'Bold textChaturmasyavrata
The chaturmasyavrata like Ekadashi & Krishnashtami (Jayanthi) vrata is also a compulsory vrata for all Brahmins. The period of 4 months from Ashada Shukla Ekadashi (Ekadashi during the bright half of Ashada-shayanaikadashi) to Karthika shukla Dwadashi (dwadashi during the bright half of Kartika-Utthana-Prabodha Dwadashi) is known as Chathurmasa. During this period, Mahavishnu remains in yogic sleep (yoganidra). During this ChaturmAsya period, it is the duty of sanyasis to remain in one place. The fact that masa (month) also means paksha fortnight (mAso vai paxaH - Shruthi) has been taken into consideration & due course of time, it has become the tradition in all Madhwa muttas for the sanyasis to observe the vrata for only 4 pakshas (i.e 2 months).