Wikipedia:WikiProject Paranormal/Prospectus
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, 3rd ed., Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 2007, 0-8160-6737-6.
Major articles
Over 2 pages
- Great Amherst Mystery; Apparition*;
- Bachelor's Grove Cemetery; Bell Witch*; Borley Rectory;
- Electronic voice phenomena*; Exorcism*;
- Gettysburg battlefield*; Ghost*; Andrew Malcolm Green*;
- Haunting*; Daniel Dunglas Home; Harry Houdini;
- Instrumental transcommunication*;
- Carl Gustav Jung;
- Marie Laveau and Marie Laveau Glapion; Abraham Lincoln*;
- Marian apparitions*; Mediumship*; Mount Shasta*; Myrtles Plantation*;
- Necromancy*;
- Paranormal investigation*; Poltergeist; Possession*; Harry Price;
- St. Louis exorcism case*; Sakura, Ghost of or Ghost of Sakura; Scole Experimental Group*; Smurl Haunting; Spirit photography*;
- Thornewood Castle*;
- Versailles Ghosts;
- Ed and Lorraine Warren or Ed Warren and Lorraine Warren;
Significant articles
3 paragraphs to 2 pages
- Derek Acorah; John Adams (1949-); Adelphi Theatre; Afterlife; Keith Age; Alcatraz; All Hallow's Eve or Halloween; American Ghost Society; American Society for Psychical Research; Amityville case*; Gabriele Amorth; Amulet; Ancestor worship; Angel; Angel of Mons; Animism; Ankou; Antietam battlefield*; Apport; Arrival cases; Arundel Castle; Ash Manor Ghost; Asport; Athenodorus, Haunting of or Haunting of Athenodorus; Loyd Auerbach; Aumakua; Benjamin Fish Austin*; Automatic writing; Automatism;
- Ba; Balfour family; Ballechin House; Baltimore Poltergeist; Banff Springs Hotel; Banshee; Maurice Barbanell; Bardo Thödol or Tibetan Book of the Dead; Barnstable House*; William Fletcher Barrett; Battle Abbey; Battlefield ghosts; Bealings Bell-Ringer; Beans; Beetlejuice; Jeff Belanger; Hans Bender; Jeremy Bentham; Marthe Beraud; Berry Pomeroy Castle; Billy Bishop Legion Hall*; Bilocation; Bindelof Society; Biograph Theater; Bird Cage Theatre*; Birds; Beatrice Ethel Gaulton Bishop; Black Aggie*; Black dogs; Black Shuck; Blennerhassett Hotel*; Blennerhassett Island*; Blue-cap or Blue-bonnet; Boggart; Frederick Bligh Bond; Book test; Borley Ghost Society; Boston Society for Psychic Research; Bridge of souls; Browning Circle; Titus Bull; Eddie Burks; Evelyn Byrd;
- Cabinet; Calling ghosts; Calvados Castle; Candles; Alphonse Capone or “Scarface” Capone or Al Capone*; Chester F. Carlson; Hereward Carrington; Cashtown Inn*; Castle Hasdeu*; Caul; Cauld Lad of Hilton; Chaffin Will Case; Channeling; Charlton House; Charms against ghosts; Chatham*; Cheltenham Haunting; Ch'iang Shih; Chickamauga battlefield*; Challiwack Museum; Challiwack Poltergeist; Clairvoyance; Cock Lane Ghost; John Robert Colombo; Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal or CSICOP; Constellation or U.S.S. Constellation*; Control; Florence Cook; Corpse candles; Corpus Christi College; Cottingley fairies; Craigdarroch Castle*; Mina Stinson Crandon; Dorothy Stella Cranshaw; William Jackson Crawford; William Creighton; Crescent Hotel*; William Crookes; Cross correspondences; Crossroads; Cryptomnesia; Ian Currie;
- Daimon; Davenport brothers; Andrew Jackson Davis; Day of the Dead; Deane House*; Deathbed visions; Death omens; Decatur House; Demon*; Demon queller; Demonology; Dieppe Raid Case; Direct voice mediumship; Domovik or Domovoj or Domovoy; Doris Fischer case; Double; Arthur Conan Doyle; Francis Drake; Dreams*; Drop-in communicator; Drummer of Cortachy; Drummer of Tedworth; Allison DuBois; Helen Duncan; Duppy; Dybbuk; Dzibai or Ghost Midewiwin;
- Ear of Dionysius; Eastern State Pentitentiary*; Martin Ebon; Ectoplasm; Edgehill, Battle of or Battle of Edgehill; John Edward; Ekimmu; Enfield Poltergeist; Epworth Rectory; Sarah Estep; Evocation*; The Exorcism of Emily Rose; Extrasensory perception or ESP;
- Faceless Gray Man of Pawleys Island; Faceless Woman; Fairy; Feasts and festivals of the dead; Fetish*; Fifty Berkeley Square; First Unitarian Church of Alton*; Andrew Joseph Hilton Fisher or Joe Fisher; Rick Fisher; Flight 401; Leslie Flint; Flying Dutchman; Nandor Fodor; Arthur Augustus Ford; Fox sisters; Fredericksburg battlefield and environs*; Funeral rites and customs;
- Eileen J. Garrett; Gustave Geley; Ghost (1990 film); Ghostbusters; Ghost Club*; Ghost Club Society; Ghost Dance; Ghost-laying; Ghost lights*; Ghost Research Society*; Ghost seers; Ghost sickness; The Ghosts of Angela Webb; John Girvan; Glamis Castle; Goblin; Goligher Circle; Doris Gravlin; Gray ladies; Greenbrier ghost; Gremlin; Grottendieck Stone-Thrower; Guardian spirit; Agnes Guppy or Mrs. Samuel Guppy; Edmund Gurney; Jan Guzik;
- Halcyon House; Ham House*; Thomas Glendenning Hamilton; Hammersmith Ghost*; Hampton Court*; Erlendur Haraldsson; Harpers Ferry*; Tom Harpur; Hornell Norris Hart; Harvard Exit Theater; Haskell House; Hatley Castle*; Jason Conrad Hawes; Hermitage Castle; Herne the Hunter; Hitchhikers; Richard Hodgson; Hofdi Poltergeist; Hans Holzer*; Home circle; William Hope; Hotel del Coronado; Hull-House; James Hervey Hyslop;
- Ideoplasty; Ignis fatuus; Ikiryoh; Indridi Indridason; Institut Métaphysique International; International Association of Exorcists; International Spiritualist Federation; Iron; Italian Bride;
- Jaboticabal Poltergeist; Jack-o'-lantern or Jacky lantern; William James; Jimmy Squarefoot; Carl Leonard Johnson and Keith Edward Johnson and Sandra Ann Hutchings-Johnson; Jott*;
- Ka; Kachina; Dale David Kaczmarek*; Allen Kardec; Kelpie; Kenmore*; James Kidd; John and Katie King or John King and Katie King; John Sumpter King; William Lyon Mackenzie King; Knocker; Kobold;
- La Llorona or The Weeping Woman; Andrew Lang; Langenhoe Church; Leap Castle*; Lemp Mansion*; Lemures; Lemuria or Lemuralia; Gladys Osborne Leonard; T. C. Lethbridge; Levitation; Ley lines; Lily Dale Assembly; Little Bastard, Curse of or Curse of Little Bastard; Littlecote House; Littledean Hall; Lizzie Borden House*; Oliver Joseph Lodge; Longleat; Lowe Hotel*; Lucks; Luminator; Thomas Lyttleton;
- Mad Anthony; Michaeleen Constance Maher; Manresa Castle*; Manrow House*; Marchers of the Night; Simon Marsden*; Materialization; Mazes; William McDougall;McLoughlin House*; McPike Mansion*; Medium; Menehune; Miami Poltergeist; Anneliese Michel; Mirrors; Lucy Maud Montgomery*; Moon; Morris-Jumel Mansion*; William Stainton Moses; Mount, The or The Mount; Moving coffins*; Alan Murdie; Gardner Murphy; Frederic William Henry Myers;
- National Spiritualist Association of Canada or NSA; National Spiritualist Association of Churches of the United States of America; Near-death experience or NDE; Mark Nesbitt; New London Ledge Lighthouse; Newspaper test; Newstead Abbey;
- Oakland Poltergeist; Ocean-Born Mary; Octagon, The or The Octagon; Elliott O'Donnell; Ed Okonowicz; Olde Angel Inn*; Old Hag; Orbs*; Karlis Osis; Eugene Osty; Out-of-body experience or OBE; A. R. G. Owen and Iris M. Owen or A. R. G. Owen and Iris M. Owen;
- Palatine light; Eusapia Palladino; Palm Sunday Case; William Charles Partridge or Bill Partridge; Pele; Tom Perrot; Michael A. Persinger; Peterhouse College; Karl Petry; Phantom hitchhiker or Vanishing hitchhiker; Phantom monks; Phantom nuns; Phantom ships; Phantom travelers; Phantom vehicles; Philip; Phone calls from the dead; Pickens County Courthouse; Picture test; James A. Pike; Jenny O'Hara Pincock; Leonora Evelina Simonds Piper; Planchette; Frank Podmore; Edgar Allan Poe*; Possessed possessions; J. G. Pratt or Joseph Gaither Pratt; Preta; Walter Franklin Prince; Pseudopod; Psychical research; Psychical Research Foundation; Psychokinesis or PK; Psychomanteum; Psychometry; Puca;
- Queen Mary*; Queen's Bank; Queen's House Ghost;
- R-101 Case; Radiant boy; Rakshasa; Rapping; Raynham Hall; Red Lion; Reincarnation; Noreen Reiner; Tina Resch; Resurrection Mary; Retrocognition; J. B. Rhine; Louisa Ella Weckesser Rhine; Louis Rodgers; D. Scott Rogo; Rolang; William George Roll, Jr.; Rosenheim Poltergeist; Runolfur Runolfsson case;
- Saint-John's-wort; Saint Valentine's Day Massacre*; San Francisco Art Institute; Sauchie Poltergeist; Sawston Hall; Schneider Brothers; Baron Albert Phillbert Franz von Schrenk-Notzing; Scotchtown*; Screaming skulls*; Seaford Poltergeist; Séance; Shadow people*; Shamanism; Shinto; Eleanor Mildred Balfour Sidgwick; Henry Sidgwick; Sitter group; Henry Slade; Slain Legionaries; Slate-writing; Smells*; Susy Smith*; Snarly Yow; Society for Psychical Research or SPR; Soul; Minnie Meserve Soule; Soul loss; Spirit; Spirit attachment; Spirit releasement; Spiritism; Spiritualism; Spiritualist Association of Great Britain; Spiritualist camps; Spiritualist Church of Canada or SCC; Spiritualist's National Union; Allen Spraggett; Stanley Hotel*; Staus Poltergeist; William T. Stead; Ian Stevenson; Stone-throwing Devil; Stratford*; Suicide; Super-psi; Survival after death; Survival Research Institute of Canada; Survival tests; Swan Point Cemetery; Emanuel Swedenborg;
- Table-tilting or Table talking; Talking board; TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society; Troy Taylor; Telepathy*; Theatre Royal; John F. Thomas; Thompson-Gifford case; Thornton Heath poltergeist; Thorpe Hall; Totemism; Tower of London; Tree ghosts; Jan Tregeagle or Jan Tregagle; Dick Turpin (d. 1739); Ena Twigg; George Nugent Merle Tyrrell;
- Peter Underwood*; Urban legend; U.S. Capitol building;
- Valencia; Vampire; James Van Praagh;
- Joshua P. Warren; Albert Durrant Watson; Waverly Hills Sanatorium*; Kelly Weaver*; Thomas Weir; Wells; West Virginia Penitentiary*; Whaley House*; Whisht hounds or Wish hounds or Wisht hounds or Wist hounds; White House*; White Noise; Carl A. Wickland; Wild Edric; Wild Hunt; Willington Mill; Wilmot Apparition; Grant Wilson; Winchester Mystery House; Windsor Castle; Woodlawn Plantation*; Patience Worth; Graham Wyley;
- John Zaffis; Zar; Zombie; Eleanore Zugun;
Minor articles
1 or 2 paragraphs
- Acheri; Afrit;
- Bakechochin; Barghest or Barguest; Bhut or Bhuta; Adam Christian Blai; Bogey; British College of Psychic Science or BCPS; Broads; Broom; Brownie; Bucca or Bucca-boo; Buruburu;
- Cairn; Chalcedony; Churel; Coffin corners; College of Psychic Studies; Corpse lights; Cypress;
- Dead house; Dead Smell Bad; Death cars; Deathwatch beetle; Dolphin; Doors;
- Thomas Alva Edison; Etheric studies;
- Fetch; Funayuhrei;
- Gashadokuro; Ghoul; Grateful dead; Griffin; Gris-gris;
- Jack-in-Irons;
- Kan Hotidan; Kere; Konakijijii; Kubikajiri;
- Lares; Larvae; Liekkö;
- Manes; Meteors; Mononoke;
- Night-wanderers; Nurikabe;
- Parpsychology Foundation; Parsley; Periwinkle; Phantasmagoria; Psychopomp;
- Revenant; Roaring Bull of Bagbury; Rusalka;
- Saturday; Seven Whistlers; Ship of the Dead; Shiwanna or Cloud People; Shrieking Pits; Silkies; Silver; Spittle and Spitting; Spunkiie;
- Thought-form; Toad; Trumpet; Tsukumogami;
- Vetala;
- Whirlwinds; Windigo or Wendigo or Wiendigo; Witching hour;
- Academy of Religion and Psychical Research; After-death communications; Afterlife codes; American Association – Electronic Voice Phenomena; Ancestral spirit; April Ghost; Armpitting;
- Charles Bailey; Elizabeth Barrett; Kenneth Batcheldor; Bean-Nighe; Bean Si; Benandanti; Bettiscombe Skull; Biggin Hill; H. P. Blavatsky; Blue Man; Lizzie Borden; Emma Hardinge Britten; John Brown; Brown Lady of Raynham Hall; Burton Agnes Skull;
- Cambridge Ghost Club; Capitol; Captain Kidd; Lord Castlereagh; Cemeteries; Census of Hallucinations; Churchyard Beast; Cipher test; Collective apparitions; Combination lock test; Corby Castle; Coutts & Co.; Co-walker; Crewe Circle; Crisis apparitions;
- James Dean; Deliverance; Depossession; The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer; Dickie Skull; John Dillinger; Dopplegänger; Dunsmuir family;
- Earth lights; Eva C.; Extra;
- Fetch candles; Fetch lights; J. Arthur Findlay; Doris Fischer; Ford's Theatre;
- Galleytrot; Ghost Hunters; Ghost investigation; Ghost photographs; Ghost tech; Graves and graveyards;
- Hag; Halloween; Hateful Thing; Sarah Henry; Home sitting; House of Eleven Ghosts; House of the Demons; Hungry Ghost Festival;
- Incubus; Infestation;
- Labyrinth; Jean Lafitte; Liminality; Charles Lindbergh; Little-Washer-by-the-Ford; H. P. Lovecraft;
- Dolley Madison; MADS or Magnetic Anomaly Detection System; Mathew Manning; Marfa lights; Margery; [Marylebone Spiritualist Association, Ltd.]]; George Meek; Megaliths; Milky Way; Mine spirits; Mirror writing; Kate Morgan; Morton Case; Moundsville Penitentiary; Mujina; Multi-Energy Sensor Array or MESA; Muncaster Castle;
- Name soul; Nechanesmere, Battle of or Battle of Nechanesmere; Nightmarchers;
- Obon; Old Green Eyes; Old Shuck; Oppression; Ouija board;
- Phantasm; Pooka; Proxy sitting; Psychography;
- Rainbow; Konstantin Raudive; Reciprocal apparitions; Recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis or RSPK; Royal Roads University; Peter Rugg;
- St. James Sag Church; Samhain; Sar; Gary E. Schwartz; Shug Monkey; Silly how; Silver Birch; Soul cakes; Spiricom; Spirit obsession; Spirit writing; Spirits of the living; Spook lights; Stella C.; Succubus; Mary Surratt; Survival Research Foundation; Hannen Swaffer; Swooning Shadow;
- Telephone communication with the dead; Teleportation; Robert Thouless; Tommyknocker; Tulip Staircase Ghost; Tunstead Farm Skull;
- Vanishing hitchhiker; Vardøger; VERITAS;
- Wandering ghosts; Wardley Skull; Anthony Wayne; Weeping woman; Edith Wharton; Will-o'-the-Wisp; Wraith;
- Amityville case – Background**; Investigations*; Controversy**; Lawsuits**; Aftermath**;
- Antietam battlefield – The Battle**; Haunting activity**;
- Apparition – Characteristics of apparitions**; Historical and cultural beliefs about apparitions**; Study of apparitions**; Types of apparitions**; Theories about apparitions in psychical research**;
- Apparition – Types of apparitions – Crisis apparitions*; Apparitions of the dead*; Collective apparitions*; Reciprocal apparitions*; Deathbed apparitions*; Apparitions in cases suggestive of reincarnation*;
- Benjamin Fish Austin – Publishing career**;
- Barnstable House – History**; Haunting activity**;
- Bell Witch – Legend #1**; Legend #2**; Legend #3**; Subsequent Activity**; The Bell Witch Cave**; Explanations for the Bell Witch**;
- Billy Bishop Legion Hall – History*; Haunting Activity*;
- Bird Cage Theatre – History**; Haunting Activity*;
- Black Aggie – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Blennerhassett Hotel – History*; Haunting Activity**;
- Blennerhassett Island – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Alphonse Capone or “Scarface” Capone or Al Capone – Life**; Haunting Phenomena**;
- Cashtown Inn – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Castle Hasdeu – History and Haunting Activity**; Explanations of Haunting Activity*;
- Chatham – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Chickamauga battlefield – The Battle**; Haunting Activity**;
- Constellation or U.S.S. Constellation – History**; Hautning Activity**;
- Craigdarroch Castle – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Crescent Hotel – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Deane House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Demon – Historical overview**; Characteristics of demons**;
- Dreams – Historical overview**; After-death communications**; Dreams by the dying*; Dreams of ghosts and apparitions**; Dream invasion*;
- Eastern State Pentientiary – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Electronic voice phenomena – History**; Characteristics of EVP**; Techniques**; Explanations of EVP**;
- Evocation – Evocation for prophecy**; Evocation in Dreams*; Evocation for Ghost-Laying**;
- Exorcism – Overview**; Catholic exorcism**; Deliverance Ministries*; Jewish exorcism*; Nonweatern views*; Medical views*; Exorcism of ghosts**;
- Fetish – Ancient Egyptian fetishes*; African-American fetishes**; Native American fetishes**;
- First Unitarian Church of Alton – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Fredericksburg battlefield and environs – Battle at Fredericksburg**; Haunting Activity**;
- Fredericksburg battlefield and environs – Haunting Activigty – Marye's Heights and the Sunken Road*; The Chimneys*; St. George's Episcopal Church*;
- Gettysburg battlefield – The Battle**; Hauntings**;
- Gettysburg battlefield – Hauntings – Devil's Den and the Slaughter Pen**; Spangler's Spring*; Baladerryt Inn*; Cashtown Inn*; Pennsylvania Hall or the “Old Dorm”*; Rose Farm*; George Weikert House*; David Willis House*; Hummelbaugh House*;
- Ghost – Historical Overview**; The Returning Dead*; Superstitions about Ghosts**; Characteristics of Ghosts**; Psychical research and ghosts**; Paranormal investigations and ghosts*; Geomagnetic and electromagnetic factors and ghosts*; Ghosts and Liminality**; Getting ride of ghosts*; Skeptics and ghosts*;
- Ghost Club – History**; Membership*; Philosophy and activities*;
- Ghost lights – Famous Ghost Lights**;
- Ghost Research Society – History and Organization**; Investigation Activities**;
- Andrew Malcolm Green – Life**; Paranormal views and works**;
- Ham House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Hammersmith Ghost – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Hampton Court – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Harpers Ferry – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Hatley Castle – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Haunting – Characteristics of Hauntings**; Causes of Hauntings**; Place Energy**; Artificially Induced Hauntings*; Ending Hauntings*;
- Hans Holzer – Life**; Views on the Paranormal**;
- Instrumental transcommunication – History**; ITC Technology**; The Afterlife**; The Project**;
- Jott – Walkabout*; Comeback*; Flyaway*; Turnup*; Windfall*; Trade-in*;
- Dale David Kaczmarek – Life**; Paranormal views and works**;
- Kenmore – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Leap Castle – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Lemp Mansion – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Abraham Lincoln – Life**; The Influence of Spiritualism**; Paranormal experiences**; Ghost Train Home**; Repeated Burials**; Lincoln's Haunting Activity**; Hauntings Associated with the Assassination**;
- Lizzie Borden House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Lowe Hotel – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Manresa Castle – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Manrow House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Marian apparitions – Authenticated apparitions**; Unauthenticated apparitions**;
- Marian apparitions – Authenticated apparitions – Guadalupe, Mexico**; Lourdes, France**; Fatima, Poortugal**;
- Marian apparitions – Unauthenticated apparitions – Zeitoun, Egypt**; Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina**; Conyers, Georgia**;
- Simon Marsden – Life**; Views on the Paranormal**;
- McLaughlin House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- McPike Mansion – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Mediumship – Overview**; Medical Considerations of Mediumship**; Mediumship in Spiritualism**; Psychical research and mediumship**; Mediumship and Survival**;
- Lucy Maud Montgomery – Life**; Views on the Paranormal**;
- Morris-Jumel Mansion – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Mount Shasta – Indian Myths**; Origins of the Name*; Mount Shasta Today*; Ghosts and Powers**; Lemurians and Secret Cities**; The Great White Brotherhood**; Mystery Lights**; Pluto Cave: Hell or ET Sanctuary?*; Fairy Falls*; UFOs and ETs*; Bigfoot*;
- Moving coffins – The Chase Crypt of Barbados**; Other Cases of Moving Coffins**;
- Myrtles Plantation – History**; Haunting Activity**; Questionable Ghosts*; Chloe**; Murdered Union Soldiers*; Murdered caretaker*; Embellishments to the Winter murder*; Haunted mirror*;
- Necromancy – Necromancy for Magical Spells**; Reanimation Necromancy**; Necromany in Medieval Europe**;
- Olde Angel Inn – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Orbs – Characteristics of Orbs*; Locations of Orbs*; Explanations of Orbs**;
- Paranormal investigation – Historical Overview**; Characteristics of Investigation**; Use of High-Technology Tools**; Elements of Investigation**; Challenges in the Field**;
- Edgar Allan Poe – Life**; Works*; Poe Grave*; Poe House and Museum**;
- Possession – Overview**; Demonic Possession**; Spirits and Multiple Personality**; The Influence of Spiritualism**; Spirit Possession Elsewhere in the World**; Possession by the Holy Spirit*;
- Queen Mary – History*; Haunting Activity**;
- St. Louis exorcism case – Overview*; The Case**; The Exorcism**; Aftermath**; Divided Opinions**;
- Saint Valentine's Day Massacre – History**; Haunting Activity*;
- Scole Experimental Group – History**; Investigation**; Controversy**; Scole in Review**;
- Schotchtown – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Screaming Skulls – The Wardley Skull**; The Bettiscombe Skull**; The Burton Agnes Skull**; Tunstead Farm Skull**;
- Shadow people – Bedroom watchers*; Shadows on walls*; Moving shadows*; Background visitors*; Haunting presences*;
- Smells – Foul Smells*;
- Susy Smith – Life**; The Afterlife Codes**;
- Spirit photography – History**; Explanations of Spirit Photographs**; Orbs and Light Anomalies*; Spirits in Backgrounds*; Natural Causes*; Fraud*; The Need for Discernment*;
- Stanley Hotel – History*; Haunting Activity*;
- Stratford – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Telepathy – Historical Overview**; Explanations of Telepathy**; Telepathy in Mediumship*; Telepathy in Paranormal Investigation**;
- Thornewood Castle – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Peter Underwood – Life**; Views on Ghosts and Hauntings**; Works*;
- Waverly Hills Sanatorium – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Kelly Weaver – Life**; Paranormal Views, Experiences, and Works**;
- West Virginia Penitentiary – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Whaley House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- White House – History**; Haunting Activity**;
- Woodlawn Plantation – History**; Haunting Activity**;