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Really Funny RvB Quotes
- Caboose: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
- Church: Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?
- Tucker: No, I think he called her a slut.
- Vic: Hey dude.
- Church: Vic, hey.
- Vic: This is Vic at 555-VICK do do do. I'm not in the casita right now so leave your low down at the ding dong, asta
- Church: Hey Vic, this is Church I need to...
- Vics voicemail: You have reached the voicemail system.
- Church: *sighs* Ok, ok...come on.
- Vics voicemail: To leave a message just wait for the tone.
- Church: I know how to leave a god damn message.
- Vics voicemail: When you are finished recording just hang up or push pound for more options.
- Church: Really hang up no shit... I was just going to keep on talking till he decided to check his voicemail.
- Vics voicemail: For delivery options press 5
- Church: *angrily* Just give me the damn beep!
- Vics voicemail: To leave a call back number press 8. To page this person press 6.
- Church: COME ON!
- Vics voicemail: To repeat this message press 9.
- Church: I will fucking stab you computer phone lady!
[Some time later]
- Vics voicemail: To mark this message as urgent press 11
- Church: *Yelling* There is no 11 you fucking whore!
My Userboxes
This user is interested in hunting.
This user plays the Xbox.
This user uses Xbox Live, with the gamertag Spartan 7993.