Welcome to this page.
Any stupid questions should be directed to the stupid author.
(He has a tendency to make obvious mistakes and write in the third person!)
I also edit pages anonymously. Sometimes because I have forgotten to login, other times because I know what I'm writing is not formatted correctly and doesn't meet the exact letter of the wikipedia guidelines.
That is how Keira High School and Balgownie came into existence. It says great things about the wikipedia community that an ignorant fool like me can dump information in piles around the place and within days it is transformed into useful stuff.
What do I want to do?
See Europe by train all the way from Istanbul to Inverness.
Ride the TGV, Eurostar and Shinkansen.
Learn Spanish and spend a year exploring Argentina and Brazil.
Learn Mandarin and get lost in China.
Re-learn Japanese and visit Japan.
Build a Wind Turbine.
Design my own home and get someone to build it.
What I should be doing...
Enjoying my summer holiday freedom!
Topics of Interest
Climate Change
Peak Oil
British Nuclear Testing at Maralinga, South Australia
Puppy Linux
Steve Wozniak
Theoretical Astrophysics
Astronomy, Planetary Sciences Software
A 3D viewer that allows you to jump from planet to planet, star to star, galaxy to galaxy. It even simulates planetary atmospheres and rings so you can watch the sun rise from the surface of Mars, Titan, Jupiter or from onboard the ISS. On a large screen with a powerful computer, this software is cinematic.
A 2D viewer that allows you to compare Mars maps and data sets. Runs in Java, loves at least 200Mb of RAM, needs a fast internet connection. Occasional stability problems.
NASA World Wind
Very similar to google earth. Applies the data sets of JMars to 3D surface altimetry maps. Very smooth and easy to use. Windows only (uses DirectX and .Net)
SSSim Edu
A useful tool for simulating solar system events and producing live star charts.
Google Earth
The Earth from above. No further explanation needed.
The night sky. The stars shimmer. The constellations fade in and out. The closest thing to night sky.
 | This user respects the beliefs and religions of others. |
Needle Nardle Noo | This user listens to The Goon Show on the modern-type, steam-driven cardboard wireless. |
This user prefers warm weather.
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C | This user can program in C. |
 | This user, through Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy, will sap and impurify all of your precious bodily fluids. |
This user has a keen interest in physics.
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 | This user loves rainy days. |
 | This user contributes while using iTunes. |
This user watches and listens to SBS. |  |
Keira High School my highschool from 2000-2005.
Balgownie , part of
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia is where I have lived my whole life.
1987 The year I was born.
All computers should either be running Ubuntu Linux or Mac OS X.
And Now.....the Pictures
The Mounatins above Balgownie
Any idea what this animal is?
Me in all my ULD (Ultra Low Definition) webcam glory!!