List of Pholiota species
This is a list of species in the fungal genus Pholiota. As of January 2016, Index Fungorum accepts 370 species in Pholiota.
- Pholiota aberrans A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[1]
- Pholiota abieticola A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[2]
- Pholiota abietis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[3]
- Pholiota abstrusa (Fr.) Singer 1951
- Pholiota acutoconica A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[4]
- Pholiota adiposa (Batsch) P.Kumm. 1871 – Czech Republic; Great Britain
- Pholiota adirondackensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[5]
- Pholiota aggericola (Peck) Sacc. 1887
- Pholiota agglutinata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[6]
- Pholiota aggregata Beeli 1928 – Congo[7]
- Pholiota agrocybiformis Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota alabamensis (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[9]
- Pholiota alachuana Murrill 1943 – United States[10]
- Pholiota albo-olivasens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[11]
- Pholiota albovirescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[12]
- Pholiota alexandrina Reichert 1921
- Pholiota alnea Singer 1952 – Great Britain[13]
- Pholiota alnicola (Fr.) Singer 1951 – Czech Republic; Great Britain; Northern Ireland
- Pholiota alniphila (Zeller) Redhead 1984
- Pholiota angustifolia A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[14]
- Pholiota angustipes (Peck) Sacc. 1887
- Pholiota anomala Peck 1895[15]
- Pholiota apiahyna Speg. 1919
- Pholiota appendiculata Peck 1905
- Pholiota arenariobulbosa (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
- Pholiota armeniaca A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[16]
- Pholiota arragonis Rick 1930
- Pholiota aschersoniana Henn. & Ruhland 1901
- Pholiota ascophora (Peck) Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota astragalina (Fr.) Singer 1951 – Czech Republic; Great Britain; Norway; Switzerland
- Pholiota atripes A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[17]
- Pholiota aurantiaca Thesleff 1920
- Pholiota aurantioalbida Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota aurantioflava A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[18]
- Pholiota aurivella (Batsch) P.Kumm. 1871 – Czech Republic; Great Britain; Tasmania
- Pholiota aurivelloides Overh. 1927
- Pholiota austrospumosa Hongo 1977
- Pholiota autumnalis Peck 1908
- Pholiota avellaneifolia A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[19]
- Pholiota baeosperma Singer 1953
- Pholiota bakerensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[20]
- Pholiota bambusina K.A.Thomas & Manim. 2001[21]
- Pholiota baptisiae A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[22]
- Pholiota barrowsii A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[23]
- Pholiota basilei Mattir. 1932
- Pholiota bicincta (Kalchbr.) McAlpine 1895
- Pholiota bicolor (Speg.) Singer 1951
- Pholiota bigelowii A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[24]
- Pholiota blechni Singer 1965[25]
- Pholiota brevipes Z.S.Bi 1989
- Pholiota bridgei A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[26]
- Pholiota brunnea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[27]
- Pholiota brunneoatra Rick 1930
- Pholiota brunneodisca (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[28]
- Pholiota brunnescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[29] – Great Britain
- Pholiota burkei A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[30]
- Pholiota caespitosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[31]
- Pholiota calendulina Singer 1952 – Argentina[13]
- Pholiota californica (Earle) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[32]
- Pholiota calvinii A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[33]
- Pholiota canescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[34]
- Pholiota capocystidia J.Bao Wang 1992
- Pholiota carbonaria A.H.Sm. 1944 – Great Britain; Victoria
- Pholiota carbonicola Singer 1962
- Pholiota carneola Rick 1930
- Pholiota castanea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[35]
- Pholiota catervaria (Lév.) Manjula 1983
- Pholiota cerasina Peck 1908[36]
- Pholiota chacoensis Speg. 1926
- Pholiota chromocystis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[37]
- Pholiota chrysmoides Soop 2001 – New Zealand[38]
- Pholiota chrysocystidiata Singer 1986
- Pholiota cinchonensis Murrill 1913
- Pholiota cincta (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
- Pholiota citrinofolia Métrod 1962
- Pholiota coloradensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[39]
- Pholiota communis (Cleland & Cheel) Grgur. 1997 – Victoria
- Pholiota condensa (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[40]
- Pholiota conica A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[41]
- Pholiota conissans (Fr.) M.M.Moser 1986 – France; Great Britain; Italy; Ontario
- Pholiota connata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[42]
- Pholiota contorta A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[43]
- Pholiota corticola (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[44]
- Pholiota cortinata (DC.) Singer 1989[45]
- Pholiota crassipedes A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[46]
- Pholiota crassivela (Speg.) Speg. 1887
- Pholiota cubensis Earle 1906 – São Paulo[47]
- Pholiota curcuma (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[48]
- Pholiota cyathicola (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[49]
- Pholiota cystidiata Natarajan & C. Ravindran 2003 – India[50]
- Pholiota davidsonii A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[51]
- Pholiota deceptiva A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[52]
- Pholiota decorata (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[53]
- Pholiota decurrens Velen. 1921[54]
- Pholiota decussata (Fr.) M.M.Moser 1967 – Great Britain
- Pholiota depauperata (Singer & A.H.Sm.) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[55]
- Pholiota destruens Gillet (edible)[56]
- Pholiota dinghuensis Z.S.Bi 1985
- Pholiota disrupta (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine 1895
- Pholiota drummondii (Berk.) Pegler 1965
- Pholiota duroides Peck 1908[36]
- Pholiota ealaensis Beeli 1928 – Congo[7]
- Pholiota elegans Jacobsson 1991 – Czech Republic; Sweden[57]
- Pholiota engleriana Henn. 1893
- Pholiota eucalyptorum (Cleland) Singer 1952
- Pholiota fallax Velen. 1921
- Pholiota ferruginea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[58]
- Pholiota ferrugineolutescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[59]
- Pholiota fibrillosipes (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[60]
- Pholiota fieldiana Y.S.Chang & A.K.Mills 2006 – Australia[61]
- Pholiota flammans (Batsch) P.Kumm. 1871 – Germany; Great Britain; Northern Ireland; Switzerland
- Pholiota flavescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[62]
- Pholiota flavida (Schaeff.) Singer 1951
- Pholiota flavopallida A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[63]
- Pholiota floridana Murrill 1943[10]
- Pholiota foedata (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[64]
- Pholiota foetans Bat. & A.F.Vital 1955[65]
- Pholiota formosa Speg. 1926[66]
- Pholiota fragilissima Rick 1926
- Pholiota freindlingiae (Singer) Singer 1951
- Pholiota frusticola (Berk.) Pegler 1965
- Pholiota fulvella (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[67]
- Pholiota fulviconica (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[68]
- Pholiota fulvodisca A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[69]
- Pholiota fulvosquamosa Peck 1903[70]
- Pholiota fulvozonata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[71]
- Pholiota furcata Overh. 1924[72]
- Pholiota galapagensis Pegler 1981 – Galapagos Islands[73]
- Pholiota galerinoides A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[74]
- Pholiota gigantea Naveau 1923
- Pholiota glaucellae Vouaux 1914[75]
- Pholiota glutinigera Singer 1960[76]
- Pholiota glutinosa (Massee) E.Horak 1971
- Pholiota glutinosipes Singer 1961
- Pholiota gollani Henn. 1901[77]
- Pholiota goossensiae Beeli 1928 – Congo[7]
- Pholiota graminum Cleland 1933 – Australia[78]
- Pholiota granulosa (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[79]
- Pholiota granulosoverrucosa Henn. 1901
- Pholiota graveolens (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[80]
- Pholiota gregariiformis (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[81]
- Pholiota gruberi A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[82]
- Pholiota gummosa (Lasch) Singer 1951 – Great Britain; Northern Ireland; Portugal; Switzerland
- Pholiota gymnopiloides Raithelh. 1974
- Pholiota gymnopodia (Bull.) A.F.M.Reijnders 1998[83]
- Pholiota harenosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[84]
- Pholiota henningsii (Bres.) P.D.Orton 1960[85]
- Pholiota hepatica Massee 1914[86]
- Pholiota heteroclita (Fr.) Quél. 1872
- Pholiota hiemalis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[87]
- Pholiota humii A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[88]
- Pholiota hymaeneicola Beeli 1928 – Congo[7]
- Pholiota hypholomoides (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[89]
- Pholiota imperfecta Cleland 1933 – Australia[78]
- Pholiota impudica Speg. 1889
- Pholiota indecens (Peck) Sacc. 1887
- Pholiota indica Massee 1901[90]
- Pholiota innocua A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[91]
- Pholiota irazuensis Singer 1989[45]
- Pholiota iterata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[92]
- Pholiota jahnii Tjall.-Beuk. & Bas 1986 – Great Britain[93]
- Pholiota jalapensis (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[91]
- Pholiota johnsoniana (Peck) G.F.Atk. 1918
- Pholiota kalmicola (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[94]
- Pholiota kauffmaniana A.H.Sm. 1944[95]
- Pholiota kodiakensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[96]
- Pholiota kubickae Singer & Clémençon 1971
- Pholiota kummeriana Henn. 1900 – Africa[97]
- Pholiota lactea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[98]
- Pholiota lanaripes Rick 1961
- Pholiota langei Singer 1945
- Pholiota lapponica (Fr.) Singer 1951
- Pholiota lenta (Pers.) Singer 1951 – Czech Republic; Great Britain; Italy; Spain
- Pholiota leptographa Sacc. 1914
- Pholiota leptopoda Speg. 1889
- Pholiota limonella (Peck) Sacc. 1887 – Czech Republic; Great Britain
- Pholiota linicola Bubák 1914[99]
- Pholiota livistonae S.Ito & S.Imai 1940 – Japan[100]
- Pholiota lubrica (Pers.) Singer 1951 – Great Britain
- Pholiota lucifera (Lasch) Quél. 1872 – Czech Republic; Great Britain
- Pholiota lundbergii Jacobsson 1997[101]
- Pholiota lurida A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[102]
- Pholiota lutaria (Maire) Kuyper & Tjall.-Beuk. 1986
- Pholiota luteobadia A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[103]
- Pholiota luteola A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[104]
- Pholiota lutescens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[105]
- Pholiota maackiae Singer 1948
- Pholiota macmurphyi Murrill 1912
- Pholiota macrocystis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[106]
- Pholiota mahabaleshwarensis Sathe & S.D.Deshp. 1980
- Pholiota majalis Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota malicola (Kauffman) A.H.Sm. 1934 – Tasmania
- Pholiota mammillata Velen. 1921
- Pholiota marangania (Grgur.) Matheny & Bougher 2010
- Pholiota marginella Peck 1898[107]
- Pholiota marthae Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota martinicensis Pat. 1903
- Pholiota maximovici Velen. 1921
- Pholiota megalosperma Singer 1953[108]
- Pholiota melaphila Raithelh. 1974[109]
- Pholiota melliodora A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[110]
- Pholiota metallica Donoso 1981
- Pholiota microcarpa Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota milleri A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[111]
- Pholiota mixta (Fr.) Kuyper & Tjall.-Beuk. 1986
- Pholiota molesta A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[103]
- Pholiota mollicula Banning & Peck 1891[112]
- Pholiota molliscorium (Cooke & Massee) Sacc. 1891
- Pholiota montana Singer 1965
- Pholiota montevideensis Speg. 1926
- Pholiota mucigera Holec & Niemelä 2000 – Finland[113]
- Pholiota mucosa Velen. 1921[54]
- Pholiota multicingulata E.Horak 1983 – Tasmania; Victoria
- Pholiota muricella (Fr.) Bon 1985
- Pholiota mutabilis, an alternate name for Kuehneromyces mutabilis
- Pholiota myosotis Singer[114]
- Pholiota myxacioides Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota nameko (T.Itô) S.Ito & S.Imai 1933
- Pholiota nana E.Horak 1962
- Pholiota naucorioides Singer 1955
- Pholiota nguelensis Henn. 1900 – Africa[97]
- Pholiota nigripes A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[115]
- Pholiota nigrosetosa Velen. 1930
- Pholiota novembris Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota nymaniana (Henn.) Sacc. & P.Syd. 1902
- Pholiota obscura A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[116]
- Pholiota occidentalis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[117]
- Pholiota ochrochlora (Fr.) P.D.Orton 1960 – Great Britain
- Pholiota ochropallida Romagn. ex Bon 1986[118]
- Pholiota ochrospora Raithelh. 1974
- Pholiota odoratissima A.Blytt 1905[119]
- Pholiota olivaceocoriacea Rick 1930
- Pholiota olivaceodisca A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[120]
- Pholiota olivaceophylla A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[121]
- Pholiota olympiana (A.H.Sm.) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[122]
- Pholiota oregonensis (Murrill) Murrill 1912
- Pholiota ornatula (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[123]
- Pholiota pallida A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[124]
- Pholiota paludosella (G.F.Atk.) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[125]
- Pholiota paradoxa Naveau 1923
- Pholiota parva A.Pearson 1950[126]
- Pholiota parvula W.F.Chiu 1968
- Pholiota pattersoniae (Murrill) Redhead 1984
- Pholiota paulensis Henn. 1908[127]
- Pholiota peleae E.Horak & Desjardin 1996 – Hawaii[128]
- Pholiota penningtoniana A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[129]
- Pholiota perniciosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[130]
- Pholiota phlebophora Pat. 1909[131]
- Pholiota phlegmatica (Berk.) Manjula 1983 – Sikkim
- Pholiota phoenicis Sacc. 1917[132]
- Pholiota piceina (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[133]
- Pholiota pityrodes (F.Brig.) Holec 2001[134]
- Pholiota platensis Speg. 1898
- Pholiota polychroa (Berk.) A.H.Sm. & H.J.Brodie 1935[135]
- Pholiota populicola A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[136]
- Pholiota privigna (Speg.) Singer 1961[137]
- Pholiota proba Herp. 1912 – Europe[138]
- Pholiota prolixa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[139]
- Pholiota psathyrelloides Singer 1969[8]
- Pholiota pseudoblattaria Speg. 1898[140]
- Pholiota pseudoerebia A.Pearson 1950[126]
- Pholiota pseudofascicularis Speg. 1898
- Pholiota pseudograveolens A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[141]
- Pholiota pseudohypholoma Velen. 1921
- Pholiota pseudolimulata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[49]
- Pholiota pseudomarginata Hruby 1930 – Europe[142]
- Pholiota pseudopulchella A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[143]
- Pholiota pseudosiparia A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[144]
- Pholiota pudica (Bull.) Gillet 1876
- Pholiota pulchella A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[145]
- Pholiota punctata (Cleland) Grgur. 1997
- Pholiota pusilla Rick 1919
- Pholiota retiphylla G.F.Atk. 1918
- Pholiota rhombifolia Herp. 1912 – Europe[138]
- Pholiota rigelliae Velen. 1921
- Pholiota rigidipes Peck 1912[146]
- Pholiota rivulosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[147]
- Pholiota romagnesiana A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[148]
- Pholiota rosea Rick 1919
- Pholiota rostrata Velen. 1921
- Pholiota rubecula Banning & Peck 1891
- Pholiota rubra C.S.Bi & Loh 1985 – China[149]
- Pholiota rubronigra A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[150]
- Pholiota rudis Rick 1961
- Pholiota rufodisca A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[151]
- Pholiota sabulosa Peck 1896
- Pholiota salicina Velen. 1921
- Pholiota sanguineomaculans Höhn. 1914
- Pholiota scabella Zeller 1933 – United States[152]
- Pholiota scamba (Fr.) M.M.Moser 1986 – Czech Republic; Great Britain
- Pholiota scamboides A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[153]
- Pholiota schraderi (Peck) Overh. 1924[72]
- Pholiota scobifera (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Pat. 1903
- Pholiota semi-imbricata (Singer) Singer 1951
- Pholiota sequoiae A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[154]
- Pholiota serotina A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[155]
- Pholiota sienna (Kauffman) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[156]
- Pholiota siennaecolor (Petch) Pegler 1986 – Sri Lanka
- Pholiota silvatica (A.H.Sm.) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[157]
- Pholiota simulans A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[158]
- Pholiota sipei A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[159]
- Pholiota socotrana Henn. 1891
- Pholiota sola A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[160]
- Pholiota sordida Rick 1920
- Pholiota sphaerospora Beeli 1928 – Congo[7]
- Pholiota sphagnicola (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[161]
- Pholiota sphagnophila (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[162]
- Pholiota spinulifera (Murrill) Singer 1973[163]
- Pholiota spumosa (Fr.) Singer 1951 – Great Britain
- Pholiota squalida (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[164]
- Pholiota squarrosa (Vahl) P.Kumm. 1871 – Alberta; Austria; Great Britain; Ireland; Northern Ireland
- Pholiota squarrosipes Cleland 1933 – Australia[78]
- Pholiota squarrosoadiposa J.E.Lange 1940
- Pholiota squarrosoides (Peck) Sacc. 1887 – Czech Republic; Great Britain; Sweden
- Pholiota stratosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[165]
- Pholiota stropharioides Rick 1930
- Pholiota subamara A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[166]
- Pholiota subcaerulea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[167]
- Pholiota subcarbonaria (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[168]
- Pholiota subcastanea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[169]
- Pholiota subdefossa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[170]
- Pholiota suberebia (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso 1911
- Pholiota subflammans (Speg.) Sacc. 1891
- Pholiota subflavida (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[171]
- Pholiota subfulva (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[172]
- Pholiota subgelatinosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[173]
- Pholiota sublubrica A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[174]
- Pholiota subminor A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[175]
- Pholiota submutabilis Henn. 1899
- Pholiota subnigra Murrill 1912[176]
- Pholiota subochracea (A.H.Sm.) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[177] – Czech Republic
- Pholiota subpapillata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[178]
- Pholiota subpumila Cleland 1927 – Australia[179]
- Pholiota subsaponacea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[180]
- Pholiota subtestacea (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[181]
- Pholiota subtogularis Cleland 1933 – Australia[78]
- Pholiota subvelutina A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[182]
- Pholiota subvelutipes A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[183]
- Pholiota sulphurea Velen. 1921
- Pholiota sylva Natarajan & C.Ravindran 2003 – India[50]
- Pholiota tabacinirugosa S.Ito & S.Imai 1940 – Japan[100]
- Pholiota tahquamenonensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[184]
- Pholiota talquensis Garrido 1988[185]
- Pholiota temnophylla (Peck) Sacc. 1887
- Pholiota tennesseensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[186]
- Pholiota terrestris Overh. 1924 – California[72]
- Pholiota testacea Rick 1938
- Pholiota tetonensis A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[187]
- Pholiota teucrii Bubák 1914
- Pholiota tilopus (Kalchbr. & MacOwan) D.A.Reid 1975[188]
- Pholiota tottenii (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[189]
- Pholiota trinitensis Dennis 1970 – São Paulo; Trinidad-Tobago
- Pholiota trullisata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[190]
- Pholiota truncata Natarajan & Raman 1983 – India[191]
- Pholiota tuberculosa (Schaeff.) P.Kumm. 1871 – Czech Republic; Great Britain
- Pholiota umbilicata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[192]
- Pholiota urvilleana Sacc. 1914
- Pholiota usneae Vouaux 1914
- Pholiota variabilispora A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[193]
- Pholiota variicystis G.Moreno & E.Valenz. 1994
- Pholiota varzeae Singer 1989[45]
- Pholiota velaglutinosa A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[194]
- Pholiota velata (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[195]
- Pholiota veris A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[196]
- Pholiota verna A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[197]
- Pholiota verrucosa Henn. 1900 – Africa[97]
- Pholiota vialis (Murrill) A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[198]
- Pholiota vinaceobrunnea A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[199]
- Pholiota virescens E.J.Tian & T.Bau 2012
- Pholiota virescentifolia A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[200]
- Pholiota virgata A.H.Sm. & Hesler 1968 – United States[201]
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 140.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 172.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 218.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 370.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 238.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 240.
- ^ a b c d e Beeli M. (1928). "Contribution a l'étude de la flore mycologique du Congo. VI Fungi Goossensiani. Agaricacées rhodosporées". Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique (in French). 61 (1): 78–103.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Singer R. (1969). "Mycoflora australis". Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 29: 1–405.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 247.
- ^ a b Murrill WA (1943). "Additions to Florida fungi". Mycologia. 35 (5): 529–537. doi:10.2307/3754792. JSTOR 3754792.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 103.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 100.
- ^ a b Singer R, Digilio APL (1951). Pródromo de la Flora Agaricina Argentina. Liloa. Vol. 25 (3rd ed.). Vaduz: Cramer. pp. 336–337.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 204.
- ^ Peck CH (1895). "New species of fungi". Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 22 (5): 198–211. doi:10.2307/2478162. JSTOR 2478162.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 331.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 114.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 87.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 340.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 243.
- ^ Thomas KA, Manimohan P (2001). "A new species of Pholiota from India". Mycotaxon. 78: 181–184.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 314.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 199.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 357.
- ^ Singer R. (1965). "Forest mycology and forest communities in South America. 1. The early fall aspect of the mycoflora of the Cordillera Pelada (Chile)". Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata. 26 (2–3): 129–191 (see p. 170). doi:10.1007/bf02049773. S2CID 45170297.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 106.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 84.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 364.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 286.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 148.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 96.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 168.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 300.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 41.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 235.
- ^ a b Peck CH (1908). "Report on the State Botanist 1907". Bulletin of the New York State Museum. 122: 155, 159.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 295.
- ^ Soop K. "Contribution à l'étude de la mycoflore cortinarioïde de Nouvelle-Zélande" (in French). 117 (2): 91–132 (see p. 126).
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(help) - ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 328.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 248.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 116.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 213.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 167.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 74.
- ^ a b c Singer R. (1989). "New taxa and new combinations of Agaricales (Diagnoses fungorum novorum Agaricalium 4)". Fieldiana Botany. 21.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 360.
- ^ Earle FS (1906). "Algunos hongos cubanos". Información Anual Estación Central Agronomica Cuba (in Spanish). 1: 225–242.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 63.
- ^ a b Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 73.
- ^ a b Natarajan K, Ravindran C (2003). "Two new species of the genus Pholiota from south India". Mycotaxon. 85: 271–275.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 86.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 101.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 254.
- ^ a b Velenovský J. (1921). Ceske Houby (in Czech). Vol. 3. p. 508.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 121.
- ^ Phillips 2010, p. 204.
- ^ Jacobsson S. (1990). "Pholiota in northern Europe". Windahlia. 19: 1–86 (see p. 72).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 263.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 261.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 333.
- ^ Chang YS, Gates GM, Ratkowsky DA (2006). "Some new species of the Strophariaceae (Agaricales) in Tasmania". Australasian Mycologist. 24 (3): 53–68.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 162.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 241.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 348.
- ^ Batista AC, Vital AF, Maia H da Silva, Lima IH (1955). "Coletânea de novas espécies de fungos". Anais da Sociedade de Biologia de Pernambuco (in Spanish). 13 (1): 185–196.
- ^ Spegazzini C. (1926). "Observaciones y adiciones a la Micologia Argentina". Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Córdoba (in Spanish). 28: 267–498 (see p. 311).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 54.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 369.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 274.
- ^ Peck CH (1903). "New species of fungi". Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 30 (2): 96–101. doi:10.2307/2478879. JSTOR 2478879.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 280.
- ^ a b c Overholts LO (1924). "North American Flora". 10 (3): 261–274.
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(help) - ^ Reid DA, Pegler DN, Spooner BM (1981). "An annotated list of the fungi of the Galapagos Islands". Kew Bulletin. 35 (4): 847–892. doi:10.2307/4110185. JSTOR 4110185.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 112.
- ^ Vouaux L. (1914). "Synopsis des champignons parasites de lichens". Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (in French). 30: 135–198 (see p. 196).
- ^ Singer R. (1959). "New and interesting species of Basidiomycetes. VII". Mycologia. 51 (4): 578–594. doi:10.2307/3756144. JSTOR 3756144.
- ^ Hennings P. (1901). "Fungi Indiae orientalis. II". Hedwigia. 40: 323–342.
- ^ a b c d Cleland JB (1933). "Australian fungi: notes and descriptions. - No. 9". Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia. 57: 187–194.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 60.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 296.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 304.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 345.
- ^ Reijnders AFM (1998). "Pholiota gymnopodia, comb. nov, a redescription of the forgotten species". Persoonia. 17 (1): 113–118.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 350.
- ^ Orton PD (1960). "New check list of British Agarics and Boleti, part III (keys to Crepidotus, Deconica, Flocculina, Hygrophorus, Naucoria, Pluteus and Volvaria". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 43 (2): 159–439 (see p. 180). doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(60)80065-4.)
- ^ Massee GE (1914). "Bulletin of Miscellaneous Informations of the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew": 72–76.
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(help) - ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 215.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 251.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 262.
- ^ Massee GE (1901). "Fungi exotici, III". Bulletin of Miscellaneous Informations of the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew. 1901 (175/177): 150–169. doi:10.2307/4114928. JSTOR 4114928.
- ^ a b Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 365.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 245.
- ^ Kuyper TW, Tjallingii-Beukers G (1986). "Notes on Pholiota". Persoonia. 13 (1): 77–82.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 90.
- ^ Smith AH (1944). "New North American Agarics". Mycologia. 36 (3): 242–262. doi:10.2307/3754821. JSTOR 3754821.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 191.
- ^ a b c Hennings P. (1900). "Fungi Africae orientalis". Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 28: 318–329.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 69.
- ^ Bubák F. (1914). "Fungi in 'Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition nach Mesopotamien'". Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien (in German). 28: 189–218 (see p. 203).
- ^ a b Ito S, Imai S (1940). "Fungi of the Bonin Islands. IV". Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society. 16: 45–56.
- ^ Jacobsson S. (1997). "New observations on Pholiota". Windahlia. 22: 23–28.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 368.
- ^ a b Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 284.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 334.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 150.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 354.
- ^ Peck CH (1898). "Report of the State Botanist (1897)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 51: 265–321 (see p. 289).
- ^ Singer R. (1953). "The agarics of the Argentine sector of Tierra del Fuego and limitrophous regions of the Magallanes area [cont.]". Sydowia. 7 (1–4): 206–265 (see p. 216).
- ^ Raithelhuber J. (1974). "Lateinische Diagnosen bisher unveröffentlichter Pilzarten. Fortsetzung". Metrodiana (in German). 5 (3–4): 71–73.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 161.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 351.
- ^ Peck CH (1891). "Report of the Botanist (1890)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 44: 117–187 (see p. 182.
- ^ Holec J, Niemelä T (2000). "Pholiota mucigera (Agaricales), a new species from a boreal old-growth forest" (PDF). Annales Botanici Fennici. 37: 79–83.
- ^ Phillips 2010, p. 206.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 110.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 108.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 272.
- ^ Bon M. (1986). "Novitates - Combinaisons nouvelles et validations de taxons (ouvrages en cours)" (in French). 16 (62): 66.
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(help) - ^ Blytt A. (1905). "Norges Hymenomyceter". Skrifter Udgivne Af Videnskabs-Selskabet I Christiania. Mathematisk-Naturvidenskabelig Klasse (in Norwegian). 6: 1–164 (see p. 49).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 128.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 236.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 145.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 160.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 113.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 291.
- ^ a b Pearson AA (1950). "Cape agarics and boleti". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 33 (3–4): 276–314. doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(50)80080-3.
- ^ Hennings P. (1908). "Fungi S. Paulensis IV a cl. Puttemans collecti". 48: 1–20.
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(help) - ^ Horak E, Desjardin DE, Hemmes DE (1996). "Agaricales of the Hawaiian Islands. 3: The genus Galerina and selected other brown-spored agarics". Mycologia. 88 (2): 278–294. doi:10.2307/3760933. JSTOR 3760933.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 194.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 159.
- ^ Patouillard NT (1909). "Quelques champignons de l'Annam". Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (in French). 25: 1–12.
- ^ Saccardo PA (1917). "Manipolo di funghi nuovi o piu notevoli di Spagna, Francia, Calabria, America,Giappone, Eritrea, e delia República di S. Marino". Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padova (in Spanish). 33: 157–195 (see p. 180).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 323.
- ^ Holec J. (2001). "The genus Pholiota in central and western Europe". Libri Botanici. 20: 84.
- ^ Smith AH, Brodie HJ (1935). "Cultural characters and pairing reactions of monosporous mycelia and development of the fruit body of Pholiota (Flammula) polychroa". Botanical Gazette. 96 (3): 533–546. doi:10.1086/334499. S2CID 83863682.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 120.
- ^ Dennis RWG (1961). "Fungi venezuelani: IV, Agaricales". Kew Bulletin. 15 (1): 67–156 (see p. 139). Bibcode:1961KewBu..15...67D. doi:10.2307/4115784. JSTOR 4115784.
- ^ a b Herpell G. (1912). "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der zu den Hymenomyceten gehörigen Hutpilze in den Rheinlanden". Hedwigia (in German). 52 (4): 364–392.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 166.
- ^ Spegazzini C. (1898). "Fungi Argentini novi vel critici". Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Buenos Aires (in Latin). 6: 81–288 (see p. 121).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 233.
- ^ Hruby J. (1930). "Beiträge zur Pilzflora Mahrens und Schlesiens. (Fortsetzung 1)". Hedwigia (in German). 70: 234–358 (see p. 321).
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 301.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 58.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 298.
- ^ Peck CH (1912). "Report of the State Botanist 1911". 157: 31.
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(help) - ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 273.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 203.
- ^ Bi ZS, Zheng GY, Loh TC, Li C, Li TH (1985). "Some new species and varieties of Agaricales from Dinghu Mountain". Microbiological Journal. 1 (1): 24–30.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 257.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 264.
- ^ Zeller SM (1933). "New or noteworthy agarics from Oregon". Mycologia. 25 (5): 376–391. doi:10.2307/3754013. JSTOR 3754013.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 309.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 246.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 89.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 259.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 139.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 228.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 132.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 186.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 290.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 294.
- ^ Singer R. (1973). "Diagnoses fungorum novorum Agaricalium III". Beihefte zur Sydowia. 7: 85.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 376.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 312.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 311.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 147.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 332.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 198.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 310.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 358.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 277.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 154.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 330.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 244.
- ^ Murrill WA (1912). "The Agaricaceae of the Pacific Coast – II. White and ochre-spored genera". Mycologia. 4 (5): 231–262. doi:10.2307/3753448. JSTOR 3753448.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 153.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 117.
- ^ Cleland JB (1927). "Australian fungi: notes and descriptions. - No. 6". Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia. 51: 298–306.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 282.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 338.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 174.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 217.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 109.
- ^ Garrido N. (1988). Agaricales s.l. und ihre Mykorrhizen in den Nothofagus-Wäldern Mittelchiles. Bibliotheca Mycologica (in German). Vol. 120. p. 194.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 94.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 308.
- ^ Reid D. (1975). "Type studies of the larger Basidiomycetes described from South Africa". Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium. 7: 120.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 306.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 347.
- ^ Natarajan K, Raman N (1983). "South Indian Agaricales". Bibliotheca Mycologica. 89: 130.
{{cite journal}}
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(help) - ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 102.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 130.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 253.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 320.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 98.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 268.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 322.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 252.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 363.
- ^ Smith & Hesler 1968, p. 232.
Cited literature
- Phillips, Roger (2010). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books. ISBN 978-1-55407-651-2.
- Smith AH, Hesler LR (1968). The North American species of Pholiota. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Hafner Publishing.