January 13 – Lord Eldon, Lord Chancellor under three kings, dies.
January 14 – The rebels, under Mackenzie, evacuate Navy Island.
January 17 – Lord John Russell introduces a bill to suspend the Constitution of Canada. Lord Brougham says, "You propose to punish a whole Province, because it contains a few malcontent parishes; thus, by your indiscriminating prescriptions, you chastise those, even, who have helped you to stifle the insurrection.
May to July – Guerrilla actions: roasting of the Sir Robert Peel.
May 27 – As governor general and high commissioner of British North America, Lord Durham arrives to investigate the circumstances behind the Rebellions of 1837.
December 13 – Sir John Colborne, Governor General, Messrs. Moffat, Stuart and Badgley go to England, to represent British Canadian views.
Full date unknown
Lord Howick declares "If I thought the great mass of people were hostile to Britain, I should say that what ought to be done would be to see how a final separation between them and us could be effectuated without sacrificing British interests; but I do not think that British Canadians are opposed to British domination, for our alliance is more necessary to them than their connection is important to us."
Of the French Canadians, he says, "If it be only for their laws and particular usages that they are struggling, surrounded, as they are, by people of other races, they must be aware that they would be made to undergo, if they lost British protection, a much more violent change than any which they have yet had to endure; and certainly, greater and more general than any which we may mean to prescribe for them." He adds that "Unlimited executive responsibility is irreconcilable with the relations which ought to exist between a colony and the metropolitan power. Mr. Grote says, "If the violation, in part, of the Constitution determined the Canadians to arm in defence of their rights, how will they endure the suspension of the Constitution entirely and the confiscation of popular freedom?"
Conflict over the New Brunswick-Maine border begins in the Aroostook River area.
During December 1838 and January 1839, 30 rebels hanged in London, Kingston and Montreal.
The Custom House, at Montreal, is finished.
The population of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island is 1,282,000.
Insurgents are amnestied.
The governors of New York and Vermont forbid interference with Canadian difficulties.