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Born | Saint-Étienne, France |
Website | www |
Olan (styles herself as ORLAN) is a French multi-media artist who uses sculpture, photography, performance, video, video games, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics as well as scientific and medical techniques such as surgery and biotechnology to question modern social phenomena. She has said that her art is not body art, but 'carnal art,' which lacks the suffering aspect of body art.[1]
Since the 1960s and the 1970s, Orlan has questioned the status of the body and the political, religious, social, and traditional pressures that are inscribed in it. Her work denounces the violence done to the body and in particular to women's bodies, and thus engages in a feminist struggle. She makes her body the privileged instrument where our own relationship to otherness is played out. This work of Orlan on the body is done in particular by the means of photography.
In 1976, for example, she walked the streets wearing a dress on which her naked body was represented. In the same period, in Portugal, she offered photos glued to wood and cut out corresponding to pieces of herself: an arm, a piece of breast, etc.
In 1977, Orlan performed Kiss of the artist (Baiser de l'artiste), during the International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC ), in the Grand Palais in Paris.[2] ORLAN displayed a life-size photograph of her own nude torso, which she sat behind. The life-sized photograph was turned into a slot machine. A spectator would insert a coin and could see it descending to the groin before being awarded a kiss from the artist herself. The installation created a scandal that cost the artist her teaching position.[3]
In 1978, she created the International Symposium of the Performance in Lyon, which she animated until 1982.
Her manifesto of "carnal art" (Manifeste de l'Art Charnel) is followed by a series of surgical operations- performances that she carries out between 1990 and 1993. With this series, the body of the artist becomes a place of public debate. These surgical operations - performances were widely publicized and provoked a strong polemic, although they represent only a tiny part of her integral work.
In 1982, with Frédéric Develay, she created the first online magazine of contemporary art, Art-Accès-Revue, on Minitel.
In her work of the late 1990s and early 2000s, "Self-Hybridations", the artist, through digital photography and computer graphics editing software, hybridizes faces from different cultures (Native American, pre-Columbian, African).
Orlan then attempted to further expand the boundaries of contemporary art by using biotechnology to create an installation entitled Harlequin Coat made from the artist's own cells and cells of human and animal origin.
At the same time, Orlan taught at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy. In 2005, she was awarded a one-year residency at the ISCP in New York by l'Association française d'action artistique (AFAA), and in 2006 she was invited to Los Angeles for a residency at the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Center's research laboratory.
In June 2013, she filed a complaint against Lady Gaga for plagiarism. For Orlan , the American star, in the album Born This Way released in 2011, was too freely inspired by her "hybridizations". In addition, the beginning of the video clip of the homonymous song shows Lady Gaga made up and decapitated recalling her "Woman with head" executed in 1996. The artist sought $31.7 million in compensation. The plea hearing had been set for July 7, 2016, at the Paris high court. A first verdict was announced in the disadvantage of Orlan , who then had to pay 20,000 euros to the singer, but the artist decided to appeal. In May 2018, the Paris Court of Appeal dismissed Orlan by confirming the absence of the parasitic nature of the video clip incriminated. Orlan was ordered to pay 10,000 euros, as costs incurred, to Lady Gaga.
She received the Grand Prix de le-Réputation 2013, organized by Alexia Guggemos in the visual arts category, which rewards the most popular personalities on the internet, alongside Philippe Starck and Yann Arthus-Bertrand
During the lockdown linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, she wrote her autobiography, '"Strip-Tease : tout sur ma vie, tout sur mon art" published by Gallimard in the collection Témoins de l'Art.
On November 29, 2021, she was decorated with the National Order of the Legion of Honor to the rank of Knight by the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot.[citation needed]
The Reincarnation of Sainte- ORLAN
In 1990, Orlan began The Reincarnation of Sainte- ORLAN. It involved a series of plastic surgeries through which the artist transformed herself into elements from famous paintings and sculptures of women. As a part of her "Carnal Art" manifesto, these works were filmed and broadcast in institutions throughout the world, such as the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris and the Sandra Gehring Gallery in New York.[4]
Orlan picked these characters, "not for the canons of beauty they represent... but rather on account of the stories associated with them." Orlan defines cosmetic surgery as "nomadic, mutant, shifting, differing." Orlan has stated, "my work is a struggle against the innate, the inexorable, the programmed, Nature, DNA (which is our direct rival as far as artists of representation are concerned), and God!".[5]
Being showcased in the Paris International Contemporary Art Fair.[6]
In the 2000s
In 2001, Orlan orchestrated a series of filmic posters, "Le Plan du Film," with various artists and writers. She collaborated in 2008 with the Symbiotica laboratory in Australia, resulting in the bio-art installation "The Harlequin's Coat."Part of Orlan's ongoing work includes "Suture/Hybridize/Recycle," a generative and collaborative series of clothing made from Orlan's wardrobe and focusing on suture: the deconstruction of past clothing reconstructed into new clothing that highlights the sutures.
It receives the Reputation on line Prize (Grand Prix de le-réputation) in 2013, organized by the art critic Alexia Guggemos, Plastic Arts category, which rewards the most popular personalities on the Internet alongside Phillipe Starck for design and Yann Arthus-Bertrand for photography.[7]
In 2018, Orlan created a robot in her own image, " Orlanoïde", equipped with collective and social artificial intelligence that speaks with her voice by reading texts from a text generator: presented at the Grand Palais, for the exhibition "Artists and Robots", the robot is also part of a performance entitled "Electronic and verbal striptease" and also benefits from a motion generator. It is a work in progress, currently, the developers of the Art and science gallery in Dublin are developing other capacities.[8]
In 2019, she was honored with the special prize of WOMAN OF THE YEAR, awarded by the Prince of Monte Carlo. Orlan is also appointed Professor Emeritus of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma.[9]
During the confinement in 2020, Orlan wrote her autobiography Strip-tease : tout sur ma vie, tout sur mon art published by Gallimard on the 3rd of June, 2021.[10]
On November 29, 2021, she was decorated with the National Order of the Legion of Honor with the rank of Knight by the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot
She is represented in France by the Ceysson & Bénétière Gallery. In September and October 2024, her work titled Corps-sculpture sans visage en mouvement dansant avec son ombre n°6 (1967) was included in Ceysson & Bénétière Gallery's group exhibition, Clairvoyant.[11]
- Catherine Millet/Bro, ORLAN SIX DECADES, Edition Hatje Cantz
- Yann Toma (dir.), ORLAN, "Les femmes qui pleurent sont en colère", par femme avec tête(s), Paris, Sorbonne Artgallery, éditions Jannink
- Ceysson B., Chauvel-Lévy L., Hill E., ORLAN avant ORLAN, Ceysson éditions d'Art
- Devilliers Laurence, Kyrou Ariel, Orlan, Martin V., Orlan-oïde robot hybride avec intelligence artificielle et collective, Éditions Lienart
- Neutres J., Rice S., Franck T., Monterosso J.-L., ORLAN EN CAPITALES, Éditions SKIRA Acquaviva F., Orlan Exogène, Éditions AcquAvivA
- Park Moon Soon, Soukyoun L., Jinsang Y., Grau D., Piguet P., Prieto I., Quaranta D., ORLAN TechnoBody Retrospective, 1966-2016, Éditions Scala
- Grau D., Meyer J.-R., Piguet P., Prieto I., Quaranta D., ORLAN, Striptease des cellules jusqu'à l'os, Éditions Scala, Paris
- ORLAN, Zoom baroque : Plis et déplis, Galleria Peccolo
- Baranovska I., Grenier C., Païni D., Rehm J.-P., ORLAN, L'art de la reine des masques, Gallery Michel Rein, Paris
- ORLAN, The Icon of the French Contemporary Art, House Neputns, Riga, Latvia
- ORLAN, L'art de la reine des masques, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris, Gallery Sejul, Séoul
- Benito Climent J. I., El Arte-Carnal En ORLAN, Hacia Una Estética Del Sacrificio, Devenir, Madrid
- ORLAN, L'origine de la Guerre, Musée D'Orsay, Paris[12]
- Bourriaud N., La Chance M. et Acos Palma R., Orlan Arte Carnal o cuerpo obsoleto / hibridaciones y refigurationes, Museum de Antioquia, Medellin, Museum of Modern Art, Bogota Colombia, Baere Bart de, Gregoir S., Van Mulders W., Besacier H., Charre A., ORLAN MesuRAGES (1968-2012)
- Action: ORLAN-body, Éditions du M HKA, Anvers
- Morelli A., Muyle J., Rollin P.-O., Est-ce que vous êtes Belge ? ORLAN, Yellow Now/ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles
- Morineau C., Chavanne B. et Buci-Glucksmann C., Un bœuf sur la langue ORLAN, Éditions Fage, Lyon
- Bonnafous-Boucher M., Ed Al Dante Aka; Ceci est mon corps. . . ceci est mon logiciel, coll. Cahiers du Midi – coll. de l'Académie royale des beaux- arts de Bruxelles, Bruxelles
- Bhabha H. K., Garelick R. K., Serres M., Tejeda I., Veneciano J. D., Virilio P. et Vu L., Faboulous Harlequin, ORLAN and the patchwork self
- Orlan, Virilio P., Transgression, transfiguration [conversation], L'Une et L'Autre, Paris
- Cruz Sanchez P. A., De la Villa R., Garelick R., Serres M., Tejeda I., Vu L., Orlan + davidelfi n, SUTURE-HYBRIDISATION-RECYCLING, held at Espacio Artes Visuales, Éditions E. A. V., Murcia
- Stefanutti C., Tra identità e alterità del proprio corpo- Orlan, Tecnograf
- Bader J., Hegyi L., Kuspit D., Iacub M., Phelan P., Viola E., Orlan, The Narrative, Charta, Milan
- Barjou N., Defl andre L., Dubrulle, University of Nebraska (Received the First Price "Museum Publication Design" from the American Association Museums for 2011), University of Nebraska, USA
- Bouchard G., Buci-Glucksmann C., Caygill H., Donger S., Gilman Sander L., Hallensle-ben M., Hauser J., Johnson D., Malysse S., Olbrist H. U., Orlan, Petitgas C., Shepherd S., Virilio P., Wiln son S., Orlan, A Hybrid Body of Artworks, Routledge, Londres Enthoven R., Orlan, Vaneigem R., Unions Libres, Mariages Mixtes et Noces Barbares, Éditions Dilecta, Paris, 2010
- Gautheron M., Laot C., Marquis C., Noesser C., Normand O., Orlan, Morceaux choisis, École nationale supérieure/Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Lyon
- O'Bryan J., Carnal Art. ORLAN's Refacing, University of Minnesota Press
- Blistène B., Buci-Glucksmann C., Cros C., Durand R., Heartney E., Le Bon L., Obrist H. U., Orlan, Rehberg Zugazagoitia J., ORLAN (angl. : ORLAN, Carnal Art), Flammarion, Paris
- Strip-tease : tout sur ma vie, tout sur mon art, ORLAN, Ed. Gallimard, Collections Témoins de l'art 2021
- Ceci est mon corps. . . ceci est mon logiciel, postface by Maria Bonnafous-Boucher, Ed Al Dante Aka, Collection Cahiers du Midi - Collection de l'Académie royale des beaux- arts de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 2011
- Unions mixtes, mariages libres et noces barbares,[13] with Raphaël Enthoven and Raoul Vaneigem; Dilecta, collection « Collectionneur », 2010.
- Pomme Cul et petites fleurs, éditions Baudoin Janninck, Paris, France, 2007
- ORLAN, Alliance Française, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 1999
- Une oeuvre d' ORLAN, Muntaner, Marseille, 1998
- "Viva !" in 1979-1983, Cinq ans d'Art Performance à Lyon, Editions comportement, environnement, performance, Lyon, France, 1984
- Prosésies écrites, prefaces by Henri Simon Faure & Lell Boehm, illustrations by J. M. P., Ed imprimerie Lithographique Peagno, St-Etienne, France, 1967
A number of films, documentary videos, and interviews about Orlan and her work have been produced since the beginning of her career:
- "Vierge Noire" (Black Virgin), film by Jean Dupuy, 16mm, black and white, 12 min, 1980.
- Films d’ici Productions, Film by Emilio Pacull, 1990.
- "Donne dell’altro mondo" (Women from Another World), film by Marisa Laurito and Roberto Ferrante, directed by Giampiero Ricci, French-Italian Production, 1993.
- "Synthetic Pleasures," New York, USA, directed by Lara Lee, 16mm, 1995.
- "ORLAN, Carnal Art," documentary film directed by Stephan Oriach, Myriapodus Films, Centre Georges Pompidou, Ministry of Culture (DAP), 35mm, 75 min, 2002.
- ORLAN’s interview at CCC de Tours, creative documentary film, 2004.
- Interviews with Bernard Blistène, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Régis Durand, Robert Fleck, Jean-Hubert Martin, and Jean-François Taddei regarding Orlan's work, 2004.
- "Making of Sculpting Brushes Prototype lumineux no 1 Série Bump Load," co-production of the Conseil général du Val-d’Oise, Abbaye de Maubuisson, and Centre national des arts plastique, 2009.
- "elles@centrepompidou: ORLAN," by Axel Cevenot, co-production of the Centre Pompidou, Délégation à l’action culturelle audiovisuelle, and Ina, Direction de la production et de l’édition, 1 min 30 s, 2009.
- "De la condition féminine en milieu artistique" (On the Female Condition in the Artistic Milieu), by Loïc Connanski, co-production Les Programmes Courts et Créations/Canal+, 2009.
- "Un Œil entre Art Numérique et Science" (An Eye between Digital Art and Science), by Laurence Scarbonchi, co-production Chromatiques, Cap Canal, Université de Lyon, 52 min 7 s, 2010.
- "ORLAN," production Art–Tendance, People Misteremma, 3 min 27 s, 2011.
- "Paris-Delhi-Bombay… Draps-peaux hybridés" (Paris-Delhi-Bombay… Hybridized Bedsheets), interview by Centre Pompidou, 5 min 45 s, 2011.
- "L’artiste et son autoportrait/Das Selbtsporträt in der Kunst" (The Artist and Her Self-Portrait), for Arte (France/Germany), directed by Sabine Willkop, aired on January 30, 2012, 25 min 38 s, 2012.
- "Fig Leaf, The Biggest Cover-Up in History," by Rosie Schellenberg, for BBC4, produced by Rosie Schellenberg. Executive Producer: Jonty Claypole. Script: Stephen Smith, 1 min 9 s, 2012.
- "ORLAN, et la chair se fait verbe" (ORLAN, and the Flesh Becomes Word), directed by Fanny Dal Magro, Production Mosaïque Films, 52 min, 2012.
- "Beauty Culture: Annenberg Space For Photography," 2012.
- "Decryptcult #2, Interroger les frontières: hybridations et art corporel" (Decryptcult #2, Questioning Boundaries: Hybridizations and Body Art), October 2013, 24 min 40 s, 2013.
- "ORLAN, interview with Dominic Moulon for Mooc Digital Media," 2015:
“Sortir du cadre”(Breaking the Frame), 7 min 53 s; “S’Affranchir des codes “ (Breaking Free from Codes), 8 min 56 s; “Hybridation biotechnologique” (Biotechnological Hybridization), 7 min 33 s; “Codages et codages" (Encodings and Decodings), 6 min 48 s; “Modélisation 3D et interactivité “(3D Modeling and Interactivity), 6 min 12 s; “Corps et réalité augmentée” (Body and Augmented Reality,) 6 min 25 s.
- ^ Jeffries, Stuart (2009-07-01). "ORLAN's art of sex and surgery". The Guardian. Retrieved 2021-02-24.
- ^ Milosevic, Nikola (11 October 2023). "Orlan". Widewalls.
- ^ Marchal, Hugues. "ORLAN". awarewomenartists.com. Translated by Emily Freeman.
- ^ ORLAN 'Manifesto of Carnal Art/L'Art Charnel and Refiguration/Self-Hybridation series and other works' vol.12 July 2003 n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal pp.44-48
- ^ Jeffreys, Sheila (2005). Beauty and misogyny: harmful cultural practices in the west (Reprinted. ed.). London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415351836.
- ^ Mitrofanov, Oleg (2010). "Devotion – ORLAN (Paris) – Artist". Acne Paper (9): 34.
- ^ "E-réputation: sur le Net, ORLAN explose sa cote... d'amour!". Le HuffPost. November 8, 2013.
- ^ ""Artists and Robots," the new immersive exhibition to see at the Grand Palais". Vogue Paris. 21 April 2018.
- ^ "ORLAN is elected Woman of the Year for the Prix Special of Monaco". May 5, 2019.
- ^ "Orlan - Site Gallimard". www.gallimard.fr.
- ^ "Dinner with ORLAN, a Feminist Icon". IMPULSE Magazine. Retrieved 2024-10-17.
- ^ "ORLAN: L'origine de la Guerre". The Eye of Photography Magazine. 2014-12-21. Retrieved 2021-08-19.
- ^ Orlan, Raoul Vaneigem, Raphaël Enthoven. (2010). ORLAN Unions libres, mariages mixtes et noces barbares (in French and English). Paris: Éd. Dilecta / Galerie Michel Rein / Conseil général du Val-d'Oise. ISBN 978-2-916275-66-6.
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
- Smith, K. (2007). Abject Bodies Beckett, Orlan, Stelarc and the politics of contemporary performance. Performance Research, 12(1), 66–76.
- Zerihan, R. (2012). ORLAN: A Hybrid Body of Artworks. Contemporary Theatre Review, 22(3), 426–428.
- Ayers, R. (1999). Serene and Happy and Distant: An Interview with Orlan. Body & Society, 5(2/3), 171.
- Knafo, D. (2009). Castration and Medusa: ORLAN's Art on the Cutting Edge. Studies in Gender & Sexuality, 10(3), 142–158.
- Lovelace, C. (1995). ORLAN: Offensive Acts. Performing Arts Journal, 17(1), 13–25. doi:10.2307/3245692 Orlan: Offensive Acts
- Rose, B. (1993). Is it art? ORLAN and the transgressive act. Art in America, 81(2), 82. [1]
- Sayej, N. (2020, March 26). ORLAN: "I walked a long way for women." The Guardian. ORLAN: 'I walked a long way for women'
External links
- Official website
- Retrospective Exhibition from 05/25/07 to 09/16/07 at the Musée d'art moderne de Saint-Etienne
- Pompidou Centre, exhibition: elles@centrepompidou 2010.
- Video: interview with ORLAN, registration of a MesuRage, and short overview of her work at M HKA, Antwerp