Change of date:var day = new Date("2022-06-29");
var languages = "az|bs|ca|de|en|es|fr|fur|hsb|hr|it|nds|pl|tr|el|he|bg|ru".split("|");
function t(text, systemLanguage) { console.log( '\t\t<text' + systemLanguage + '>(' + text + ')</text>' ); }
function l(localex) { t(day.toLocaleString(localex, { dateStyle: "long" }), ' systemLanguage="' + localex + '"' ); }
t(day.toISOString().substr(0, 10),'');
Run the above JavaScript to generate this SVG fragment for the multilingual date string. You can do this in you browser console (F12, copy & paste), in JSFiddle (or similar) or by using CodeNRun.
<text systemLanguage="az">(29 iyun 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="bs">(29. juni 2022.)</text>
<text systemLanguage="ca">(29 de juny de 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="de">(29. Juni 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="en">(June 29, 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="es">(29 de junio de 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="fr">(29 juin 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="fur">(29 di Jugn dal 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="hsb">(29. junija 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="hr">(29. lipnja 2022.)</text>
<text systemLanguage="it">(29 giugno 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="nds">(29. Juni 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="pl">(29 czerwca 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="tr">(29 Haziran 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="el">(29 Ιουνίου 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="he">(29 ביוני 2022)</text>
<text systemLanguage="bg">(29 юни 2022 г.)</text>
<text systemLanguage="ru">(29 июня 2022 г.)</text>
Look for it in the SVG and replace it.
Change of power: The ruling parties/coalitions of all 16 German states change at least all five years. Thus the representation in the Bundesrat changes accordingly. To update this chart, you only need to change the symbolic references per each state to match the ruling party/coalition. It can be found right at the beginning of the SVG file. Should you need a new symbolic definition of a new coalition, please look further down in the SVG for the definition.
<symbol id="DE-BW-Party"><use xlink:href="#B90Gruene-CDU"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-BY-Party"><use xlink:href="#CSU-FW"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-BE-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-Linke-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-BB-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-CDU-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-HB-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-B90Gruene-Linke"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-HH-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-HE-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-MV-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-CDU"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-NI-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-CDU"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-NW-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-FDP"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-RP-Party"><use xlink:href="#SPD-B90Gruene-FDP"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-SL-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-SPD"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-SN-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-B90Gruene-SPD"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-ST-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-SPD-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-SH-Party"><use xlink:href="#CDU-B90Gruene-FDP"/></symbol>
<symbol id="DE-TH-Party"><use xlink:href="#Linke-SPD-B90Gruene"/></symbol>
Example of a three-party coalition definition (use #halfofaseat for two-party coalitions):
<symbol id="SPD-FDP-B90Gruene">
<use xlink:href="#thirdofaseat1" class="seatSPD" />
<use xlink:href="#thirdofaseat2" class="seatFDP" />
<use xlink:href="#thirdofaseat3" class="seatB90Gruene" />
New language: This file contains language variants for the 16 German states, the headline and the date (see above). They are inline text nodes as a SystemLanguage switch, just add your language code and local language below each text node, before the closing </switch> (see 'BETWEEN THESE LINES', below). Each new language added should add 18 text nodes (16 states, headline, date).
<switch transform="scale(0.05)">
<text systemLanguage="de">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="en">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="it">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="fr">Bade-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Wurtemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="es">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="ca">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="hsb">Badensko-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württembergska</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="hr">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="az">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Vürtemberq</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="tr">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="bs">Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="he"><tspan dy="120">באדן-וירטמברג</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="el">Βάδη-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Βυρτεμβέργη</tspan></text>
<text systemLanguage="bg">Баден-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Вюртемберг</tspan></text>
<text >Baden-<tspan dy="240" x="0">Württemberg</tspan></text>
Below are the Wikidata labels for each state in the language that you have selected at the top of this page to use for your translation and links to the page of that state on
Bundesrat (Q146138)
Bundesland (Q1221156):
|other versions= {{Svg lang |p=o |en|de|it|fr|es|ca|hsb|hr|az|tr|bs|he|el|nds|bg|fur|pl }}