Title: Pilot lore; from sail to steam
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: United New York and New Jersey Sandy Hook Pilots Benevolent Associations National Service Bureau Allen, Edward L
Subjects: Shipping -- New York (State) New York Pilots and pilotage -- New York (State) New York New York (N.Y.) -- Harbor
Publisher: [New York]
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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f Mexico. With signal flagsflying in honor of her maiden voyage, the Nixon boat proudlyapproached the fishing fleet and came alongside the nearest fishingschooner, whose holds were full of freshly-caught red snapper.Upon the Anstices captain telling the schooners captain that hehad come to take over the hold-full of fish so as to allow the schoonerto continue her fishing operations without going to a harbor to dis-charge, the Anstices skipper was told he might just as well go backto where he came from—or to a warmer zone if he preferred. Thecrews of the fishing schooners, he was told, have decided that theylike to get ashore just as well as the crew of the Anstice and theypropose to get ashore just as soon and as often as they get theirholds filled with fish. So the theory of transferring fish from thefishing fleet to the shore in a refrigerating steamer did not work outin practice because of the eternal human desire for an occasionalsight, at least, of home, sweet, home. — 92 —
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AUXILLIARY MOTOR PILOT BOAT TRENTONFormerly ihe fishing schooner Kernrcood. Purchased for pilot service in 1907
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