Municipalities of Parana, Brazil
This is a list of the municipalities in the state of Paraná (PR), located in the South Region of Brazil. Paraná is divided into 399 municipalities, which are grouped into 39 microregions, which are grouped into 10 mesoregions.
See also
Centro Ocidental Paranaense |
| |
Centro Oriental Paranaense |
Jaguariaiva | |
Ponta Grossa | |
Telemaco Borba | |
Metropolitana de Curitiba |
Cerro Azul | |
Curitiba | |
Lapa | |
Paranagua | |
Rio Negro | |
Noroeste Paranaense |
Cianorte | |
Paranavai | |
Umuarama | |
Norte Central Paranaense |
Apucarana | |
Astorga | |
Faxinal | |
Florai | |
Ivaipora | |
Londrina | |
Maringa | |
Porecatu | |
Norte Pioneiro Paranaense |
Assai | |
Cornelio Procopio | |
Ibaiti | |
Jacarezinho | |
Wenceslau Braz | |
Oeste Paranaense |
Cascavel | |
Foz do Iguacu | |
Toledo | |
Sudeste Paranaense |
Irati | |
Prudentopolis | |
Sao Mateus do Sul | |
Uniao da Vitoria | |
Sudoeste Paranaense |
Capanema | |
Francisco Beltrao | |
Pato Branco | |