Diese Datei ist ein Werk eines Angestellten der U.S. Air Force, das im Verlauf seiner offiziellen Arbeit erstellt wurde. Als ein Werk der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten ist diese Datei gemeinfrei.
The content of this web site is made up, primarily, of "public domain" (non-copyright) materials in English:
Official government histories (United States and British Commonwealth/Empire);
Source documents (diplomatic messages, Action Reports, logs, diaries, etc.; and
Primary references (manuals, glossaries, etc. Wherever possible, hyperlinks between these histories and documents have been included.
"Order of Battle" information compiled by the HyperWar authors. This currently includes pages for each of the ships in the U.S. Fleet; a start on pages for U.S. Army Divisions; and a smaller start on pages for U.S. Marine Corps Divisions.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Escort fighter ranges from English bases during World War II}} |Source =[http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/AAF-Luftwaffe/AAF-Luftwaffe-5.html Strategy for Defeat: The Luftwaffe 1933-1945.], page 172 |Auth...