Udtrykket Nyromantisme er anvendt til at dække genkomsten af romantismen indenfor musik, maleri og litteratur. Den har været anvendt med henvisning til det meget sene 19. århundrede og starten af det 20. århundredes komponister som Gustav Mahler især ved Dalhaus, der bruger det som synonym med senromantisme. Udtrykket har været anvendt på nutidige komponister som forkastede eller opgav brugen af enheder af avantgarde modernisme.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Lewis Carroll
- John Ruskin
- Edward Elgar
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Aesthetic movement
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- William Morris News from Nowhere
- Symbolisme
- W.B. Yeats
- Rudyard Kipling Puck of Pook's Hill Rewards and Fairies
- A.E. Housman A Shropshire Lad
- Nygotisk arkitektur
- Pictorialisme
- Symbolisme Pan-Europa
- Odysseus Elytis Grækenland
- Bernard Faucon Frankrig
- Balthus Frankrig/Schweiz
- Sigurdur Nordal Island
- Vicente Aleixandre Spanien
- Anton Bruckner Østrig
- Iris van Dongen Holland
- Wandervogel Tyskland
- Arthur Schopenhauer Tyskland
- Walt Whitman
- Imagists
- Maxfield Parrish
- Allen Ginsberg
- The beat poets
- Minor White
- Joseph Cornell
- John Crowley
- Guy Davenport
- Justine Kurland
- Jeffrey Blondes
- Hakim Bey Temporary Autonomous Zone, Summer Land
- A Flock Of Seagulls
- Adam & the Ants
- Après Demain
- Blancmange
- Classix Nouveaux
- Culture Club
- Duran Duran
- Eurythmics
- The Flowers of Romance
- Human League
- Japan
- Kajagoogoo
- Lime
- Modern English
- Naked Eyes
- Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
- Organ
- Payolas
- Simple Minds
- Soft Cell
- Spandau Ballet
- Spoons
- Strange Advance
- Talk Talk
- Tears For Fears
- Ultravox
- Vennaskond
- Visage
- David Mellor. Paradise Lost: the neo-Romantic imagination in Britain, 1935 – 1955. (1987).
- Peter Woodcock. This Enchanted Isle – The Neo-Romantic Vision from William Blake to the New Visionaries (2000).
- Malcolm Yorke. The Spirit of Place – Nine Neo-Romantic Artists and Their Times (1989).
- Michael Bracewell. England Is Mine (1997).
- Peter Ackroyd. The Origins of the English Imagination (2002).
- P. Cannon-Brookes. The British Neo-Romantics (1983).
- Corbett, Holt and Russell (Ed's.) The Geographies of Englishness: Landscape and the National Past, 1880-1940 (2002).
- Graham Arnold. The Ruralists – A Celebration (2003).
- Christopher Martin. The Ruralists (An Art & Design Profile, No. 23) (1992).
- S. Sillars. British Romantic Art and The Second World War (1991).
- Trentmann F. Civilisation and its Discontents: English Neo-Romanticism and the Transformation of Anti-Modernism in Twentieth-Century Western Culture (1994, Birkbeck College).
- Edward Picot. Outcasts from Eden – ideas of landscape in British poetry since 1945 (1997).
- Hoover, Kathleen and Cage, John. Virgil Thompson: His Life and Music (1959).
- Albright, Daniel. Modernism and Music: An Anthology of Sources (2004).