Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

User:Suffusion of Yellow/abusecontribs.js

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
 * Highlight entries at Special:AbuseLog, as follows:
 * Red: The user has some successful edits in the past 24 hours and some are NOT tagged "reverted"
 * Green: The user has some successful edits in the past 24 hours, but all are tagged "reverted"
 * Cyan: The user has no sucessful edits in the past 24 hours

$.when(mw.loader.using(["mediawiki.util", "mediawiki.api"]), $.ready).then(function() {
	async function check(name) {
		let result = await (new mw.Api()).get(
			{ action : "query",
			  list : "usercontribs",
			  ucuser : name,
			  uclimit : 50,
			  ucend : Math.floor( / 1000) - 86400,
			  ucprop : "tags|timestamp"

		if (result.query.usercontribs.length == 0)
			return "none";

		for (let c of result.query.usercontribs)
			if (!c.tags.includes("mw-reverted"))
				return "live";

		return "reverted";

	async function run(e) {

		mw.util.addCSS(".abusecontribs-live { background-color: #f99; }" +
					   ".abusecontribs-reverted { background-color: #bf9; }" +
					   ".abusecontribs-none { background-color: #9fd; }");

		for(let line of mw.util.$content.find('ul li')) {
			let cl = $(line).find('[href*="Special:Contributions"]');

			$(line).removeClass("abusecontribs-live abusecontribs-reverted abusecontribs-none");

			if (cl.length) {
				let match =  cl[0].href.match(/Special:Contributions\/(.*)/);

				if (match) {
					let result = await check(decodeURIComponent(match[1]));

					$(line).addClass("abusecontribs-" + result);
	if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "AbuseLog") {
            "Check for edits",
            "Check for unreverted edits from all users listed here, within the past day"