Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft


Hello, fellow Wikipedians.

You can find my edits under "View history" for U.S. House articles. Feel free to check out my work on the 1914 United States House of Representatives elections under "view history". I hope you appreciate my contributions, and even better, give me advice on how to improve them.

I have very little to say about myself, other than that I hate it when people are notoriously ignorant in regards to what should be common knowledge. Not knowing who is on the $20 bill is sad. It is also sad that we have people who can't even name the capital of the state that I live in.... sighs

There isn't a userbox for this, but I strongly support compulsory voting. Efforts to combat uneducated voters could just be fixed by increased awareness efforts by state and governments, and most voters aren't going to disregard the process when it's made mandatory.

Correction: I don't want to ban guns outright. But I do support strict gun control.