Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

Spillekonsoller (1. generation)

Den første generations spillekonsoller varede fra 1972 med udgivelsen af Magnavox Odyssey til omkring år 1977, da "pong"-konsol fabrikanter forlod markedet efter den succesrige introduktion af mikroprocessor-baserede konsoller.[1]

Interaktive fjernsyn

Fjernsyns ingeniøren Ralph Baer fik ideen at skabe interaktive fjernsyn imens han byggede et fjernsyn fra grunden for Loral 1951 i Bronx, New York. Han udforskede ideen yderligere i 1966 da han var chef ingeniør af "Equipment Design Division" ved Sanders Associates. Baer skabte et simpelt 2-spillere computerspil der kunne blive vist på et standard TV kaldt Chase, hvor to prikker jagtede hinanden på skærmen.


Denne tabel indeholder kun en liste over de mest kendte konsoller og relative benyttede chips.

Chip kode/navn År Fabrikant Farver Spil Konsoller
AY-3-8500 1976 General Instrument Nej (1) Tennis, fodbold, squash, øvelse, 2 riffel spil Telstar (Telstar, Classic, Deluxe, Ranger, Alpha, Colormatic, Regent, Sportsman)
Odyssey (300,2000,3000)
Radio Shack TV Scoreboard
Unisonic Sportsman/Tournament
Philips Tele-Spiel ES2203 and ES2204
Zanussi/Seleco Play-O-Tronic
Videomaster (Strika, Strika 2,ColourScore 2, SuperScore)
APF TV Fun (Model 401)
BSS 01
AY-3-8510 1978? General Instrument Ja Tennis, hockey, squash, jai alai Telstar Colortron
AY-3-8512 1978? General Instrument Ja Tennis, hockey, squash, jai alai, skeet, target Telstar Marksman
AY-3-8600 1977 General Instrument Nej(2) 8 spil med bolde og padler Telstar Galaxy
Odyssey 4000
Philips Tele-Spiel ES2218
AY-3-8610 1977 General Instrument Nej(2)[2] 8 spil med bolde og padler + 2 riffel spil Videomaster Sportsworld
Philco/Ford Telejogo II
AY-3-8550 1976? General Instrument Nej(1) Det samme som 8500, dog med tilføjelse af vandret styring af spillerne Philips Tele-Spiel ES2208
AY-3-8700 1978? General Instrument 4 spil med tanks Telstar Combat!
MPS-7600-001,002,003,004 (3)(4) 1977 MOS Technology De fire versioner af chippen indeholder ofte fire spil Telstar Gemini(only version 004).
Telstar Arcade(all 4 versions).
Commodore TV Game 2000K/3000H) (only version 001).
MM-57100/MM-57105(PAL) 1976 National Semiconductor Ja Tennis, Hockey, Squash National Adversary
Philips Odyssey 2001
Videomaster (ColourScore, VisionScore, ColourShot)
Philco/Ford Telejogo
MM-57106/MM-57186(PAL) 1977 National Semiconductor Ja Tennis, Hockey, Squash, Breakout, Flipper e Football. Philips N30
Philips Odyssey 2100
F4301 1976 Universal Research Labs ? To spil med bolde og padler samt to racerspil Indy 500 system (Video Action 4)
Sears/Atari Speedway e Speedway IV
Interton Video 2800
MBO Tele-Ball VIII
SN76410N 197? Texas Instruments ? Seks spil med bolde og padler Tele-Match 3300R
Ricochet Super Pro (modello MT-4A)
Venture Electronics Video Sports VS-5
3659-1C/C2566 1975 Atari Nej Pong Atari PONG
3659-3 1975 Atari Nej Pong Atari PONG Doubles
C010073-3 1976 Atari Nej Fire Pong spil Atari/Sears Super PONG
C010073-01/C2607 1976 Atari ? Ti Pong spil Atari Super PONG Ten
C010765 1977 Atari ? 16 Pong spil Atari Ultra PONG
Atari Ultra PONG Doubles
C011500-11/C011512-05 (4) 1977 Atari ? 7 spil (f.eks. Pinball, Basketball og Breakout) Atari Video Pinball

(1) Farver kunne opnås ved benyttelse af AY-3-8515 chippen
(2) Farver kunne opnås ved benyttelse af AY-3-8615 chippen
(3) PAL version koden er 7601
(4) Avancerede chips i forhold til den klassiske Pong-in-a-chip: indeholder en mikrocontroller og lidt RAM hukommelse.


Navn Magnavox Odyssey Magnavox Odyssey serien Atari/Sears Tele-Games Pong Coleco Telstar Nintendo Color TV Game
Udgivelsespris US$100 US$100–230 US$98.95 US$50 ¥8,300 - ¥48,000 (Omkring $101 - $594.8 USD i dag)
Udgivelsesdato NA May 1972
EU 1974
JP 1975
NA 1975
NA 1975
NA 1976
JP 1977
JP 1977
Medie ROM-Kassetter ? Indbygget chip[3] ROM-Kassetter (Telstar Arcade) ?
Tilbehør Light gun ? ? Styrepind designs ?
Antal solgte 333,000[4] 150,000[5][6] 1 million[7] 3 millioner[8]


  1. ^ Wolf, Mark J.P. (2008). The Video Game Explosion. Greenwood Publishing Group. s. Page xviii. ISBN 031333868X, 9780313338687. {{cite book}}: Tjek |isbn=: invalid character (hjælp)
  2. ^
  3. ^ "Atari home PONG systems". Pong-Story. Hentet 2010-09-13.
  4. ^ PONG-Story : Magnavox Odyssey – the first video game system
  5. ^ Ellis, David (2004). "Dedicated Consoles". Official Price Guide to Classic Video Games. Random House. s. 33–36. ISBN 0-375-72038-3.
  6. ^ Kent, Steven (2001). "Strange Bedfellows". Ultimate History of Video Games. Three Rivers Press. s. 94–95. ISBN 0-7615-3643-4.
  7. ^ Herman, Leonard (1997). Phoenix: the fall & rise of videogames (2 udgave). Union, NJ: Rolenta Press. s. 20. ISBN 0-9643848-2-5. Hentet 16. februar 2012. Like Pong, Telstar could only play video tennis but it retailed at an inexpensive $50 that made it attractive to most families that were on a budget. Coleco managed to sell over a million units that year.
  8. ^ Sheff, David; Eddy, Andy (1999), Game Over: How Nintendo Conquered the World, GamePress, s. 27, ISBN 978-0-9669617-0-6, Nintendo entered the home market in Japan with the dramatic unveiling of Color TV Game 6, which played six versions of light tennis. It was followed by a more powerful sequel, Color TV Game 15. A million units of each were sold. The engineering team also came up with systems that played a more complex game, called "Blockbuster," as well as a racing game. Half a million units of these were sold. {{citation}}: Mere end en |author= og |last= angivet (hjælp)