Lists of legislation
This list consists of lists of legislation.
Primary legislation by country
- List of acts of the Parliament of Australia
- List of acts of the First Legislative Council of New South Wales
British Isles
Legislation in the British Isles includes legislation of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Crown dependencies, the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the pre-union Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and other former states. For the legislation of the kingdoms of the Heptarchy, see also Anglo-Saxon law. For Wales, see also Cyfraith Hywel.
- List of legislation in the United Kingdom
- List of acts of the Parliament of England
- List of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
- List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
- List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland (to 1707)
- List of acts of the Scottish Parliament (1999 onwards)
- List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland (to 1800)
- List of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland
- List of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
- List of acts of the Oireachtas
- List of laws of Guernsey
- List of laws of Jersey
- List of acts of Tynwald
- List of acts of the Parliament of Canada (1867 onwards)
China and Hong Kong
- List of acts of the Parliament of India (includes acts of the Imperial Legislative Council and the Constituent Assembly of India)
- List of acts of the Parliament of Malaysia
- List of acts of the Parliament of Malaysia by citation number
New Zealand
- Lists of acts of the New Zealand Parliament (1840 onwards)
South Africa
- List of acts of the Parliament of South Africa (1910 onwards)
- List of acts of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (1994 onwards)
Sri Lanka
United States
Secondary legislation by type
Statutory instruments
- List of statutory instruments of Australia
- List of statutory instruments of the United Kingdom
- List of statutory instruments of Scotland
- List of Welsh statutory instruments