It's Me
My background,
- I am an armchair astronomer, (probably more laid back)...
- My degree is in Computer Science, B.S.
Current Projects
- Nebula, paused.
- T Tauri star, paused.
Completed Projects (but will still update)
Major Contributions
- Brown Dwarfs, notable Brown Dwarfs
- Galaxy Morphological Classification, the Yerkes scheme
- List of astronomy acronyms
- List of astronomical catalogues
- List of common astronomy symbols
- List of extrasolar planets, See also
- Photometric Letters, Photometric Letters
- Photometric Filters, Used Filters
- Star cluster
- Stellar classification
- Superatom
Helping Constributions
- Andromeda's satellite galaxies
- Bok globule
- Thorne–Żytkow object
- Hypervelocity star → merged with Stellar kinematics
- Lake Afton Public Observatory
- List of medieval weapons
- Westerlund 1
- Wolf-Rayet star
Pages created from scratch
- Articles:
- Cosmic infrared background radiation - 9/08/2006
- East-Asian Planet Search Network - 6/30/2007
- Fermi glow - 11/15/2006
- Holmium(III) chloride - 6/25/2008
- Infrared cirrus - 9/08/2006
- Intermediate-mass X-ray binary - 6/29/2008 → IMXB merged with X-ray Binary
- Q star - 8/29/2005 → Exotic Stars → DEAD? → 12/5/2012 back to life
- Helium focusing cone - 8/20/2006
- Hydrogen wall - 8/20/2006 → Hydrogen Wall is merged into Heliopause.
- Lulin Observatory - 7/3/2008
- Magellan Planet Search Survey - 1/26/2010
- Microlensing Follow- Up Network - 1/5/2010
- Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator - 12/14/2009
- PlanetPol - 1/19/2010
- PRL Advanced Radial-velocity All-sky Search - 7/28/2010
- ZIMPOL/CHEOPS - 1/19/2010
- Category Pages:
- Animals_described_in_2010 - 1/13/2010
- Listing Pages:
- List of astronomy acronyms - 8/27/2006
- List of common astronomy symbols - 9/9/2006
- List of astronomical catalogues - 9/12/2006
Quick look ups
- Redirect page = #REDIRECT [ [pagename] ]
Error Checking
- SIMBAD errors found in their database.
- 4 data
- 1 questionable data
- 2 technical error
- 1 typo
- NStar errors found in their database.
- 8 data
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