Tpower (born 1980), also known as Trevor Power, is currently living in Limerick, Ireland. He is originally from Wexford and spends much time there.
Although working in computers, Wikipedia interests are Irish and military history.
Articles started
- John Kelly "of Killanne" - Fought in 1798 rebellion
- Bawn - Defensive wall around tower houses
- Barntown - A townland in County Wexford
One of my hobbies is photography so if you need article photos taken in the Limerick or Wexford region just make a request on my talk page.
- The "Great Telescope" at Birr Castle
- The "Great Telescope" at Birr Castle
- Remains of Bawn wall at Ross Castle
- Monument at the site of the Battle of Three Rocks, Wexford
See also
- Talk
- Contributions