my take on it.
To N.S. and other Ukrainian prisoners of conscience in Russia:
Страданье недолго, твой рот пересох.
Веление долга - как раненный вздох.
Твоя голодовка - как тот Гладомор,
Который горит как Майдана костер,
Та память, что в сердце народа звучит -
Ее не отнимут твои палачи!
Российского мира захлопнулась дверь:
Параша, решетки, ты - загнанный зверь,
Оскалены морды чекистских собак;
Придурков и вохры полощется стяг,
Три цвета, три Зоны замкнувший в себе,
Три слова, три буквы его: КГБ!
Конвойный уже заряжает наган,
Вокруг леденеет страна-Магадан,
Но нет же, твои побратимы не те,
Не те, что остались лежать в мерзлоте -
Замерзшие груды костей без гробов,
Останки безмолвно погибших рабов,
А те, что сбежали от рабства на Дон,
Где вольного мира последний кордон,
И те, что не станут терпеть и молчать,
А будут смеяться в лицо палачам.
Над телом и духом твоим не вольны
Опричники грязной гибридной войны!
Тебе эту долю дано пережить,
Чтоб "русского мира" позор обнажить.
Он веру свою причащает свинцом -
Да сгинет его вурдалачье лицо! -
Как сгинули лысый, очкастый гебил,
Что женщин в своей преисподней губил,
И тот коротышка, усатый рябил,
Которого этот гебил отравил.
Не зря переполнен толпой Мавзолей
Убийцы последних российских царей.
Династии новых царей-палачей
Не спится во тьме смертоносных ночей.
Он будет лежать, белобрысая тля,
У стен-саркофагов гробницы Кремля,
Где каждый убил пахана своего,
Чтоб страшное дело продолжить его.
My very best wishes (talk) 15:40, 18 December 2017 (UTC)
Happy Holidays
- Thank you! Not sure if you read and can evaluate texts on this page above, but I probably must publish my poetry elsewhere. This is actually a book with a narrative centered around certain non-political subject, but this is not the field of my professional expertise, so I do not care too much. My very best wishes (talk) 18:04, 22 December 2017 (UTC)
- This is very dense, and covers a lot of ground. Proficiency is required. If it was up to me, I would probably include explanatory notes similar to what I did here many years ago, using the asterisk star symbols to help the reader reflect on the content. Most of all, keep it coming, My very best wishes! Poeticbent talk 19:38, 22 December 2017 (UTC)
- Explanatory notes are fine, but understanding of arts is a complex process, just as understanding of science or religion. For example, trying to write poetry helps a lot to understand poetry by others. What I wrote above may sound strange, but it is in line with the general consensus on the subject, from the Russian state "beast" by Alexander Radishev (18th century) to the "Requiem to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17" by Andrei Orlov (21th century). But I'd like to quote Mikhail Lomonosov (18th century, loose translation):
Do not hope that centuries will pass
And the power of earthly kings will end in vain.
They were born to people just like you,
And there is no escape from them.
That prophecy has been accomplished in Russia, but main idea of Western democracy was to break this vicious cycle. Did they succeed? Yes, certainly, but after looking at certain politicians, it appears that Lomonosov got them right:
Их те ж родили человеки,
И нет спасения от них.
I could easily quote at least ten people about it, including those who committed suicide because they could not live in the totalitarian system, as they explained themselves:
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Esenin (the most popular Russian poet of 20th century): But the strangest of them was probably Joseph Brodsky, according to whom the purpose of the Great Leader (who was painted by him as Pied Piper of Hamelin) was extermination of his followers like rats [3]: Нас ведет крысолов, крысолов |
Happy New Year! My very best wishes (talk) 14:17, 30 December 2017 (UTC)
- Same to you! Poeticbent talk 18:24, 1 January 2018 (UTC)
- So, thinking about Brodsky and recent political events, it comes to this:
- Same to you! Poeticbent talk 18:24, 1 January 2018 (UTC)
"Нас ведет Крысолов... повтори!"
(Joseph Brodsky)
Нас ведет президент-крысолов,
И не важно он рыж или лыс -
Он предаст миллионы голов
За него голосующих крыс.
Он играет на дудочке лжи,
Испускает пленительный свист,
Обещает счастливую жизнь
Для толпы перепуганных крыс.
Но напрасно они голосят -
Ведь коварен вожак-крысоед.
Он утопит и их, и крысят
Под литавры кровавых побед.
Он - безумный Крысиный Король,
Что кусает их всех наугад,
И кончаются радость и боль
Для его деревянных солдат.
Как же так - лжепророк у руля
И отправит людей на убой -
Там где сходится с морем земля
И стучит похоронный прибой...
My very best wishes (talk) 13:34, 4 January 2018 (UTC)
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Pushkin: But I really should work on my scientific projects. Happy editing! My very best wishes (talk) 23:48, 8 January 2018 (UTC) |
Ты остался в России – зачем, почему?
Я желание жить с палачом не пойму.
Или может сумеешь ты правду сказать,
Чтобы черных его сапогов не лизать?
Или хочешь такую дорогу найти,
Чтобы вместе с толпой вслед за ним не ползти?
Ну а может быть просто Россия - твой дом,
И случился зловещий Стокгольмский синдром?
Или может быть это - работа твоя,
И язык, и любовь, и друзья, и семья?
Или может быть это - лишь дом и кровать:
Просто некуда было тебе уезжать...
Хочешь жить лишь своей незаметной судьбой,
И не думать, что ночью придут за тобой,
Или будешь ты с пулей в затылке лежать,
Потому что посмел Пахану возражать,
Или сам же решишься гашетку нажать,
Потому что нельзя от себя убежать?
Только проще покинуть страну - как тюрьму:
Жить рабом - это я не хочу никому.
Such is my personal perception... But speaking about Soviet literature, who described the best the horror of living in the country, the horror that most people did not really feel, being in the state of amnesia? Among prose writers, that was Varlam Shalamov. But in poetry, along with "Requiem", that were, for example,
Обкомы, горкомы, райкомы,
В подтеках снегов и дождей.
В их окнах, как бельма трахомы,
Давно никому не знакомы,
Безликие лики вождей.
С каждым днем всё диче и всё глуше
Мертвенная цепенеет ночь.
Смрадный ветр, как свечи, жизни тушит:
Ни позвать, ни крикнуть, ни помочь.
Мы бредим от удушья,
Спасите наши души,
спешите к нам.
Услышьте нас на суше,
Наш SOS всё глуше, глуше,
И ужас режет души
or maybe even German Plisetsky ([4]):
Труба, Труба! В день Страшного Суда
ты будешь мёртвых созывать сюда:
тех девочек, прозрачных, как слюда,
задавленных безумьем белоглазым,
и тех владельцев почернелых морд,
доставленных из подворотен в морг
и снова воскрешённых трубным гласом...
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Встреча с поэзией странная |
- I realize that continue editing from this non-anonymous account is not a good idea, but probably will still be back at some point and will occasionally watch this page. Please post here any notifications if needed. My very best wishes (talk) 21:31, 23 May 2018 (UTC)
1RR Violation
My very best wishes, this edit and this one constitute a 1RR violation. While it was likely unintentional, please remember that your intent in these edits is clearly to perform a partial revert of recent previous edits, and unlike my unintentional violation yesterday, your edits do not come close to being consecutive, and would likely be grounds for a block were you reported. Please take more care in the future. Vanamonde (talk) 04:05, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- Why do you think that my second edit was a revert? Revert to which version? I only rephrased a summary of several sources. Yes, during this rephrase some words from the old version were removed, however, when I previously consulted with admins about such edits, they explained that such edits would not be normally regarded as reverts. Undoing work by a previous contributor was not my intention. I kept it and only rephrased. My very best wishes (talk) 13:07, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- If you were merely copy-editing, it would be fine; but you reduced the section to approximately 40 percent of it's original length, and removed much of its content. Hence, a revert. Vanamonde (talk) 13:31, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- If you think that's important, I can ask an opinion of another, uninvolved admin. I do not think WP:3RR has anything to do with volumes of edits. For example, my first edit can indeed be reasonably viewed as a revert, even though this is only two words - based on the previous editing history of the page. But I am 100% sure my second edit was not a revert. Otherwise I would never do it or self-reverted immediately. Here is it after an additional automatic edit by bot. My intention was not to undo anything, but to reduce redundancies and explain/summarize more clearly for an ordinary reader what the sources tell. Note that the 2nd paragraph essentially repeats the first. Hence I merged two paragraphs together and rephrased three points of the criticism. That version or anything even remotely close to that version never existed in the history of the page. But OK, I got your point to be more careful with editing this page. My very best wishes (talk) 14:55, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- Please, keep in mind that Vanamonde is acting not as admin, but as an ordinary user. Your 15:27 revert and 22:19 revert are separated by less than 24 hours. This is at least a second breach of 1RR during last few days. taking into account that these violations are not technical, it may have certain consequences. Please, self-revert in next 24 hours.--Paul Siebert (talk) 19:43, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- Look, I never violated 1RR on this page. Not "the first time", and not "the second time". If I had any doubts, I would ask any uninvolved admin active on 3RRNB on their talk page. But I value their time, sorry. My very best wishes (talk) 19:53, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- Also, informally speaking, yes, I understand that you selected your username after German code name of the famous agent and assassin Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, but we are not your enemies. My very best wishes (talk) 01:08, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- Please, keep in mind that Vanamonde is acting not as admin, but as an ordinary user. Your 15:27 revert and 22:19 revert are separated by less than 24 hours. This is at least a second breach of 1RR during last few days. taking into account that these violations are not technical, it may have certain consequences. Please, self-revert in next 24 hours.--Paul Siebert (talk) 19:43, 4 June 2018 (UTC)
- It is a very nice hypothesis, bravo! I checked, and you appear to be right: Kuznetsov's name was Paul Siebert, not Kurt Siebert, as Bellamy wrongly claimed. Alas, Paul Siebert is a very common name, so this your hypothesis is just a hypothesis. By the way, this search demonstrates your DS warning expired. I think, it makes sense to refresh it.--Paul Siebert (talk) 01:34, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
Please carefully read this information:
The Arbitration Committee has authorised discretionary sanctions to be used for pages regarding Eastern Europe, a topic which you have edited. The Committee's decision is here.
Discretionary sanctions is a system of conduct regulation designed to minimize disruption to controversial topics. This means uninvolved administrators can impose sanctions for edits relating to the topic that do not adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, our standards of behavior, or relevant policies. Administrators may impose sanctions such as editing restrictions, bans, or blocks. This message is to notify you that sanctions are authorised for the topic you are editing. Before continuing to edit this topic, please familiarise yourself with the discretionary sanctions system. Don't hesitate to contact me or another editor if you have any questions.- Irrespective to your hypothesis on my nick name's origin, I still believe you are not right: you are engaged in civil POV-pushing, and even commit technical violations of edit war rules. I recommend you to stop it.--Paul Siebert (talk) 01:40, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- OK, since you know the subject, here is one question I am not sure about. Who was the prototype for the main hero in "Podvig Razvedchika" (Secret Agent (1947 film))? Was it Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov or Nikolai Khokhlov? My very best wishes (talk) 02:21, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- Irrespective to your hypothesis on my nick name's origin, I still believe you are not right: you are engaged in civil POV-pushing, and even commit technical violations of edit war rules. I recommend you to stop it.--Paul Siebert (talk) 01:40, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- I would prefer to focus on the main topic of the current thread.--Paul Siebert (talk) 02:27, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- But this main topic is so boring. Do not you think? My very best wishes (talk) 02:29, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- I would prefer to focus on the main topic of the current thread.--Paul Siebert (talk) 02:27, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
We think your evasions are boring. But if you want fresh meat, let's revisit your 1RR of 'Debate on Famine'. That isn't self-reverted until you place it in the same location you found it. Please do so.GPRamirez5 (talk) 04:25, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- @GPRamirez5. Who are "we"? My very best wishes (talk) 16:07, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
Well, it seems a 24 hr period has passed. You refused to self-revert, so I reluctantly decided to follow your advice and ask for a help from an uninvolved admin.--Paul Siebert (talk) 04:44, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- I said: "I would ask any uninvolved admin active on 3RRNB on their talk page." Would ask [if that was needed]. My very best wishes (talk) 15:18, 5 June 2018 (UTC)
- Siebert, MVBW is a longtime editor in many topic areas and hundreds of editors who've interacted with him know that he is not an edit-warrior and that he's the first to disengage and change his approach when there's valid reason. Your aggressive conduct including a battleground tone at AN3 board is only demonstrating to everyone where any problem lies in this matter. SPECIFICO talk 16:23, 5 June 2018 (UTC)