Clinical signs of MCOA syndrome. A. Oblique profile images of the lateral anterior segment of the right eye of a Rocky Mountain horse. A multiloculated cyst arising from the anterior ciliary body is present. B. Photograph of the right eye of a Rocky Mountain horse with ectropion uvea, dyscoria, cataract, and lens subluxation. The granula iridica is hypoplastic, the pupil is misshapen, and complete circumferential ectropion uvea is present. Nuclear cataract of the nuclear-cortical junction is present. Vitreous is present in the anterior chamber between the iris and lens secondary to posterior ventral lens subluxation. C. Profile photograph of a Rocky Mountain Horse with Cornea Globosa. Note the anterior protrusion of the cornea and large corneal diameter. D. Profile photograph of a Rocky Mountain Horse with a normal cornea. Note the normal corneal curvature and diameter.
Published online 2008 December 19. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-9-88.
Andersson LS, Juras R, Ramsey DT, Eason-Butler J, Ewart S, Cothran G, Lindgren G.: Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies maps to a 4.9 megabase interval on horse chromosome 6. BMC Genet. 2008 Dec 19;9:88. PMID: 19099555
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{{Information |Description=Clinical signs of MCOA syndrome. A. Oblique profile images of the lateral anterior segment of the right eye of a Rocky Mountain horse. A multiloculated cyst arising from the anterior ciliary body is present. B. Photograph of the
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