Languages: Spanish, English, some French and German.
Religion: Theist. Raised a Catholic, but I disagree too much with the Church to consider myself one.
Politics: Democracy is not perfect, but it's the best we have. The state should care about social welfare above all, and intervene in the market as little as possible. I understand that this is too vague and often incompatible, and would like to know more economics to clarify my thoughts. The Bush administration has been a failure in most respects. I abhor the idea that to support one's country (or to care about another) implies supporting its government unconditionally, even during war. World's worst enemy: nationalism. Close in the list: all other forms of discrimination/intolerance, authoritarianism, populism.
Interests: Nuclear fusion, plasma physics, science in general, history, literature, politics, religions, soccer, sports in general.