The Status Bot has been blocked.
See my last edit here.
This user is a software marketing consultant, and specialist in Document Management (Document management system), Workflow, and Knowledge Acquisition and Processing
This user has owned a Dalmatian and an Airedale terrier (in reality, this user was owned by both dogs: this user just provided food and shelter, and convinced himself that this user trained them)
This user has migrated from Microsoft Windoes to Linux, and used Ubuntu, before moving to openSUSE linux. To complicate matters, this user still maintains Windows and Ubuntu systems via SUN Virtualbox, but still is ticked that Apple and Google still won't provide their Safari and Chrome browsers for linux platforms.
Countries This User Has Visited
This user has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area
This user has lived in Arad, Israel
Wikipedia Articles to which This User Has Contributed
- Agile Software Corporation a software manufacturer of PLM software, acquired by Oracle Corporation
- Aharon Shulov, Israeli entomologist and founder of the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
- Airedale Terrier, king of the terriers
- Aliyah Bet, illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate of Palestine
- Beauceron,herding dog breed from the plains region, between Fance's Seine and Loir rivers
- Beit Yitzhak, moshav under the jurisdiction of the Hefer Valley Regional Council
- Birnam, historical village in Perthshire, Scotland
- Canaan Dog, native dog of Israel
- Dov Gazit, Zionist prisoner of the Russian Gulags, Israeli veteran of Africa, and provider of the first lion in the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
- Efraim Halevy, ninth director of Israel's Mossad
- Ein Ayala, moshav under jurisdiction of Israel's Hof HaCarmel Regional Council
- eRoom, collaborative software solution, owned by EMC
- Eyal, kibbutz in Israel's central Sharon region
- Givat Brenner, kibbutz under jurisdiction of Israel's Brenner Regional Council
- Hana Meisel, noted Israeli agronomist
- Kiryat Anavim, the first Kibbutz settled in Israel's Judean Hills
- Meir Shalev, Israeli author
- Nahalal, settlement in Israel's Jezreel Valley
- Neve Ur, kibbutz in Israel's Beit She'an Valley
- Nir Eliyahu, kibbutz in Israel's Sharon plain
- Pal-Yam, naval division of the Palmach, the Haganah's strike force
- Ramat Hakovesh, kibbutz under jurisdiction of Israel's Drom HaSharon Regional Council
- Rosh Pinna, town in Israel's Upper Galilee
- Rudolphina Menzel, noted cynologist Israeli who ws responsible for gaining recognition for the Canaan Dog
- Ruhama, settlement in Israel's Negev
- Shmuel Tankus, one of the first commanders of the Israeli Navy, and member of Pal-Yam
- Shmuel Yanai, former Israeli naval commander and member of Pal-Yam
- Shraga Weil, an Israeli painter
- Unit Oketz, K-9 special forces unit within the Israel Defense Forces
- Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom (Westmount, Quebec), the Reform Congregation in Montreal
- WUJS Arad Institute, ulpan and graduate studies institute in Arad, Israel
- Yakum, former settlement, and industrial collective under jurisdiction of Israel's Hof HaSharon Regional Council
Good Books This User Has Read
- 'The World is Flat, Release 3.0', written by Thomas L. Friedman, published by Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., Canada, 2007, ISBN 978-1-55365-175-8
- 'Hot, Flat, and Crowded', written by Thomas L. Friedman, published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2008, ISBN 978-0-374-16685-4
- 'City of Oranges', written by Adam LeBor, published by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 2007, ISBN 978-0-393-32984-1, 367 pages
- 'T'ai Chi Ch'uan & Meditation', written by Da Liu, published by Schocken Books In.c, New York, 1986, ISBN 0-8052-0993-X, 168 pages
- 'The Wikipedia Revolution', written by Andrew Lih, published by Hyperion, New York, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4013-0371-6