User:MeredithParmer I am wholly unremarkable. INTPThis user's MBTI type is INTP.This user is vegan.This user likes the taste of coffee, not cream / sugar / hazelnut / what have you.This user has a pet guinea pig.This user is a bibliophile.This user enjoys the works of Sherlock Holmes.CIVThis user loves to play Civilization. This user plays German-style board games. This user is interested in maps.ipaəThis user has a native-like understanding of the International Phonetic usor callidissima latinitate contribuere potest.. TheThis user puts two spaces after a period.,This user fixes comma-splices; they are annoying.theyhe or sheThis user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.... in.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.libThis user is a liberal.This user lives in the U.S. State of North Dakota.This user enjoys indie rock.This user tracks what they listen to on (easy_lucky_free).