Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// titlecaseconverter.js
/* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */
$( () => {
* Convert titles to title case
function toTitleCase( title, changeExistingCapitalization = true ) {
const isAllCaps = title.toUpperCase() === title;
if ( isAllCaps ) {
title = title.toLowerCase();
title = title.split( ' ' ).map( ( word, index, array ) => {
// Retain words that are already in uppercase or are special cases
if ( word.toUpperCase() === word || isSpecialCase( word ) ) {
return word;
// Retain capitalization for words following certain punctuation marks
if ( index > 0 && /[/;\-,]/.test( array[ index - 1 ] ) ) {
return word.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + word.slice( 1 );
// Check for mixed capitalization
const hasMixedCase = /[a-z]/.test(word) && /[A-Z]/.test(word);
if (hasMixedCase) {
return word;
// If there's already a capital letter in the word, we probably don't want to change it
const hasUpperCaseLetter = /[A-Z]/.test(word);
if (!changeExistingCapitalization && hasUpperCaseLetter) {
return word;
} else if ( shouldCapitalize( word, index, array ) ) {
return word.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + word.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase();
} else {
return word.toLowerCase();
} ).join( ' ' );
// Capitalize first letters that occur after punctuation
title = title.replace( / [^A-Za-z][a-z]/g, ( match ) => ' ' + match.slice( 1, 2 ) + match.slice( 2 ).toUpperCase() );
// Capitalize anything after a semicolon
title = title.replace( /;[a-z]/g, ( match ) => ';' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
// Capitalize letters mid-word that occur after hyphens or slashes
title = title.replace( /-[a-z]/g, ( match ) => '-' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
title = title.replace( /\/[a-z]/g, ( match ) => '/' + match.slice( 1 ).toUpperCase() );
return title;
* Check if a word is an abbreviation or an exception
function isSpecialCase( word ) {
// Define custom exceptions for abbreviations and specific titles
const exceptions = [ 'MRT', 'LTA', 'S$', 'US$', 'NASA', 'FBI', 'MP3' ]; // Add more exceptions as needed
return exceptions.includes( word ) || /^[A-Z0-9]+$/.test( word );
function shouldCapitalize( word, index, array ) {
const alwaysCapitalize = [ 'Me', 'It', 'His', 'If', 'Be', 'Am', 'Is', 'Are', 'Being', 'Was', 'Were', 'Been', 'During', 'Through', 'About', 'Until', 'Below', 'Under' ];
const doNotCapitalize = [ 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'by', 'at', 'but', 'or', 'nor', 'for', 'yet', 'so', 'as', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'to', 'from', 'into', 'like', 'over', 'with', 'till', 'upon', 'off', 'per', 'up', 'out', 'via' ];
const punctuationMarks = [ '.', ',', ';', ':', '?', '!' ];
const isAbbr = isSpecialCase( word );
const isProperNoun = alwaysCapitalize.includes( word );
const isShortWord = doNotCapitalize.includes( word.toLowerCase() );
const isFirstOrLastWord = index === 0 || index === array.length - 1;
const isLongPreposition = word.length >= 5;
const isVerb = [ 'be', 'am', 'is', 'are', 'being', 'was', 'were', 'been' ].includes( word.toLowerCase() );
// Preserve capitalization after punctuation marks
if ( index > 0 ) {
const prevWord = array[ index - 1 ];
const lastChar = prevWord.charAt( prevWord.length - 1 );
if ( punctuationMarks.includes( lastChar ) ) {
return true;
return isAbbr || isFirstOrLastWord || isProperNoun || isLongPreposition || !isShortWord || isVerb;
* Convert reference titles in the HTML content
function convertReferenceTitles( htmlString, changeExistingCapitalization = true ) {
const citationRegex = /<ref[^>]*>.*?<\/ref>/gi;
const titleRegex = /(\|title=)([^|]+)(\|)/i;
return htmlString.replace( citationRegex, ( match ) => match.replace( titleRegex, ( titleMatch, p1, p2, p3 ) => {
const originalTitle = p2.trim();
const titleCaseTitle = toTitleCase( originalTitle, changeExistingCapitalization );
// Ensure space is retained at the end
const endingSpace = p2.endsWith(' ') ? ' ' : '';
return `${ p1 }${ titleCaseTitle }${ endingSpace }${ p3 }`;
} ) );
* Load the script and add the sidebar links
function loadTitleCaseConverter() {
// Create the first sidebar link
const sidebarLink1 = document.createElement( 'li' );
const link1 = document.createElement( 'a' );
link1.innerText = 'Convert Ref Titles to Title Case (Preserve Capitalization)';
link1.href = '#'; = 'cursor: pointer; color: #0645ad;';
// Add click event listener to the first link
link1.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => {
const textArea = document.querySelector( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( textArea ) {
const summary = 'Converted reference titles to title case per [[MOS:CT]] using [[User:ZKang123/TitleCaseConverter|TitleCaseConverter]]';
textArea.value = convertReferenceTitles( textArea.value, false );
// Set default editing summary
const summaryInput = document.querySelector( '#wpSummary' );
if ( summaryInput && !summaryInput.value.trim() ) {
summaryInput.value = summary;
} else {
alert( 'Error: Editing area not found!' );
} );
sidebarLink1.appendChild( link1 );
// Create the second sidebar link
const sidebarLink2 = document.createElement( 'li' );
const link2 = document.createElement( 'a' );
link2.innerText = 'Convert Ref Titles to Title Case (Change Capitalization)';
link2.href = '#'; = 'cursor: pointer; color: #0645ad;';
// Add click event listener to the second link
link2.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => {
const textArea = document.querySelector( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( textArea ) {
const summary = 'Converted reference titles to title case per [[MOS:CT]] using [[User:ZKang123/TitleCaseConverter|TitleCaseConverter]]';
textArea.value = convertReferenceTitles( textArea.value, true );
// Set default editing summary
const summaryInput = document.querySelector( '#wpSummary' );
if ( summaryInput && !summaryInput.value.trim() ) {
summaryInput.value = summary;
} else {
alert( 'Error: Editing area not found!' );
} );
sidebarLink2.appendChild( link2 );
// Add the links to the sidebar (p-tb section)
const sidebar = document.getElementById( 'p-tb' );
const ul = sidebar ? sidebar.querySelector( 'ul' ) : null;
if ( ul ) {
ul.appendChild( sidebarLink1 );
ul.appendChild( sidebarLink2 );
} else {
alert( 'Error: Sidebar section not found!' );
function runUnitTests() {
const tests = [
// normal
old: 'The South and West lines',
new: 'The South and West Lines'
old: 'Work on second phase of MRT system ahead of schedule',
new: 'Work on Second Phase of MRT System Ahead of Schedule'
old: 'Earlier target date for Phase II MRT',
new: 'Earlier Target Date for Phase II MRT'
old: 'MRT System to be Implemented in Eight Stages',
new: 'MRT System to Be Implemented in Eight Stages'
old: 'MRT to Bt Batok, Bt Gombak and Choa Chu Kang on Mar 10',
new: 'MRT to Bt Batok, Bt Gombak and Choa Chu Kang on Mar 10'
// mid-word hyphens and slashes
old: 'Revived, re-opened, newly appreciated',
new: 'Revived, Re-Opened, Newly Appreciated'
old: "Streetscapes/eldridge street Synagogue;a prayer-filled time capsule from the 1880's",
new: "Streetscapes/Eldridge Street Synagogue;A Prayer-Filled Time Capsule from the 1880's"
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to ensure continuity',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Ensure Continuity'
// weird mid-word capitalization
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to build iPad',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Build iPad'
old: 'Phase 2 gets go-ahead to build DataMall',
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Build DataMall'
// all caps
new: 'Phase 2 Gets Go-Ahead To Ensure Continuity'
// punctuation at beginning of word
old: 'She was "amazingly spectacular"',
new: 'She Was "Amazingly Spectacular"'
let i = 1;
let failures = 0;
for ( const test of tests ) {
const actual = toTitleCase( test.old );
if ( actual !== ) {
console.log( `[Titlecaseconverter.js] Failed unit test ${ i }. Received "${ actual }" instead of "${ }".` );
if ( !failures ) {
console.log( '[Titlecaseconverter.js] All unit tests passed. Yay.' );
// Load the script when the page is ready
if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', loadTitleCaseConverter );
// Put this at the top of your common.js file to run unit tests in the browser devtools console:
// window.TitleCaseConverterUnitTests = true;
if ( window.TitleCaseConverterUnitTests ) {
} );