Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft


NorthAmerica1762-83.png (787 × 600 billedpunkter, filstørrelse: 90 KB, MIME-type: image/png)

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English: Map showing territorial gains of Britain and Spain following the French and Indian War.

Also shown are boundary changes within the territory the British had acquired between 1763 to 1783.

Territorial lands held by the British before 1763 is shown in red, land gained by Britain in 1763 is shown in pink.

The lands ceded to the Kingdom of Spain in secret during 1762 are in light yellow, and also set-off are the lands Britain promised to close to white settlement - a causus belli to many Americans leading to support for the American Revolution.


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Kilde Eget arbejde ( Base map used is found here, uploaded by Roke )
Forfatter Jon Platek
Andre versioner العربيَّة


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  • The pink coloring specifically designates territory that Britain held without question after 1763; included are both areas that had been under full Spanish or French control and then lost, as well as areas disputedly claimed by Britain before 1763.
  • The undefined boundary in the upper watershed of the Red River of the North was due to confusion at the time as to the location of the headwaters of the Mississippi River. (The source of the Mississippi was believed to have been further north than its actual location.)
  • Dashed lines designate border changes within British-held territory outside of the thirteen colonies between 1763 and 1783.
    • Both of the annexations shown, by West Florida in 1767 and by Quebec in 1774, were previously included in the Indian Reserve of 1763. The Indian Reserve boundaries shown on the map are only the boundaries of the reserve until 1783, except for adjustments to the boundary made by the 1768 Treaty of Fort Stanwix and other treaties, which are not shown.

CORRECTION that needs to be made: Nova Scotia is wrongly labelled. What is currently now Nova Scotia (and which includes what was then Acadia) is only the area indicated by the rightmost of the two indicator lines. The left area is pointing to what is now New Brunswick. These names and areas did not exist at that time. The area that is now Canada should be treated the same as the area that was the American colonies: show and label only the cities and towns, and do not provide labels for the currently existing states and provinces (i.e., the current individual American states are not labelled, so why are only two of the provinces labelled (and mislabelled at that)?).


Tilføj en kort forklaring på en enkelt linje om hvad filen viser
North America after the Seven Years' War. France ceded Louisiana to Spain before surrender; this kept Britain out of the trans-Mississippi West. Spain traded Florida for Cuba. Britain created two colonies with captials at Pensacola & St. Augustine.

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GNU Free Documentation License, version 1.2 eller senere

Creative Commons Navngivelse-DelPåSammeVilkår 3.0

etablerings- / skabelsesdato

28. september 2008

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nuværende5. sep. 2011, 06:17Miniature af versionen fra 5. sep. 2011, 06:17787 × 600 (90 KB)Creysmon07Changing contours of the lakes and the coasts of North America (made manually).
28. sep. 2008, 22:05Miniature af versionen fra 28. sep. 2008, 22:05787 × 600 (62 KB)AlexiusHoratius~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=Map showing territorial gains of Britain and Spain following the French and Indian War. Also shown are boundary changes within the territory the British had aquired between 1763 to 1783.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Au

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