Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft


daDenne bruger har dansk som modersmål
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language
it-4Questo utente ha una conoscenza da madrelingua dell'italiano.
Brugere efter sprog
Citat The dilemma of traditional sex research lay in the unconscious, but unquestiongly assumed division into opposing drives and hereditary factors. . . The division into heterosexuality and homosexuality, into hetersexuals and homosexuals, is also an artefact that rests on a grave error, namely, on the assumption that a fundamentally different model is necessary to explain heterosexual and homosexual behavior. The entire investigation of etiology was ideologically loaded beforehand because it separated a segment of the sexual contiuum and attempted to make analyses with the help of fundamentally different concepts. Citat
Rolf Gindorf, 1977.
Verdenskortet af rejse & ophold restriktioner over for personer med HIV/AİDS
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