User:Mitchoyoshitaka/WPTL todo
WikiProject Theoretical Linguistics Tasks List
Here are some open Wikipedia:WikiProject Theoretical Linguistics tasks. Please be bold and contribute!
- Broad/general: Syntax, Semantics, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Generative linguistics, Spoken language
- Syntax/Semantics: Transformational grammar, Deep structure, Minimalism, Principles and Parameters, Operator
- Phonetics/Phonology: Intervocalic, Advanced tongue root, Accent, Optimality Theory, Autosegmental phonology, Dissimilation
- Morphology: Bracketing paradox, Morphotactics, Bound morpheme, Allomorph
- Historical: Genetic, Language merger, Phylum, Proto-language
- Anthro/Socio: Stylistics, Dialectology, Digraphia, Linguistic rights, Internationalism, Accent, Moribund language
- Psycho/Cognitive: Prototype Theory, Specific language impairment, Speech error
- Linguists: John R. Ross, David Pesetsky, Angelika Kratzer, Jerrold Sadock, John Ohala
- Requests: Extrametricality, Relational grammar, Obviation, Crossover effects, Specificness, more requests...
Feel free to edit this list or discuss these tasks. Please mark theoretical linguistics articles with {{WPTL}} in their Talk page.