User:Evil oranges Part of a series onWiccaPentacleHistory of Wicca History of Wicca Etymology of Wicca Bricket Wood coven New Forest coven Dettmer v. Landon Witch-cult hypothesis Notable figures Gerald Gardner Doreen Valiente Alex Sanders Maxine Sanders Sybil Leek Dafo Margot Adler Victor Anderson Artemis Gavin Bone Lois Bourne Jack Bracelin Raymond Buckland Eddie Buczynski Zsuzsanna Budapest Charles Cardell Ipsita Roy Chakraverti Patricia Crowther Vivianne Crowley Robert Cochrane Scott Cunningham Phyllis Curott Cerridwen Fallingstar Janet Farrar Stewart Farrar Raven Grimassi Gavin Frost Yvonne Frost Philip Heselton Frederic Lamond Silver RavenWolf Starhawk Joseph Wilson Rites and rituals Drawing down the Moon Great rite Handfasting Wiccaning Fivefold kiss Magic circle Cone of power Herbal medicine Scrying Spellwork / Incantation Banishing Divination Invocation Initiation Rite of passage Eko Eko Azarak Solitary practitioner Spiral dance Deities Triple Goddess Horned God Green Man Holly King / Oak King Mother goddess Traditions Alexandrian Wicca Algard Wicca Blue Star Wicca Central Valley Wicca Chthonioi Alexandrian Wicca Gardnerian Wicca 1734 Tradition Celtic Wicca Church and School of Wicca Cochrane's Craft Coven of Atho Dianic Wicca Faery Wicca Georgian Wicca Odyssean Wicca Reclaiming Seax-Wica Stregheria Universal Eclectic Wicca Wiccan organisations Aquarian Tabernacle Church Coven Celeste Children of Artemis Church and School of Wicca Circle Sanctuary Covenant of the Goddess New Reformed Orthodox Orderof the Golden Dawn Panthean Temple The Rowan Tree Church SpiralScouts International Universal Eclectic Wicca Wiccan Church of Canada Witchcraft Research Association Holidays Wheel of the Year Solstice Equinox Imbolc Ostara Beltane Midsummer Lughnasadh Mabon Samhain Yule Esbat Wild Hunt Key concepts Wiccan morality Wiccan Rede Rule of Three Wiccan views of divinity Coven Craft name Magic Witchcraft White magic Otherworld The Summerland Reincarnation Karma Skyclad Summoner Watchtower Familiar Animism Paraphernalia Magical tools in Wicca Altar Amulet Athame Bell Besom Boline Book of Shadows Candles Cauldron Censer Chalice/Goblet Horn Incense Parchment Pentacle Runes Scourge Statue Talisman Tarot deck Theban alphabet Wand Witch's ladder Literature Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches The Meaning of Witchcraft The Spiral Dance What Witches Do Witchcraft Today Charge of the Goddess Enchanted Feminism Other Cunning folk Cunning folk in Britain Enochian European witchcraft Fluffy Bunny Flying ointment Goetia Granny woman LGBT and Wicca Malleus Maleficarum Museum of Witchcraft and Magic Runes Theban Thelema Witch hunt Witchcraft Research Association Witches' Sabbath Witching hour I am evil oranges, AKA evil archkittens of vampland. that is all you need to know.