BeschreibungSurvey Ship HMNZS Lachlan in Dusky Sound (12954922013).jpg
Dusky Sound, situated on the west coast of the South Island, is the largest fiord in New Zealand. It was first sighted by Captain Cook on 13 March 1770. He named it Dusky Bay because of its sombre aspect.
Cook did not enter the Sound until 26 March 1773, when he returned on his second voyage. He remained in the Sound until 11 May 1773, exploring and charting the area. Cook was impressed by the wealth of birdlife in the area, and this can be seen in his naming of features such as Shag Rock, Pigeon and Parrot Isles, and Goose and Woodhen Coves. Clearings were made in the bush and an observatory was established. There was also a blacksmith's shop, a sailmaker's camp, and a brewery. Cook's headquarters were at Pickersgill Harbour on the south-east shore of the Sound.
The next visitor to Dusky was George Vancouver, in the Discovery, who arrived on 2 November 1791. He stayed about three weeks, during which time he surveyed the north arm of Breaksea Sound, now called Vancouver Arm. In 1792 Captain Raven, master of the Britannia, called and left a sealing gang at Luncheon Cove on Anchor Island. They were the first temporary European residents of New Zealand.
The photograph above shows the Survey Ship HMNZS Lachlan in Dusky Sound. This photograph comes from the historical photographs series, part of the Land Information New Zealand holdings at Archives New Zealand. Land Information New Zealand (Toitu te Whenua), commonly known as LINZ, was established on 1 July 1996. The National Office of LINZ, its Regional Offices and Branch Offices came into existence on the same date. LINZ had responsibility for providing New Zealand's authoritative land and seabed information. Its direct services to the public included the issue of land titles, making available Government held land information and the approval of survey plans.
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8. September 2016
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