Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
var recentRelated = {
init : function () {
if ( mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'view' ) return ;
var self = this ;
var portletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-navigation', '#', 'recentRelated','t-trcent-related');
$(portletLink).click ( function () { ;
return false ;
} ) ;
} ,
run : function () {
$('#firstHeading').text ( 'Recent changes related to edits by ' + mw.user.getName() ) ;
.html ( '<i>Checking edits...</i>' )
.css ( 'background-color' , '#EEEEEE' ) ;
var self = this ;
var url = mw.util.wikiScript('api');
$.getJSON ( url , {
action : 'query' ,
list : 'usercontribs' ,
ucuser : mw.user.getName() ,
uclimit : 100 ,
ucshow : '!minor' ,
format : 'json'
} , function ( d ) {
var cont = {} ;
self.left = 0 ;
$.each ( d.query.usercontribs , function ( k , v ) {
if ( undefined === cont[v.title] ) {
cont[v.title] = v ;
self.left++ ;
} else {
if ( cont[v.title].timestamp < v.timestamp ) cont[v.title] = v ;
} ) ;
self.list = {} ;
$.each ( cont , function ( k , v ) {
self.processMyEdits ( v ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
processMyEdits : function ( o ) {
var self = this ;
var user = mw.user.getName() ;
var url = mw.util.wikiScript('api') ;
$.getJSON ( url , {
action : 'query' ,
prop : 'revisions' ,
rvendid : o.revid ,
titles : o.title ,
rvprop : 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user' ,
rvlimit : 50 ,
format : 'json'
} , function ( d ) {
if ( undefined !== d.query.pages ) {
$.each ( d.query.pages , function ( k1 , v1 ) {
if ( undefined === self.list[v1.title] ) self.list[v1.title] = [] ;
$.each ( v1.revisions , function ( k2, v2 ) {
self.list[v1.title].push ( v2 ) ;
if ( v2.user == user ) return false ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
self.left-- ;
if ( self.left == 0 ) self.showResults() ;
} ) ;
} ,
showResults : function () {
var self = this ;
var user = mw.user.getName() ;
var parts = {} ;
var keys = [] ;
$.each ( self.list , function ( page , pd ) {
if ( pd.length == 1 && pd[0].user == user ) return ; // Only the user's own edits, skip
pd.sort(function(a,b){return b.timestamp.localeCompare(a.timestamp);});
var ts ;
var h = '' ;
h += "<h2><a href='./" + encodeURIComponent(page) + "'>" + page + "</a>" ;
h += " [<a href='/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(page) + "&diff=" + pd[0].revid + "&oldid=" + pd[pd.length-1].revid ;
h += "' title='Diff to previous version'>Δ</a>]" ;
h += "</h2><table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>" ;
$.each ( pd , function ( k2 , v2 ) {
if ( undefined === ts ) ts = v2.timestamp ;
h += "<tr><td>" ;
h += $.trim(v2.timestamp.replace(/[A-Z]/g,' ')) ;
h += "</td><td>" ;
if ( k2+1 < pd.length ) {
h += "<a href='/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(page) + "&diff=" + v2.revid + "&oldid=" + v2.parentid ;
h += "' title='Diff to previous version'>Δ</a>" ;
h += "</td><td>" ;
h += " <a href='./User:" + encodeURIComponent(v2.user) + "'>" + v2.user + "</a>" ;
h += "</td><td>" ;
h += v2.comment ;
h += "</td></tr>" ;
} ) ;
h += "</table>" ;
var k = ts ;
while ( undefined !== parts[k] ) k += 'b' ;
parts[k] = h ;
keys.push ( k ) ;
} ) ;
keys.sort ( function ( a , b ) { return b.localeCompare(a); } ) ;
var h = '' ;
$.each ( keys , function ( dummy , key ) {
h += parts[key] ;
} ) ;
$('#bodyContent').html ( h ) ;
} ;