User:Maple leaf eh/Canadian Gun Nutz
Canadian Gun Nutz ...
This article is about the popular Canadian social media website for firearms owners, shooters, collectors and conversation. The nickname is CGN. If was created about 2000, and despite a major server crash a few years after creation, the site has persisted. There are nearly 90,000 registered users, who use on-line nicknames, although the administrators know the true identity of all users. Over 350,000 threads and nearly 5.5 million postings. For a country with arguably 6.5 million firearms owners, it is an active social media site.
The site is supported through banner advertising.
Categories of interest include
Introductions and greetings for new members
In an effort to reach francophone owners, there is a French language forum
While the site is apolitical, firearms politics are a lively topic. In the May 2011 federal election, Conservative party candidate Chris Alexander's campaign was boosted by strategic donations and volunteer support to intentionally defeat Liberal Party candidate Mark Holland. The support of CGN was significant.
Periodically CGN members post links to notable Online Polls which try to gauge readers' opinions.
Although Concealed Carry of handguns is rarely authorized in Canada, that has not limited discussion of the issues.
- A frequent (and wrong) assertion by gun control advocates is that the National Rifle Association (NRA) funds pro-gun organizations. The Canadian National Firearms Association (NFA) has neither the political momentum or constitutional defence mandate of its American counterpart.
- As a site, Canadian Gun Nutz maintains a strictly compliant attitude towards The Firearms Act and the firearms registry. Discussions or suggestions of illegal acts or circumventing the current laws are not tolerated by the administrators.
- Not infrequently there will be posts where a member will report contact with the law enforcement community or court cases. As a service to the public, the law firm Edelson and ???? periodically posts
- By far the most extensive forums are categorized under Firearms and Optics. Imagine a type of firearm, and there are conversations. Black and green rifles, red rifles, accurate ones, old military ones, handguns, shotguns, rimfire, air rifle, optics and antiques. Just about the only subject not tolerated here would be Airsoft or Paintball. Postal Match Results and Rules Airguns Blackpowder and Antiques Optics - for the practically minded, Gunsmithing is a place to learn how things work and how to fix them. The manufacturing principle of interchangeable parts started in the firearms industry and has continued ever since. - ever since two shooters met on the range there have been competitions. Action Shooting Games includes a wide variety of pistol and cowboy action disciplines. The Service Rifle Forum discusses Canadian Forces-type military matches. The Long Range/Precision Shooting forum is for Bisley and benchrest style matches. Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays are for shotgun matches. - Hunting is a place to ask questions about hunting and post pictures from successful hunts. Which leads to cooking with wild game. - not surprisingly there are forums for reloading and loaded ammunition - yet another category of interst is Tools and Accessories. Although not exactly gun related, is a thought-provoking forum called Wilderness Survival and Disaster Preparation - as a web-based advertising and business tool, there are numerious forums for importers, distributors, retail businesses and industry sponsors. - forums for announcements from sponsoring Manufacturers, Suppliers, and specialty services. - business Members Announcements - one popular category is the Equipment Exchanges with numerous categories for private sale of firearms, parts, and accessories. - as a self-policing opportunity, there is a Fraud Reporting Forum - community topics, such as Events and Gatherings, Photo and Video Gallery, CGN Business Network, The Lounge, CGN News Digest, Hobbies and Gadgets and Fishing and Boating - youth and ladies only forums - Trouble Shooting, news and updates - anything that is Off Topic
In many respects, CGN is also social media. Users organize have get-togethers, "flash mob" shooting matches and organize for political advocacy. In the May 2011 federal election, high profile Liberal party candidate Mark Holland lost to Conservative party candidate Christopher Alexander after donations and volunteers flooded in. At other times, legal defence fund donations have been solicited for various court cases.
Although the site is nonpartisan, a common topic of conversation is how to support the federal Conservative Party in its policies to eliminate the Long Gun Registry, and to oppose the Coalition for Gun Control.
External links