AA | This user believes affirmative action is an excuse for not addressing the root of inequality. |
 | This user supports the legalization and taxation of all drugs for adults. |
 | This user support stricter recycling regulations. |
File:Pistol Browning SFS.jpg | This user supports gun ownership to protect against tyranny. |
 | This user has never supported the Iraq War |  |
File:Flagonfireimage2.jpg | This user strongly dislikes the United States. |
 | This user believes the U.S. should quit funding Isreal and their terrorism. |
 | This user is opposed to the censorship of a nude human body. |
 | This user supports the independence of Palestine. |
Future user boxes:
This user supports mandatory blast and fallout shelters in large buildings.
This user supports legalizing gambling.
This user supports giving Native Americans more land and money.
This user believes the U.S. would be a lot better if African-Americans were a majority in state and federal governments.
This user supports the legalization of adult prostitution.
This user supports euthanasia with certain restrictions and qualifications.
This user supports the nationalization of all public utilities.
This user supports clean elections.
This user is opposed to three-strike laws.
This user supports government operated safe shoot-up galleries.
This user believes the legal drinking age should be 18.
This user believes beef and other animal products should be highly taxed.
This user believes the minimum wage should rise with inflation.
This user support increasing the minimum wage.
This user supports laws mandating green buildings for all buildings by 2015.
This user supports laws mandating organic farming for all agriculture by 2020.
This user opposes disportionally using property taxes to fund education.
This user supports education reform.
This user supports universal free public education for Pre-K through 12 and higher education
This user is opposed to tracking criminals via GPS.
This user supports restricting mass surveillance.
This user is opposed to mandatory spousal notification of abortion.
This user is opposed to mandatory consent or notification of a minor to obtain an abortion.
This user believes the U.S. government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks
This user is opposed to a ban on assault weapons.
This user supports government provided universal single-payer health care.
This user supports paying college students for achieving good grades.
This user supports instant-runoff voting.
This user believes food, clothes, shelter, and adequate health care are basic human rights that every person should be entitled to regardless of income.
This user is opposed to banning alcoholic beverages in public, including parks and beaches.