"Ashita Sekai ga Owaru Nara" Released: September 19, 2012
"Hatsukoi" Released: November 28, 2012
Real is a studio album by the Japanese singer Mika Nakashima. The album was first released in Japan on January 30, 2013 (for the Valentine's Day season), in Regular and Limited editions.[1]
The non-single track "Kioku" was used as the Casio Sheen commercial song.[2] "Epilogue" was the ending theme song for the TV program GRACE OF JAPAN ~Shizen no Naka no Kami~.[citation needed]
This album debuted at number 1 in the Oricon weekly charts, and marked the first time in 4 years for the singer to top said chart for either a single or album since Voice (released in November 2008); it was also her first chart topping work in Japan after she made a comeback from the 6-month hiatus resulting from her patulous auditory tube disorder.
It has also been released in Taiwan and South Korea.
Some presses of the album come with a bookmark denoting the artist and album name on one side, and a picture of a flower with the words "Be Real...Be Mine" on the other side of the bookmark.
Three of the four singles on this album are songs from motion pictures (an uncommon feature among studio albums).