Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// This script is meant to help with [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Redirects]]. The GUI
// was put together pretty messily and some of the code isn't too pretty either, but it works.
// To use it, add a new line with
// importScript( 'User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js' );
// to your common.js and add yourself to the Articles for Creation
// checkpage at [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Participants]]
// For help using the script, to report issues or to request changes use [[User Talk:PhantomTech]].
importScript( "MediaWiki:Gadget-morebits.js" );
importStylesheet( "MediaWiki:Gadget-morebits.css" );
( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
$( document ).ready( function () {
function replyButton( sectionID ) {
var window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 750, 400 );
window.setTitle( 'Response Interface' );
window.setScriptName( 'AFC/R HS' );
window.addFooterLink( 'Source', 'User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js' );
var form = new Morebits.quickForm( submitForm );
form.append( {
type: 'hidden',
name: 'sectionID',
value: sectionID
} );
form.append( {
type: 'radio',
name: 'acceptRadio',
list: [
{ name: 'accept', label: 'Accept', value: true },
{ name: 'accept', label: 'Decline', value: false, checked: true }
event: function ( event ) {
updateDynamicArea( );
} );
form.append( {
type: 'div',
name: 'dynamic_area',
label: 'Something broke...'
} );
form.append( {
type: 'submit',
label: 'Submit'
} );
var renderedForm = form.render();
window.setContent( renderedForm );
updateDynamicArea( renderedForm );
function updateDynamicArea( form ) {
var accept = Morebits.quickForm.getElements( form, "accept" )[ 0 ].checked;
var dynamic_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
type: 'div',
name: 'dynamic_area'
} );
if ( !accept ) {
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'header',
label: 'Decline request'
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'select',
name: 'declineOptions',
label: 'Decline reason: ',
list: [
{ type: 'option', name: 'declineOptions', value: 'unlikely', label: 'Unlikely title' },
{ type: 'option', name: 'declineOptions', value: 'exists', label: 'Suggested title exists' },
{ type: 'option', name: 'declineOptions', value: 'empty', label: 'Submission is empty' },
{ type: 'option', name: 'declineOptions', value: 'notarget', label: 'Target does not exist' },
type: 'option',
name: 'declineOptions',
value: 'externallink',
label: 'Target is external link'
type: 'option',
name: 'declineOptions',
value: 'notredirect',
label: 'Request is not for a redirect'
type: 'option',
name: 'declineOptions',
value: 'editrequest',
label: 'Request is an edit request'
type: 'option',
name: 'declineOptions',
value: 'notenglish',
label: 'Request not in english'
{ type: 'option', name: 'declineOptions', value: 'decline', label: 'Custom reason' }
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'comment',
label: 'Provide custom reason if it is selected: '
} );
} else {
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'header',
label: 'Accept request'
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'div',
name: 'redirectTypeInstructions',
label: 'Enter "none" for none, "to acronym" for {' + '{R' + ' to acronym}}, etc.'
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'redirectTypes',
label: 'Redirect type: ',
value: 'none'
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'redirTarget',
label: 'Redirect target: '
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'comment',
label: 'Comments: ',
value: 'All of the redirects you requested were created. Thank you for your contribution to Wikipedia!'
} );
dynamic_area.append( {
type: 'dyninput',
name: 'redirectList',
label: 'List of redirects to be created',
min: 1,
max: 30,
sublabel: 'Name: '
} );
form.replaceChild( dynamic_area.render(), Morebits.quickForm.getElements( form, "dynamic_area" )[ 0 ] );
function submitForm( e ) {
// Check if we're still on the current version of the page
var redirectPage = new mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) );
redirectPage.load( function () {
if ( parseInt( redirectPage.getCurrentID() ) !== mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) ) {
alert( 'Changes have been made to this page since the version you\'re viewing' );
// If version check passes, start making changes
Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
var redirectType, target, redirects;
var form =;
var sectionID = parseInt( form.sectionID.value );
var accept = form.accept[ 0 ].checked;
var comment = form.comment.value;
var redirectTemplateCode = 'accept';
var page = new mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) );
if ( accept ) {
redirectType = form.redirectTypes.value;
if ( redirectType !== 'none' ) {
redirectType = '\n{' + '{R ' + redirectType + '}}';
} else {
redirectType = '';
target = form.redirTarget.value;
redirects = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < form.redirectList.length; i++ ) {
if ( form.redirectList[ i ].value.length > 0 ) {
redirects.push( form.redirectList[ i ].value );
if (redirects.length === 0) {
} else {
redirectTemplateCode = form.declineOptions.value;
Morebits.status.init( form );
var requestStatus = new Morebits.status( 'Marking request on page as ' + (accept ? 'accepted' : 'denied' ) );
page.setPageSection( sectionID ); 'Loading request page...' );
if ( accept ) {
// Get WikiProjects from target's talk page
var targetPageTalkPage = new 'Talk:' + target );
targetPageTalkPage.load( function () {
var talkPageText = '{' + '{sub' + 'st:WPAFC/redirect}}';
if ( targetPageTalkPage.getPageText().indexOf("{" + "{Disambig" + "Project}}") > -1 || targetPageTalkPage.getPageText().indexOf("{" + "{ Disambig" + "Project }}") > -1 ) {
talkPageText += '\n{' + '{WikiProject ' + 'Disambiguation|class=redirect}}';
var match = targetPageTalkPage.getPageText().match( /\{\{ ?((W|w)ikiProject |(W|w)P)(?!Articles for creation)(.*?)(?=\n|\||}})/g );
if ( match !== null ) {
for ( var t = 0; t < match.length; t++ ) {
talkPageText += '\n' + match[ t ] + '|class=redirect}}';
// Get ready to do some crazy recursion to get around making functions
// in loops without really solving the problem...
var index = -1;
var createRedirectFunction = function () {
var redirectPage = new redirects[ index ] );
redirectPage.load( function () { // Load redirect
// Create redirect page
redirectPage.setPageText( '#REDIRECT [[' + target + ']]' + redirectType );
redirectPage.setEditSummary( 'Creating redirect per request - Using [[User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js|AFC/R HS]]' );
redirectPage.setCreateOption( 'createonly' );
redirectPage.setMaxRetries(5); function () { // Save redirect
// When that's done...
var redirectTalkPage = new 'Talk:' + redirects[ index ] );
redirectTalkPage.load( function () { // Load redirect talk
// Create redirect talk page
redirectTalkPage.setPageText( talkPageText );
redirectTalkPage.setEditSummary( 'Creating redirect talk page per request - Using [[User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js|AFC/R HS]]' );
redirectPage.setMaxRetries(5); function () { // Save redirect talk
// When that's done... Do it all over again!
if ( index + 1 < redirects.length ) {
//setTimeout(createRedirectFunction, 1000);
} else {
page.load( function () { // Edit Request
var text = page.getPageText();
var match = text.match( /(==.*?==\n)((.|\n)*)/ );
text = match[ 1 ] + '{' + '{afc-c|' + ( accept ? 'a' : 'd' ) + '}}\n' + match[ 2 ] + '\n:{' + '{su' + 'bst:afc redirect|' + redirectTemplateCode + '|' + comment + '}} ~~' + '~~\n{' + '{afc' + '-c|b}}';
page.setPageSection( sectionID );
page.setPageText( text );
page.setMaxConflictRetries( 0 );
page.setEditSummary( 'Responding to redirect request with [[User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js|AFC/R HS]]' );;
} );
} );
} );
} );
} );
//setTimeout(createRedirectFunction, 1000);
} );
} else {
page.load( function () { // Edit request
var text = page.getPageText();
var match = text.match( /(==.*?==\n)((.|\n)*)/ );
text = match[ 1 ] + '{' + '{afc-c|' + ( accept ? 'a' : 'd' ) + '}}\n' + match[ 2 ] + '\n:{' + '{su' + 'bst:afc redirect|' + redirectTemplateCode + '|' + comment + '}} ~~' + '~~\n{' + '{afc' + '-c|b}}';
page.setPageSection( sectionID );
page.setPageText( text );
page.setMaxConflictRetries( 0 );
page.setEditSummary( 'Responding to redirect request with [[User:PhantomTech/scripts/AFCRHS.js|AFC/R HS]]' );;
} );
} );
// Only start on the right page and if we're working with the current version
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_creation/Redirects' && mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) === mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ) ) {
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.ui' );
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.tipsy' );
// Check if user is approved
var checkPage = new 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Participants' );
checkPage.setPageSection( 1 );
checkPage.load( function () {
var approvedUsers = checkPage.getPageText().match( /(?:\n\* ?\{\{user2\|(.*?)}})/g );
if ( approvedUsers === null ) {
alert( 'Failed to load checkpage' );
} else if ( $.inArray( mw.user.getName(), approvedUsers ) ) {
// Add links next to section headings
$( 'h2:has(.mw-headline:contains("Redirect request"))' ).each( function () {
var id = $( this ).children().last().find( 'a' ).attr( "href" ).match( /§ion=(\d+)/i )[ 1 ];
var $replyLink = $( '<span class="mw-editsection">[<a href="#null">Respond</a>]</span>' );
$ function () {
replyButton( id );
} );
$( this ).append( $replyLink );
} );
} else {
alert( 'You aren\'t on the checkpage at [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Participants]]' );
} );
} );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );