Welcome to my User Page
....... edit count
Continent or Region | Country or Territory |
Africa | * |
North Africa/Middle East/West Asia | [] |
Asia | [] [ JSA] |
Europe | [ (SBA)] [] [ ] (East Thrace) * [* * ] |
North America | [ ] [ ] * [ * * * * * * * ] |
Caribbean | |
Central and South America | [ ] |
Oceania | [ ] |
Total countries and territories visited as recognised by the Travelers' Century Club: 99 Geographic entities in brackets indicate non-sovereign divisions within a sovereign state, sovereign base areas, truce areas, or internationally unrecognised states. Overseas and insular territories of a sovereign state are listed without brackets.
Planned new country/territory visits in 2025:
This user is a citizen of the United States of America. |
This user is a citizen of the European Union. |
This user teaches at a university or other institution of higher education. |
en | This user is a native speaker of the English language. |
de-2 | Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse. |
es-2 | Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español. |
fr-2 | Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français. |
it-2 | Questo utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio di italiano. |
la-2 | Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest. |
nl-1 | Deze gebruiker bezit beginnende kennis van het Nederlands. |
ru-1 | Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне. |
B | This user attends or attended Bates College. |
This user attends or attended the University of Edinburgh. |
Duke | This user attends or attended Duke University. |
UNION | This user attends or attended Union Theological Seminary |
Rel-5 | This user can contribute at a professional Religious and/or Spiritual level. This person surely has a job in one of the said fields. |
This user attends or attended at the University of Glasgow |
Oxon. | This user is an Oxonian. |
This user has visited 95 countries of the world. | 95 |
X | This user is a member of Generation X. |
This user is from Massachusetts. |
This user loves the music of Guster |