Houses and other historic sites with hyphens in their names
Genuine hyphenated name
There are more of these...
- Howe-Waffle House and Carriage House – Dr. Howe-Waffle
Candidates for en dash in title
Pruning in progress...
Blue link in second column implies special attention needed, as it might mean it's already moved or has been moved and moved back.
Move questionable items here for investigation and action
- Gilles-Hocquart Building —> Gilles–Hocquart Building – space between first and last name is better: Gilles Hocquart Building
- Shin-Marunouchi Building —> Shin–Marunouchi Building – sometimes with a space; not clear what this construct is
Buildings (all done)
- Adair County Democrat-Adair County Free Press Building —> Adair County Democrat–Adair County Free Press Building
- Armory-Latisona Building —> Armory–Latisona Building
- Bailey-Rugg Building —> Bailey–Rugg Building
- Belmont-Sheffield Trust and Savings Bank Building —> Belmont–Sheffield Trust and Savings Bank Building
- Bennie-Dillon Building —> Bennie–Dillon Building
- Biltmore-Oteen Bank Building —> Biltmore–Oteen Bank Building
- Buckhout-Jones Building —> Buckhout–Jones Building
- Budde-Singer Building —> Budde–Singer Building
- Bush-Herbert Building —> Bush–Herbert Building
- Castner-Knott Building —> Castner–Knott Building
- Churchill Theatre-Community Building —> Churchill Theatre–Community Building
- Clinton-Rosekrans Law Building —> Clinton–Rosekrans Law Building
- Colorado Springs Public Library-Carnegie Building —> Colorado Springs Public Library–Carnegie Building
- Conley-Maass Building —> Conley–Maass Building
- Corby-Forsee Building —> Corby–Forsee Building
- Davis-Exchange Bank Building —> Davis–Exchange Bank Building
- DeWitt-Seitz Building —> DeWitt–Seitz Building
- Dominguez-Wilshire Building —> Dominguez–Wilshire Building
- Dyal-Upchurch Building —> Dyal–Upchurch Building
- Eggerss-O'Flyng Building —> Eggerss–O'Flyng Building
- Elks Victory Lodge-Ruby's Grill Building —> Elks Victory Lodge–Ruby's Grill Building
- Ellsworth-Jones Building —> Ellsworth–Jones Building
- Emerson-Holmes Building —> Emerson–Holmes Building
- First National Bank of Rochester-Old Monroe County Savings Bank Building —> First National Bank of Rochester–Old Monroe County Savings Bank Building
- Fisher-Plane Commercial Building —> Fisher–Plane Commercial Building
- Fletcher-Salmons Building —> Fletcher–Salmons Building
- Flynn-Griffin Building —> Flynn–Griffin Building
- Fox-Watson Theater Building —> Fox–Watson Theater Building
- Gemcraft-Wittmer Building —> Gemcraft–Wittmer Building
- Higgins-Begole Building —> Higgins–Begole Building
- Hilo Masonic Lodge Hall-Bishop Trust Building —> Hilo Masonic Lodge Hall–Bishop Trust Building
- Holmes-Dakin Building —> Holmes–Dakin Building
- Home Economics-F.F.A. Building —> Home Economics–F.F.A. Building
- Hunter-Dulin Building —> Hunter–Dulin Building
- Hutchinson-Suddath Building —> Hutchinson–Suddath Building
- Hyde Park-Kenwood National Bank Building —> Hyde Park–Kenwood National Bank Building
- Ingersoll-Tutton Building —> Ingersoll–Tutton Building
- Johnson Hall-Deseret Mercantile Building —> Johnson Hall–Deseret Mercantile Building
- Keef-Filley Building —> Keef–Filley Building
- Keith-O'Brien Building —> Keith–O'Brien Building
- Kelley-Fredrickson House and Office Building —> Kelley–Fredrickson House and Office Building
- Kennedy-Warren Apartment Building —> Kennedy–Warren Apartment Building
- King-Whatley Building —> King–Whatley Building
- Kresge-Groth Building —> Kresge–Groth Building
- Kuebler-Artes Building —> Kuebler–Artes Building
- LaSalle-Wacker Building —> LaSalle–Wacker Building
- Landis Theatre-Mori Brothers Building —> Landis Theatre–Mori Brothers Building
- Leake-Ingham Building —> Leake–Ingham Building
- Loew's Midland Theater-Midland Building —> Loew's Midland Theater–Midland Building
- Loussac-Sogn Building —> Loussac–Sogn Building
- Lumsden-Boone Building —> Lumsden–Boone Building
- Marsh-Place Building —> Marsh–Place Building
- Marx-Hurlburt Building —> Marx–Hurlburt Building
- Masonic Hall-Federal Commissary Building —> Masonic Hall–Federal Commissary Building
- McCanna-Hubbell Building —> McCanna–Hubbell Building
- Meyer-Kiser Building —> Meyer–Kiser Building
- Michaels-Stern Building —> Michaels–Stern Building
- Miller-Seabaugh House and Dr. Seabaugh Office Building —> Miller–Seabaugh House and Dr. Seabaugh Office Building
- Minton-Capehart Federal Building —> Minton–Capehart Federal Building
- Montague-Court Building —> Montague–Court Building
- Nesmith-Greely Building —> Nesmith–Greely Building
- Netter-Ullman Building —> Netter–Ullman Building
- North Holderness Freewill Baptist Church-Holderness Historical Society Building —> North Holderness Freewill Baptist Church–Holderness Historical Society Building
- Nutt-Trussell Building —> Nutt–Trussell Building
- O'Connor-Proctor Building —> O'Connor–Proctor Building
- Oates-Reynolds Memorial Building —> Oates–Reynolds Memorial Building
- Opera House-Starnes Jewelers Building —> Opera House–Starnes Jewelers Building
- Peoples National Bank Building-Fries Building —> Peoples National Bank Building–Fries Building
- Perry-Payne Building —> Perry–Payne Building
- Peyton-Ellington Building —> Peyton–Ellington Building
- Phipps-McElveen Building —> Phipps–McElveen Building
- Pinkston-Mays Store Building —> Pinkston–Mays Store Building
- Procter and Collier-Beau Brummell Building —> Procter and Collier–Beau Brummell Building
- Rhodes-Haverty Building —> Rhodes–Haverty Building
- Rich-Schwartz Building —> Rich–Schwartz Building
- Riggs-Tompkins Building —> Riggs–Tompkins Building
- Robinson-Gardner Building —> Robinson–Gardner Building
- Sanger-Harris Building —> Sanger–Harris Building
- Socony-Mobil Building —> Socony–Mobil Building
- Solomon Grove Smith-Hughes Building —> Solomon Grove Smith–Hughes Building
- Southern Aid Society-Dunbar Theater Building —> Southern Aid Society–Dunbar Theater Building
- Spengler-Thomas Building —> Spengler–Thomas Building
- Staggs-Huffaker Building —> Staggs–Huffaker Building
- Starrett-Lehigh Building —> Starrett–Lehigh Building
- Struve-Hay Building —> Struve–Hay Building
- Summers-Longley Building —> Summers–Longley Building
- Taylor-Heaslop Building —> Taylor–Heaslop Building
- Tennessee Club-Overall Goodbar Building —> Tennessee Club–Overall Goodbar Building
- Theodore Wirth House-Administration Building —> Theodore Wirth House–Administration Building
- Thornton-Smith Building —> Thornton–Smith Building
- Timmerman-Burd Building —> Timmerman–Burd Building
- Titche-Goettinger Building —> Titche–Goettinger Building
- Wells-Denbrook Architects Office Building —> Wells–Denbrook Architects Office Building
- White-Haines Building —> White–Haines Building
- Wilkens-Robins Building —> Wilkens–Robins Building
- William-Oliver Building —> William–Oliver Building
- Willys-Overland Building —> Willys–Overland Building
- Wolleson-Nicewander Building —> Wolleson–Nicewander Building
- Wright-Kay Building —> Wright–Kay Building
- YMCA-Democrat Building —> YMCA–Democrat Building
- Amory-Appel Cottage —> Amory–Appel Cottage
- Andrews-Barlett Homestead —> Andrews–Barlett Homestead
- Arada-Montemuro Wind Farm —> Arada–Montemuro Wind Farm
- Ardsley Park-Chatham Crescent Historic District —> Ardsley Park–Chatham Crescent Historic District
- Arkansas State University-Mountain Home —> Arkansas State University–Mountain Home
- Atkinson-Koskinen Site —> Atkinson–Koskinen Site
- Backus-Marblemount Ranger Station House No. 1009 —> Backus–Marblemount Ranger Station House No. 1009
- Backus-Marblemount Ranger Station House No. 1010 —> Backus–Marblemount Ranger Station House No. 1010
- Backus-Page House Museum —> Backus–Page House Museum
- Baldwin-Coker Cottage —> Baldwin–Coker Cottage
- Barker-Cypress Archeological Site —> Barker–Cypress Archeological Site
- Barrows-Steadman Homestead —> Barrows–Steadman Homestead
- Belcher-Holden Farm —> Belcher–Holden Farm
- Belknap-Sulloway Mill —> Belknap–Sulloway Mill
- Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden —> Bellamy–Ferriday House and Garden
- Bennett-Kelly Farm —> Bennett–Kelly Farm
- Benson Street-Forest Avenue Residential Historic District —> Benson Street–Forest Avenue Residential Historic District
- Bieker-Wilson Village Site —> Bieker–Wilson Village Site
- Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Mills Historic District —> Bigelow–Hartford Carpet Mills Historic District
- Bills-McNeal Historic District —> Bills–McNeal Historic District
- Boegel and Hine Flour Mill-Wommack Mill —> Boegel and Hine Flour Mill–Wommack Mill
- Boggan-Hammond House and Alexander Little Wing —> Boggan–Hammond House and Alexander Little Wing
- Bowen-Jordan Farm —> Bowen–Jordan Farm
- Breneman-Turner Mill —> Breneman–Turner Mill
- Brinton-King Farmstead —> Brinton–King Farmstead
- Brown-Cowles House and Cowles Law Office —> Brown–Cowles House and Cowles Law Office
- Buckminster-Kingsbury Farm —> Buckminster–Kingsbury Farm
- Burwell-Morgan Mill —> Burwell–Morgan Mill
- Bush-Lyon Homestead —> Bush–Lyon Homestead
- Busiel-Seeburg Mill —> Busiel–Seeburg Mill
- Butler-Matthews Homestead —> Butler–Matthews Homestead
- Butler-McCook Homestead —> Butler–McCook Homestead
- Camp Harlan-Camp McKean Historic District —> Camp Harlan–Camp McKean Historic District
- Capen-Clark Historic District —> Capen–Clark Historic District
- Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site —> Cartier–Brébeuf National Historic Site
- Central Avenue-Center Cemetery Historic District —> Central Avenue–Center Cemetery Historic District
- Chaffee-Moloney Houses —> Chaffee–Moloney Houses
- Charlesfort-Santa Elena Site —> Charlesfort–Santa Elena Site
- Chelsea-Elliot Houses —> Chelsea–Elliot Houses
- Clark-Miller Roller Mill —> Clark–Miller Roller Mill
- Clarkson-Knowles Cottage —> Clarkson–Knowles Cottage
- Cleek-McCabe Site —> Cleek–McCabe Site
- Coats-Hines Site —> Coats–Hines Site
- Coleman-Franklin-Cannon Mill —> Coleman–Franklin–Cannon Mill
- Colver-Rogers Farmstead —> Colver–Rogers Farmstead
- Conant-Sawyer Cottage —> Conant–Sawyer Cottage
- Cornell College-Mount Vernon Historic District —> Cornell College–Mount Vernon Historic District
- Crawford-Dorsey House and Cemetery —> Crawford–Dorsey House and Cemetery
- Curtis-Crumb Farm —> Curtis–Crumb Farm
- Curtis-Shipley Farmstead —> Curtis–Shipley Farmstead
- Dager-Wonsettler Farmstead —> Dager–Wonsettler Farmstead
- Dakin-Coleman Farm —> Dakin–Coleman Farm
- Dau-Webbenhorst Barn —> Dau–Webbenhorst Barn
- Day-Vandevander Mill —> Day–Vandevander Mill
- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Yard-Dickson Manufacturing Co. Site —> Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Yard–Dickson Manufacturing Co. Site
- Dick-Kobel Homestead —> Dick–Kobel Homestead
- Dillard-Gamble Houses —> Dillard–Gamble Houses
- Dunbar-Carver Historic District —> Dunbar–Carver Historic District
- East Main-High Street Historic District —> East Main–High Street Historic District
- East Richland Street-East Church Street Historic District —> East Richland Street–East Church Street Historic District
- Eaton-Moulton Mill —> Eaton–Moulton Mill
- Ellington-Ellis Farm —> Ellington–Ellis Farm
- Ervin Homestead-Gist Bottom Historic District —> Ervin Homestead–Gist Bottom Historic District
- Fair-Rutherford and Rutherford Houses —> Fair–Rutherford and Rutherford Houses
- Fay-Usborne Mill —> Fay–Usborne Mill
- Feisthamel-Edelberg Cottage —> Feisthamel–Edelberg Cottage
- Fernside-Vacation House for Working Girls —> Fernside–Vacation House for Working Girls
- Fisher-Gabbert Archeological Site —> Fisher–Gabbert Archeological Site
- Fletcher-Skinner-Nixon House and Outbuildings —> Fletcher–Skinner–Nixon House and Outbuildings
- Florence-Council On The Iowa Site —> Florence–Council On The Iowa Site
- Fort Dale-College Street Historic District —> Fort Dale–College Street Historic District
- Fort Moore-Savano Town Site —> Fort Moore–Savano Town Site
- Francis-Gulick Mill —> Francis–Gulick Mill
- Franklin Street-College Avenue Residential Historic District —> Franklin Street–College Avenue Residential Historic District
- Freetown-Port Rico Historic District —> Freetown–Port Rico Historic District
- Frey-Haverstick Site —> Frey–Haverstick Site
- Fromme-Birney Round Barn —> Fromme–Birney Round Barn
- Frye-Randolph House and Fryemont Inn —> Frye–Randolph House and Fryemont Inn
- Fântânele-Cogealac Wind Farm —> Fântânele–Cogealac Wind Farm
- Garvan-Carroll Historic District —> Garvan–Carroll Historic District
- Garver-Rentschler Barn —> Garver–Rentschler Barn
- Gates-Helm Farm —> Gates–Helm Farm
- Georgia Avenue-Butler Avenue Historic District —> Georgia Avenue–Butler Avenue Historic District
- Gilbert-Linn Street Historic District —> Gilbert–Linn Street Historic District
- Golden Eagle-Toppmeyer Site —> Golden Eagle–Toppmeyer Site
- Goodrich-Ramus Barn —> Goodrich–Ramus Barn
- Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site —> Grant–Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site
- Grimes-Crotts Mill —> Grimes–Crotts Mill
- Gros-Morne Wind Farm —> Gros–Morne Wind Farm
- Hallock-Bilunas Farmstead —> Hallock–Bilunas Farmstead
- Hamilton-Ely Farmstead —> Hamilton–Ely Farmstead
- Harding House-Walker Missionary Home —> Harding House–Walker Missionary Home
- Haviland-Davison Grist Mill —> Haviland–Davison Grist Mill
- Helena South-Central Historic District —> Helena South–Central Historic District
- Henley-Riley Houses —> Henley–Riley Houses
- High Point-Half Moon Bluff Historic District —> High Point–Half Moon Bluff Historic District
- Hitchcock-Schwarzmann Mill —> Hitchcock–Schwarzmann Mill
- Hodgson-Aid Mill —> Hodgson–Aid Mill
- Holmes-Crafts Homestead —> Holmes–Crafts Homestead
- Homan-Gerard House and Mills —> Homan–Gerard House and Mills
- Hopper-Snyder Homestead —> Hopper–Snyder Homestead
- Hovey Lake-Klein Archeological Site —> Hovey Lake–Klein Archeological Site
- Hughes-Willis Site —> Hughes–Willis Site
- Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site —> Hunter–Dawson State Historic Site
- I and M Electric Co. Building-Transformer House and Garage —> I and M Electric Co. Building–Transformer House and Garage
- Ireland-Gardiner Farm —> Ireland–Gardiner Farm
- Jackson-Aitken Farm —> Jackson–Aitken Farm
- Jelm-Frank Smith Ranch Historic District —> Jelm–Frank Smith Ranch Historic District
- Jewell-Lightburne Historic District —> Jewell–Lightburne Historic District
- Johnson-Wolfe Farm —> Johnson–Wolfe Farm
- Jones-Miller Bison Kill Site —> Jones–Miller Bison Kill Site
- Julia-Ann Square Historic District —> Julia–Ann Square Historic District
- Kade-Duesenberg German House and Cultural Center —> Kade–Duesenberg German House and Cultural Center
- Keefe-Mumbower Mill —> Keefe–Mumbower Mill
- Keener-Johnson Farm —> Keener–Johnson Farm
- Kennedy-Wade Mill —> Kennedy–Wade Mill
- Knabb-Bieber Mill —> Knabb–Bieber Mill
- Knotts Creek-Belleville Archeological Site —> Knotts Creek–Belleville Archeological Site
- Laflin-Phelps Homestead —> Laflin–Phelps Homestead
- Larom-Welles Cottage —> Larom–Welles Cottage
- Lasky-DeMille Barn —> Lasky–DeMille Barn
- Lattin-Crandall Octagon Barn —> Lattin–Crandall Octagon Barn
- Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site —> Lincoln–Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site
- Littel-Lord Farmstead —> Littel–Lord Farmstead
- Long-Hawerter Mill —> Long–Hawerter Mill
- Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site —> Longfellow–Evangeline State Historic Site
- Lovejoy and Merrill-Nowlan Houses —> Lovejoy and Merrill–Nowlan Houses
- Lunn-Musser Octagon Barn —> Lunn–Musser Octagon Barn
- Lunsford-Pulcher Archeological Site —> Lunsford–Pulcher Archeological Site
- Mann-Simons Cottage —> Mann–Simons Cottage
- Marquart-Mercer Farm —> Marquart–Mercer Farm
- Martínez-Holguín House Museum —> Martínez–Holguín House Museum
- Mattapany-Sewall Archeological Site —> Mattapany–Sewall Archeological Site
- McArthur-Martin Hexadecagon Barn —> McArthur–Martin Hexadecagon Barn
- McLemore-Sharpe Farmstead —> McLemore–Sharpe Farmstead
- Meeks-Green Farmstead —> Meeks–Green Farmstead
- Menard-Hodges Site —> Menard–Hodges Site
- Middaugh-Stone House and Dutch Barn —> Middaugh–Stone House and Dutch Barn
- Milliken-Smith Farm —> Milliken–Smith Farm
- Mitchell-Maskrey Mill —> Mitchell–Maskrey Mill
- Murphy-Lamb House and Cemetery —> Murphy–Lamb House and Cemetery
- Nance-Major House and Store —> Nance–Major House and Store
- Naubuc Avenue-Broad Street Historic District —> Naubuc Avenue–Broad Street Historic District
- Nevada-California-Oregon Railway Locomotive House and Machine Shop —> Nevada–California–Oregon Railway Locomotive House and Machine Shop
- North Battersea-Pride's Field Historic District —> North Battersea–Pride's Field Historic District
- Ogden-Fettie Site —> Ogden–Fettie Site
- Old Prairie Town at Ward-Meade Historic Site —> Old Prairie Town at Ward–Meade Historic Site
- Olsen-Chubbuck Bison Kill Site —> Olsen–Chubbuck Bison Kill Site
- Orr-Herl Mound and Village Site —> Orr–Herl Mound and Village Site
- Oxford-Whitney Streets Historic District —> Oxford–Whitney Streets Historic District
- Painter-Bernatz Mill —> Painter–Bernatz Mill
- Pangborn-Herndon Memorial Site —> Pangborn–Herndon Memorial Site
- Peabody-Fordson Historic District —> Peabody–Fordson Historic District
- Penn-Craft Historic District —> Penn–Craft Historic District
- Perry-Carpenter Grist Mill —> Perry–Carpenter Grist Mill
- Phillips-Williams Fork Reservoir Site —> Phillips–Williams Fork Reservoir Site
- Pike-Pawnee Village Site —> Pike–Pawnee Village Site
- Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center —> Pollock–Krasner House and Study Center
- Probasco-Dittner Farmstead —> Probasco–Dittner Farmstead
- Prospect-Gaylord Historic District —> Prospect–Gaylord Historic District
- Purefoy-Chappell House and Outbuildings —> Purefoy–Chappell House and Outbuildings
- Randall-Hale Homestead —> Randall–Hale Homestead
- Raymond-Bradford Homestead —> Raymond–Bradford Homestead
- Rea-Proctor Homestead —> Rea–Proctor Homestead
- Redmond Park-Grande Avenue Historic District —> Redmond Park–Grande Avenue Historic District
- Reinhardt-Craig House, Kiln and Pottery Shop —> Reinhardt–Craig House, Kiln and Pottery Shop
- Reiser-Zoller Farm —> Reiser–Zoller Farm
- Reward-Tilden's Farm —> Reward–Tilden's Farm
- Rhoads-Lorah House and Barn —> Rhoads–Lorah House and Barn
- Robinson-Parsons Farm —> Robinson–Parsons Farm
- Rogers-Post Site —> Rogers–Post Site
- Routzahn-Miller Farmstead —> Routzahn–Miller Farmstead
- Rowe-Lant Farm —> Rowe–Lant Farm
- Sands-Willets Homestead —> Sands–Willets Homestead
- Saxe-Ernestine House Order —> Saxe–Ernestine House Order
- Schmidt-Godert Farm —> Schmidt–Godert Farm
- Schrader-Griswold Cottage —> Schrader–Griswold Cottage
- Scott-Hutton Farm —> Scott–Hutton Farm
- Shaheen-Goodfellow Weekend Cottage —> Shaheen–Goodfellow Weekend Cottage
- Shawnee-Minisink Site —> Shawnee–Minisink Site
- Shelton-Rich Farmstead —> Shelton–Rich Farmstead
- Shenandoah-Dives Mill —> Shenandoah–Dives Mill
- Shultz-Funk Site —> Shultz–Funk Site
- Sisson-South Whitney Historic District —> Sisson–South Whitney Historic District
- Slayton Farms-Round Barn —> Slayton Farms–Round Barn
- Slusser-Ryan Farm —> Slusser–Ryan Farm
- Smith-Duncan House and Eastman Barn —> Smith–Duncan House and Eastman Barn
- Stevenson-Frink Farm —> Stevenson–Frink Farm
- Stover-Myers Mill —> Stover–Myers Mill
- Strickland-Roberts Homestead —> Strickland–Roberts Homestead
- Studabaker-Scott House and Beehive School —> Studabaker–Scott House and Beehive School
- Taylor-Stace Cottage —> Taylor–Stace Cottage
- Thompson-Wohlschlegel Round Barn —> Thompson–Wohlschlegel Round Barn
- Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site —> Tipton–Haynes State Historic Site
- Tockwotton-Love Place Historic District —> Tockwotton–Love Place Historic District
- Utter-Gerig Round Barn —> Utter–Gerig Round Barn
- Van Wyck-Lefferts Tide Mill —> Van Wyck–Lefferts Tide Mill
- Violett-Martin House and Gardens —> Violett–Martin House and Gardens
- Wallace-Cross Mill —> Wallace–Cross Mill
- Welch-Nicholson House and Mill Site —> Welch–Nicholson House and Mill Site
- Welling-Everly Horse Barn —> Welling–Everly Horse Barn
- Wells-Jackson Carriage House Complex —> Wells–Jackson Carriage House Complex
- Wetzell-Archbold Farmstead —> Wetzell–Archbold Farmstead
- Wheeler-Magnus Round Barn —> Wheeler–Magnus Round Barn
- Whitehead-Fogleman Farm —> Whitehead–Fogleman Farm
- Wyckoff-Bennett Homestead —> Wyckoff–Bennett Homestead
- Yale-Cady Octagon House and Yale Lock Factory Site —> Yale–Cady Octagon House and Yale Lock Factory Site
- York-Chester Historic District —> York–Chester Historic District
- Zoller-Frasier Round Barn —> Zoller–Frasier Round Barn
- Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site —> Lincoln–Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site
Two hyphens
- Adams-Crocker-Fish House —> Adams–Crocker–Fish House
- Albree-Hall-Lawrence House —> Albree–Hall–Lawrence House
- Bacon-Gleason-Blodgett Homestead —> Bacon–Gleason–Blodgett Homestead
- Bacon-Merchant-Moss House —> Bacon–Merchant–Moss House
- Barnett-Seawright-Wilson House —> Barnett–Seawright–Wilson House
- Bartlett-Rockhill-Bartlett House —> Bartlett–Rockhill–Bartlett House
- Bennett-Tobler-Pace-Oliver House —> Bennett–Tobler–Pace–Oliver House
- Blankenship-Hodges-Brown House —> Blankenship–Hodges–Brown House
- Bowers-Livingston-Osborn House —> Bowers–Livingston–Osborn House
- Brandon-Bell-Collier House —> Brandon–Bell–Collier House
- Bromley-Mills-Treece House —> Bromley–Mills–Treece House
- Brown-Daly-Horne House —> Brown–Daly–Horne House
- Brown-Davis-Frost Farm —> Brown–Davis–Frost Farm
- Brownrigg-Harris-Kennebrew House —> Brownrigg–Harris–Kennebrew House
- Burbank-Livingston-Griggs House —> Burbank–Livingston–Griggs House
- Byrnside-Beirne-Johnson House —> Byrnside–Beirne–Johnson House
- Cabe-Pratt-Harris House —> Cabe–Pratt–Harris House
- Cairns-Whitten-Blauvelt House —> Cairns–Whitten–Blauvelt House
- Caldwell-Cobb-Love House —> Caldwell–Cobb–Love House
- Caldwell-Johnson-Morris Cottage —> Caldwell–Johnson–Morris Cottage
- Carlton-Frie-Tucker House —> Carlton–Frie–Tucker House
- Case-Shiras-Dearmore House —> Case–Shiras–Dearmore House
- Chandler-Bigsby-Abbot House —> Chandler–Bigsby–Abbot House
- Chase-Crowley-Keep House —> Chase–Crowley–Keep House
- Chase-Hubbard-Williams House —> Chase–Hubbard–Williams House
- Cocke-Martin-Jackson House —> Cocke–Martin–Jackson House
- Collier-Lane-Crichlow House —> Collier–Lane–Crichlow House
- Crawford-Whitehead-Ross House —> Crawford–Whitehead–Ross House
- Davis-Whitehead-Harriss House —> Davis–Whitehead–Harriss House
- DeWees-Preston-Smith House —> DeWees–Preston–Smith House
- Dean-Armstrong-Englund Octagonal Barn —> Dean–Armstrong–Englund Octagonal Barn
- Demens-Rumbough-Crawley House —> Demens–Rumbough–Crawley House
- Dempsey-Reynolds-Taylor House —> Dempsey–Reynolds–Taylor House
- Dickinson-Pillsbury-Witham House —> Dickinson–Pillsbury–Witham House
- Dinesen-Motzfeldt-Hettinger Log House —> Dinesen–Motzfeldt–Hettinger Log House
- Dixon-Leftwich-Murphy House —> Dixon–Leftwich–Murphy House
- Dovillers-Manning-Magoffin House —> Dovillers–Manning–Magoffin House
- Drewry-Mitchell-Moorer House —> Drewry–Mitchell–Moorer House
- Englar-Schweigart-Rinehart Farm —> Englar–Schweigart–Rinehart Farm
- Evans-Gaige-Dillenback House —> Evans–Gaige–Dillenback House
- Farley-Hutchinson-Kimball House —> Farley–Hutchinson–Kimball House
- Fite-Williams-Ligon House —> Fite–Williams–Ligon House
- Fowle-Reed-Wyman House —> Fowle–Reed–Wyman House
- Freeman-Brewer-Sawyer House —> Freeman–Brewer–Sawyer House
- Garrettson-Baine-Bartholomew House —> Garrettson–Baine–Bartholomew House
- Giboney-Robertson-Stewart House —> Giboney–Robertson–Stewart House
- Glencoe-Auburn Hotel and Glencoe-Auburn Place Row Houses —> Glencoe–Auburn Hotel and Glencoe–Auburn Place Row Houses
- Graham-Gaughan-Betts House —> Graham–Gaughan–Betts House
- Grantham-Edwards-McComb House —> Grantham–Edwards–McComb House
- Gray-Brownlow-Wilcox House —> Gray–Brownlow–Wilcox House
- Gridley-Parsons-Staples Homestead —> Gridley–Parsons–Staples Homestead
- Habicht-Cohn-Crow House —> Habicht–Cohn–Crow House
- Hall-Harding-McCampbell House —> Hall–Harding–McCampbell House
- Hamblet-Putnam-Frye House —> Hamblet–Putnam–Frye House
- Harris-Chilton-Ruble House —> Harris–Chilton–Ruble House
- Harris-Murrow-Trowell House —> Harris–Murrow–Trowell House
- Harris-Ramsey-Norris House —> Harris–Ramsey–Norris House
- Hatcher-Groover-Schwartz House —> Hatcher–Groover–Schwartz House
- Hazen-Kimball-Aldrich House —> Hazen–Kimball–Aldrich House
- Heck-Lee, Heck-Wynne, and Heck-Pool Houses —> Heck–Lee, Heck–Wynne, and Heck–Pool Houses
- Henyon-Kasper-Duffy Barn —> Henyon–Kasper–Duffy Barn
- Hicks-Dugan-Deener House —> Hicks–Dugan–Deener House
- Hildreth-Lord-Hawley Farm —> Hildreth–Lord–Hawley Farm
- Hoffman-Bowers-Josey-Riddick House —> Hoffman–Bowers–Josey–Riddick House
- Hoham-Klinghammer-Weckerle House and Brewery Site —> Hoham–Klinghammer–Weckerle House and Brewery Site
- Holliday-Dorsey-Fife House —> Holliday–Dorsey–Fife House
- Holloway-Jones-Day House —> Holloway–Jones–Day House
- Holt-Cummings-Davis House —> Holt–Cummings–Davis House
- Hooker-Ensle-Pierce House —> Hooker–Ensle–Pierce House
- Hooper-Bowler-Hillstrom House —> Hooper–Bowler–Hillstrom House
- Houx-Hoefer-Rehkop House —> Houx–Hoefer–Rehkop House
- Howell-Garner-Monfee House —> Howell–Garner–Monfee House
- Hudson-Grace-Borreson House —> Hudson–Grace–Borreson House
- Irby-Henderson-Todd House —> Irby–Henderson–Todd House
- Jewett-Kemp-Marlens House —> Jewett–Kemp–Marlens House
- Joclin-Bradley-Bowling House —> Joclin–Bradley–Bowling House
- Jones-Read-Touvelle House —> Jones–Read–Touvelle House
- King-Casper-Ward-Bazemore House —> King–Casper–Ward–Bazemore House
- King-Flowers-Keaton House —> King–Flowers–Keaton House
- King-Freeman-Speight House —> King–Freeman–Speight House
- King-Neimeyer-Mathis House —> King–Neimeyer–Mathis House
- Kip-Beekman-Heermance Site —> Kip–Beekman–Heermance Site
- Laidley-Summers-Quarrier House —> Laidley–Summers–Quarrier House
- Lathrop-Mathewson-Ross House —> Lathrop–Mathewson–Ross House
- Leak-Chaffin-Browder House —> Leak–Chaffin–Browder House
- Lemley-Wood-Sayer House —> Lemley–Wood–Sayer House
- Leslie-Alford-Mims House —> Leslie–Alford–Mims House
- Lewis-Capehart-Roseberry House —> Lewis–Capehart–Roseberry House
- Lord-Baylies-Bennett House —> Lord–Baylies–Bennett House
- Markham-Albertson-Stinson Cottage —> Markham–Albertson–Stinson Cottage
- Marshall-Harris-Richardson House —> Marshall–Harris–Richardson House
- Massey-Doby-Nisbet House —> Massey–Doby–Nisbet House
- McCorkle-Fewell-Long House —> McCorkle–Fewell–Long House
- McEwen-Samuels-Marr House —> McEwen–Samuels–Marr House
- McGavock-Gatewood-Webb House —> McGavock–Gatewood–Webb House
- McLaurin-Roper-McColl Farmstead —> McLaurin–Roper–McColl Farmstead
- Millen-Chase-McCalla House —> Millen–Chase–McCalla House
- Miller-Porter-Lacy House —> Miller–Porter–Lacy House
- Mims-Breedlove-Priest-Weatherton House —> Mims–Breedlove–Priest–Weatherton House
- Mohrman-Jack-Evans House —> Mohrman–Jack–Evans House
- Moore-Holt-White House —> Moore–Holt–White House
- Morgan-Bedinger-Dandridge House —> Morgan–Bedinger–Dandridge House
- Morgan-Copp-Mervau Building —> Morgan–Copp–Mervau Building
- Morgan-Skinner-Boyd Homestead —> Morgan–Skinner–Boyd Homestead
- Nash-Reid-Hill House —> Nash–Reid–Hill House
- Nelson-Reardon-Kennard House —> Nelson–Reardon–Kennard House
- Nevada-California-Oregon Railway Co. General Office Building —> Nevada–California–Oregon Railway Co. General Office Building
- Newell-Johnson-Searle House —> Newell–Johnson–Searle House
- Newman-Fiske-Dodge House —> Newman–Fiske–Dodge House
- Ninde-Mead-Farnsworth House —> Ninde–Mead–Farnsworth House
- Nowell-Mayerburg-Oliver House —> Nowell–Mayerburg–Oliver House
- Odell-Locke-Randolph Cotton Mill —> Odell–Locke–Randolph Cotton Mill
- Osborn-Bouton-Mead House —> Osborn–Bouton–Mead House
- Patrick-Carr-Herring House —> Patrick–Carr–Herring House
- Peck-Crim-Chesser House —> Peck–Crim–Chesser House
- Perry-McIlwain-McDow House —> Perry–McIlwain–McDow House
- Poillon-Seguine-Britton House —> Poillon–Seguine–Britton House
- Pratt-McDaniels-LaFlamme House —> Pratt–McDaniels–LaFlamme House
- Prewitt-Amis-Finney House —> Prewitt–Amis–Finney House
- Pritchard-Moore-Goodrich House —> Pritchard–Moore–Goodrich House
- Reid-Jones-Carpenter House —> Reid–Jones–Carpenter House
- Rice-Semple-Haardt House —> Rice–Semple–Haardt House
- Roberson-Everett-Roebuck House —> Roberson–Everett–Roebuck House
- Roberts-Bush-Roberts House —> Roberts–Bush–Roberts House
- Robertson-Easterling-McLaurin House —> Robertson–Easterling–McLaurin House
- Robinson-Lewis-G. F. Fessenden House —> Robinson–Lewis–G. F. Fessenden House
- Rodriguez-Avero-Sanchez House —> Rodriguez–Avero–Sanchez House
- Rogers-Bagley-Daniels-Pegues House —> Rogers–Bagley–Daniels–Pegues House
- Rogers-Whitaker-Haywood House —> Rogers–Whitaker–Haywood House
- Sage-Robinson-Nagel House —> Sage–Robinson–Nagel House
- Shook-Welch-Smathers House —> Shook–Welch–Smathers House
- Singletary-Reese-Robinson House —> Singletary–Reese–Robinson House
- Sloan-Raymond-Fitch House —> Sloan–Raymond–Fitch House
- Sloat-Horn-Rossell House —> Sloat–Horn–Rossell House
- Smith-Bontura-Evans House —> Smith–Bontura–Evans House
- Smith-Little-Mars House —> Smith–Little–Mars House
- Smith-Thaxter-Merrifield House —> Smith–Thaxter–Merrifield House
- Smith-Williams-Durham Boarding House —> Smith–Williams–Durham Boarding House
- Solomon-Smith-Martin House —> Solomon–Smith–Martin House
- Spratt-Allen-Aull House —> Spratt–Allen–Aull House
- Stanley-Woodruff-Allen House —> Stanley–Woodruff–Allen House
- Staples-Crafts-Wiswall Farm —> Staples–Crafts–Wiswall Farm
- Stewart-Hawley-Malloy House —> Stewart–Hawley–Malloy House
- Strode-Morrison-Tabler House and Farm —> Strode–Morrison–Tabler House and Farm
- Sutton-Chapman-Howland House —> Sutton–Chapman–Howland House
- Tate-Senftenberg-Brandon House —> Tate–Senftenberg–Brandon House
- Taylor-Manning-Leppo House —> Taylor–Manning–Leppo House
- Temple-Webster-Stoner House —> Temple–Webster–Stoner House
- Thomas-McJunkin-Love House —> Thomas–McJunkin–Love House
- Thompson-Brown-Sandusky House —> Thompson–Brown–Sandusky House
- Trulock-Gould-Mullis House —> Trulock–Gould–Mullis House
- Van Nest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead —> Van Nest–Hoff–Vannatta Farmstead
- Vandiver-Trout-Clause House —> Vandiver–Trout–Clause House
- Walker-Ewing-Glass Log House —> Walker–Ewing–Glass Log House
- Walker-Woodward-Schaffer House —> Walker–Woodward–Schaffer House
- Ward-Applewhite-Thompson House —> Ward–Applewhite–Thompson House
- Warren-Guild-Simmons House —> Warren–Guild–Simmons House
- Weakley-Truett-Clark House —> Weakley–Truett–Clark House
- Webb-Barron-Wells House —> Webb–Barron–Wells House
- Welles-Shipman-Ward House —> Welles–Shipman–Ward House
- Williams-Ball-Copeland House —> Williams–Ball–Copeland House
- Williams-Warren-Zimmerman House —> Williams–Warren–Zimmerman House
- Willis-Sale-Stennett House —> Willis–Sale–Stennett House
- Wilson-Pittman-Campbell-Gregory House —> Wilson–Pittman–Campbell–Gregory House
- Wilson-Wodrow-Mytinger House —> Wilson–Wodrow–Mytinger House
- Witt-Champe-Myers House —> Witt–Champe–Myers House
- Woodruff-Riter-Stewart Home —> Woodruff–Riter–Stewart Home
- Yenowine-Nichols-Collins House —> Yenowine–Nichols–Collins House
- Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House —> Zabriskie–Kipp–Cadmus House
Xxx-Xxx House
- Abbot-Baker House —> Abbot–Baker House
- Abbot-Battles House —> Abbot–Battles House
- Abbot-Stinson House —> Abbot–Stinson House
- Abell-Kilbourn House —> Abell–Kilbourn House
- Ackerman-Boyd House —> Ackerman–Boyd House
- Ackerman-Dater House —> Ackerman–Dater House
- Ackerman-Dewsnap House —> Ackerman–Dewsnap House
- Ackerman-Smith House —> Ackerman–Smith House
- Adam-Derby House —> Adam–Derby House
- Adams-Edwards House —> Adams–Edwards House
- Adams-Higgins House —> Adams–Higgins House
- Adams-Leslie House —> Adams–Leslie House
- Adams-Magoun House —> Adams–Magoun House
- Adams-Matheson House —> Adams–Matheson House
- Adams-Ryan House —> Adams–Ryan House
- Aday-Stephenson House —> Aday–Stephenson House
- Addy-Spencer House —> Addy–Spencer House
- Albright-Dukes House —> Albright–Dukes House
- Alderson-Coston House —> Alderson–Coston House
- Alfrey-Brown House —> Alfrey–Brown House
- Allen-Barringer House —> Allen–Barringer House
- Allen-Beville House —> Allen–Beville House
- Allen-Lockwood House —> Allen–Lockwood House
- Allen-Mangum House —> Allen–Mangum House
- Allis-Bushnell House —> Allis–Bushnell House
- Allison-Robinson House —> Allison–Robinson House
- Alverson-Copeland House —> Alverson–Copeland House
- Amis-Bragg House —> Amis–Bragg House
- Anderson-Coward House —> Anderson–Coward House
- Andrews-Duncan House —> Andrews–Duncan House
- Andrews-Moore House —> Andrews–Moore House
- Andrews-Wing House —> Andrews–Wing House
- Appler-Englar House —> Appler–Englar House
- Appleton-Hannaford House —> Appleton–Hannaford House
- Archibald-Adams House —> Archibald–Adams House
- Archibald-Vroom House —> Archibald–Vroom House
- Argutinsky-Dolgorukov House —> Argutinsky–Dolgorukov House
- Armco-Ferro House —> Armco–Ferro House
- Armstrong-Walker House —> Armstrong–Walker House
- Arnold-Harrell House —> Arnold–Harrell House
- Arthurs-Johnson House —> Arthurs–Johnson House
- Ashley-Alexander House —> Ashley–Alexander House
- Ashley-Willis House —> Ashley–Willis House
- Ashton-Hursh House —> Ashton–Hursh House
- Atkinson-Smith House —> Atkinson–Smith House
- Attwood-Hopson House —> Attwood–Hopson House
- Atwater-Stone House —> Atwater–Stone House
- Auld-McCobb House —> Auld–McCobb House
- Averitt-Herod House —> Averitt–Herod House
- Averitt-Winchester House —> Averitt–Winchester House
- Ayers-Allen House —> Ayers–Allen House
- Babcock-Shattuck House —> Babcock–Shattuck House
- Babson-Alling House —> Babson–Alling House
- Bacon-Fraser House —> Bacon–Fraser House
- Bacon-Stickney House —> Bacon–Stickney House
- Bagley-Bliss House —> Bagley–Bliss House
- Bailey-Boushay House —> Bailey–Boushay House
- Bailey-Estes House —> Bailey–Estes House
- Baker-Merrill House —> Baker–Merrill House
- Baldwin-Grantham House —> Baldwin–Grantham House
- Ballentine-Shealy House —> Ballentine–Shealy House
- Ballou-Newbegin House —> Ballou–Newbegin House
- Banks-Mack House —> Banks–Mack House
- Banta-Coe House —> Banta–Coe House
- Barber-Pittman House —> Barber–Pittman House
- Bardwell-Ferrant House —> Bardwell–Ferrant House
- Barnes-Frost House —> Barnes–Frost House
- Barnes-Hill House —> Barnes–Hill House
- Barnes-Hiscock House —> Barnes–Hiscock House
- Barnes-Wellford House —> Barnes–Wellford House
- Barnett-Attwood House —> Barnett–Attwood House
- Barns-Brinton House —> Barns–Brinton House
- Barnwell-Gough House —> Barnwell–Gough House
- Barrett-Faulkner House —> Barrett–Faulkner House
- Barth-Hempfling House —> Barth–Hempfling House
- Bartlett-Cushman House —> Bartlett–Cushman House
- Bartlett-Kirk House —> Bartlett–Kirk House
- Bartsch-Jasper House —> Bartsch–Jasper House
- Bass-Morrell House —> Bass–Morrell House
- Bass-Perry House —> Bass–Perry House
- Bateman-Griffith House —> Bateman–Griffith House
- Bates-Geers House —> Bates–Geers House
- Beall-Orr House —> Beall–Orr House
- Beardsley-Oliver House —> Beardsley–Oliver House
- Beasley-Parham House —> Beasley–Parham House
- Beatty-Corbett House —> Beatty–Corbett House
- Beaty-Little House —> Beaty–Little House
- Beaty-Spivey House —> Beaty–Spivey House
- Beauchamp-Newman House —> Beauchamp–Newman House
- Beauclaire-Vreeland House —> Beauclaire–Vreeland House
- Beauregard-Keyes House —> Beauregard–Keyes House
- Beck-Warren House —> Beck–Warren House
- Beisel-Mitchell House —> Beisel–Mitchell House
- Belcher-Rowe House —> Belcher–Rowe House
- Belden-Horne House —> Belden–Horne House
- Bell-Sherrod House —> Bell–Sherrod House
- Bell-Varner House —> Bell–Varner House
- Bellamy-Philips House —> Bellamy–Philips House
- Bellingham-Cary House —> Bellingham–Cary House
- Belt-Gaskin House —> Belt–Gaskin House
- Bement-Billings House —> Bement–Billings House
- Benjamin DuBois Stone House-Captain Martin Stone House —> Benjamin DuBois Stone House–Captain Martin Stone House
- Bennett-Cheras House —> Bennett–Cheras House
- Bennett-McBride House —> Bennett–McBride House
- Bennett-Shattuck House —> Bennett–Shattuck House
- Berger-Graham House —> Berger–Graham House
- Berger-Kiel House —> Berger–Kiel House
- Bernardin-Johnson House —> Bernardin–Johnson House
- Berryhill-Morris House —> Berryhill–Morris House
- Bevier-Wright House —> Bevier–Wright House
- Bigelow-Page House —> Bigelow–Page House
- Billings-Cole House —> Billings–Cole House
- Billingsley-Hills House —> Billingsley–Hills House
- Bingham-Blossom House —> Bingham–Blossom House
- Bingham-Brewer House —> Bingham–Brewer House
- Birge-Horton House —> Birge–Horton House
- Bissell Tavern-Bissell's Stage House —> Bissell Tavern–Bissell's Stage House
- Bissette-Cooley House —> Bissette–Cooley House
- Bivings-Converse House —> Bivings–Converse House
- Black-Binney House —> Black–Binney House
- Black-Cole House —> Black–Cole House
- Blackledge-Gair House —> Blackledge–Gair House
- Blanch-Haring House —> Blanch–Haring House
- Blanchard-Upton House —> Blanchard–Upton House
- Blauvelt-Demarest House —> Blauvelt–Demarest House
- Blish-Garret House —> Blish–Garret House
- Block Realty-Baker House —> Block Realty–Baker House
- Bogardus-DeWindt House —> Bogardus–DeWindt House
- Bogle-Walker House —> Bogle–Walker House
- Bollinger-Hartley House —> Bollinger–Hartley House
- Boone-Douthit House —> Boone–Douthit House
- Boone-Withers House —> Boone–Withers House
- Booth-Weir House —> Booth–Weir House
- Borden-Pond House —> Borden–Pond House
- Bost-Burris House —> Bost–Burris House
- Boughton-Haight House —> Boughton–Haight House
- Boutell-Hathorn House —> Boutell–Hathorn House
- Bower-Cox House —> Bower–Cox House
- Bowlsby-Degelleke House —> Bowlsby–Degelleke House
- Bowman-Carney House —> Bowman–Carney House
- Bowyer-Holladay House —> Bowyer–Holladay House
- Boyce-Gregg House —> Boyce–Gregg House
- Bradford-Huntington House —> Bradford–Huntington House
- Bradford-Loockerman House —> Bradford–Loockerman House
- Bradford-Maydwell House —> Bradford–Maydwell House
- Bradlee-McIntyre House —> Bradlee–McIntyre House
- Bradley-Hubbell House —> Bradley–Hubbell House
- Bradley-Latimer Summer House —> Bradley–Latimer Summer House
- Bragdon-Lipe House —> Bragdon–Lipe House
- Brame-Reed House —> Brame–Reed House
- Branford-Horry House —> Branford–Horry House
- Branner-Hicks House —> Branner–Hicks House
- Bratt-Smiley House —> Bratt–Smiley House
- Bray-Barron House —> Bray–Barron House
- Bray-Paschal House —> Bray–Paschal House
- Breckwoldt-Ward House —> Breckwoldt–Ward House
- Breechbill-Davidson House —> Breechbill–Davidson House
- Breese-Reynolds House —> Breese–Reynolds House
- Bressmer-Baker House —> Bressmer–Baker House
- Brickenstein-Leinbach House —> Brickenstein–Leinbach House
- Brigman-Chambers House —> Brigman–Chambers House
- Brinkerhoff-Demarest House —> Brinkerhoff–Demarest House
- Brokaw-McDougall House —> Brokaw–McDougall House
- Bronk-Silvester House —> Bronk–Silvester House
- Brooks-Hughes House —> Brooks–Hughes House
- Broom-Braden Stone House —> Broom–Braden Stone House
- Brothers-O'Neil House —> Brothers–O'Neil House
- Brown's Hall-Thompson's Opera House —> Brown's Hall–Thompson's Opera House
- Brown-Evans House —> Brown–Evans House
- Brown-Kercheval House —> Brown–Kercheval House
- Brown-Pilsbury Double House —> Brown–Pilsbury Double House
- Browne-King House —> Browne–King House
- Browne-Rafert House —> Browne–Rafert House
- Broyles-Darwin House —> Broyles–Darwin House
- Bryant-Lasater House —> Bryant–Lasater House
- Bryson-Crane House —> Bryson–Crane House
- Buford-Duke House —> Buford–Duke House
- Bull-Jackson House —> Bull–Jackson House
- Bullard-Hart House —> Bullard–Hart House
- Bullard-Ray House —> Bullard–Ray House
- Bullock-Clifton House —> Bullock–Clifton House
- Bullock-Dew House —> Bullock–Dew House
- Bumpas-Troy House —> Bumpas–Troy House
- Burch-Mitchell House —> Burch–Mitchell House
- Burgwin-Wright House —> Burgwin–Wright House
- Burkhart-Dibrell House —> Burkhart–Dibrell House
- Burkholder-O'Keefe House —> Burkholder–O'Keefe House
- Burn Brae Plantation-Krueger House —> Burn Brae Plantation–Krueger House
- Burnham-Patch House —> Burnham–Patch House
- Burnside-Sandusky Gothic House —> Burnside–Sandusky Gothic House
- Burrough-Dover House —> Burrough–Dover House
- Bush-Dubisson House —> Bush–Dubisson House
- Butterfield-Sampson House —> Butterfield–Sampson House
- Butterfield-Whittemore House —> Butterfield–Whittemore House
- Butters-Avery House —> Butters–Avery House
- Byers-Lyons House —> Byers–Lyons House
- Byers-Muma House —> Byers–Muma House
- Cabaniss-Hanberry House —> Cabaniss–Hanberry House
- Cabiness-Hunt House —> Cabiness–Hunt House
- Cadmus-Folly House —> Cadmus–Folly House
- Cady-Copp House —> Cady–Copp House
- Cahn-Crawford House —> Cahn–Crawford House
- Calhoun-Gibert House —> Calhoun–Gibert House
- Calkins-Orvis House —> Calkins–Orvis House
- Call-Bartlett House —> Call–Bartlett House
- Campbell-Chrisp House —> Campbell–Chrisp House
- Campbell-Christie House —> Campbell–Christie House
- Campbell-Jordan House —> Campbell–Jordan House
- Campbell-Rumsey House —> Campbell–Rumsey House
- Canary-Hartnett House —> Canary–Hartnett House
- Canfield-Morgan House —> Canfield–Morgan House
- Capers-Motte House —> Capers–Motte House
- Capron-Phillips House —> Capron–Phillips House
- Carpenter-Lippincott House —> Carpenter–Lippincott House
- Carpenter-Smith House —> Carpenter–Smith House
- Carr-Jeeves House —> Carr–Jeeves House
- Carson-Andrews Mill and Ben F.W. Andrews House —> Carson–Andrews Mill and Ben F. W. Andrews House
- Carter-Newton House —> Carter–Newton House
- Carter-Simmons House —> Carter–Simmons House
- Cartwright-Moss House —> Cartwright–Moss House
- Cavanaugh-Zetek House —> Cavanaugh–Zetek House
- Chadwick-Brittan House —> Chadwick–Brittan House
- Chaffee-Hunter House —> Chaffee–Hunter House
- Chamberlain-Bordeau House —> Chamberlain–Bordeau House
- Chamberlain-Flagg House —> Chamberlain–Flagg House
- Chamberlain-Kay House —> Chamberlain–Kay House
- Chamberlain-Pennell House —> Chamberlain–Pennell House
- Chandler-Hidden House —> Chandler–Hidden House
- Chapman-Hall House —> Chapman–Hall House
- Charles Adams-Woodbury Locke House —> Charles Adams–Woodbury Locke House
- Charles Howland-William H. Chase House —> Charles Howland–William H. Chase House
- Charnley-Norwood House —> Charnley–Norwood House
- Chase-Coletta House —> Chase–Coletta House
- Chew-Powell House —> Chew–Powell House
- Christie-Parsels House —> Christie–Parsels House
- Church of St Thomas, the Apostle and Howard-Flaget House —> Church of St Thomas, the Apostle and Howard–Flaget House
- Churchill-Hilger House —> Churchill–Hilger House
- Clapham-Stern House —> Clapham–Stern House
- Clark-Blackwell House —> Clark–Blackwell House
- Clark-Chalker House —> Clark–Chalker House
- Clark-Eames House —> Clark–Eames House
- Clark-Keith House —> Clark–Keith House
- Clark-King House —> Clark–King House
- Clark-Lester House —> Clark–Lester House
- Clark-Pratt House —> Clark–Pratt House
- Clarkson-Watson House —> Clarkson–Watson House
- Clerc-Carson House —> Clerc–Carson House
- Clifford-Wyrick House —> Clifford–Wyrick House
- Cloud-Reese House —> Cloud–Reese House
- Cock-Cornelius House —> Cock–Cornelius House
- Coeymans-Bronck Stone House —> Coeymans–Bronck Stone House
- Colding-Walker House —> Colding–Walker House
- Cole County Courthouse and Jail-Sheriff's House —> Cole County Courthouse and Jail–Sheriff's House
- Coleman-White House —> Coleman–White House
- Collier-Crichlow House —> Collier–Crichlow House
- Collins-Bond House —> Collins–Bond House
- Collums-Baker House —> Collums–Baker House
- Comins-Wall House —> Comins–Wall House
- Compton-Wood House —> Compton–Wood House
- Comstock-Harris House —> Comstock–Harris House
- Concklin-Sneden House —> Concklin–Sneden House
- Conkey-Stevens House —> Conkey–Stevens House
- Conklin-Montgomery House —> Conklin–Montgomery House
- Connelly-Harrington House —> Connelly–Harrington House
- Connely-Holeman House —> Connely–Holeman House
- Connor-Bovie House —> Connor–Bovie House
- Conrad-Starbuck House —> Conrad–Starbuck House
- Conyngham-Hacker House —> Conyngham–Hacker House
- Cook-Johnson House —> Cook–Johnson House
- Cook-Morrow House —> Cook–Morrow House
- Cook-Rutledge House —> Cook–Rutledge House
- Cook-Sellers House —> Cook–Sellers House
- Cooley-Whitney House —> Cooley–Whitney House
- Cooper-Alley House —> Cooper–Alley House
- Coor-Bishop House —> Coor–Bishop House
- Coor-Gaston House —> Coor–Gaston House
- Cornell-Van Nostrand House —> Cornell–Van Nostrand House
- Corse-Shippee House —> Corse–Shippee House
- Cosier-Murphy House —> Cosier–Murphy House
- Cotton-Smith House —> Cotton–Smith House
- Couch-Artrip House —> Couch–Artrip House
- Couch-Marshall House —> Couch–Marshall House
- Cowper-Thompson House —> Cowper–Thompson House
- Cox-Ange House —> Cox–Ange House
- Cox-Hord House —> Cox–Hord House
- Cox-Morton House —> Cox–Morton House
- Cox-Parks House —> Cox–Parks House
- Cox-Uithoven House —> Cox–Uithoven House
- Cozart-Coley House —> Cozart–Coley House
- Craig-Beasley House —> Craig–Beasley House
- Craig-Bryan House —> Craig–Bryan House
- Craik-Patton House —> Craik–Patton House
- Crane-Phillips House —> Crane–Phillips House
- Cranford-Wannamaker House —> Cranford–Wannamaker House
- Crawford-Gardner House —> Crawford–Gardner House
- Crawford-Gilpin House —> Crawford–Gilpin House
- Crawford-Winslow House —> Crawford–Winslow House
- Crenshaw-Burleigh House —> Crenshaw–Burleigh House
- Criffield-Whiteley House —> Criffield–Whiteley House
- Crowe-Garritt House —> Crowe–Garritt House
- Cruse-Hossington House —> Cruse–Hossington House
- Cullins-Baker House —> Cullins–Baker House
- Cumming-Parker House —> Cumming–Parker House
- Cunningham-Hevener House —> Cunningham–Hevener House
- Cureton-Huff House —> Cureton–Huff House
- Curtis-Kittleson House —> Curtis–Kittleson House
- Dalton-Uphoff House —> Dalton–Uphoff House
- Dana-Palmer House —> Dana–Palmer House
- Danner-Fletcher House —> Danner–Fletcher House
- Darden-Gifford House —> Darden–Gifford House
- Davenport-Bradfield House —> Davenport–Bradfield House
- Davis-Adams House —> Davis–Adams House
- Davis-Freeman House —> Davis–Freeman House
- Davis-Hull House —> Davis–Hull House
- Davis-Lenox House —> Davis–Lenox House
- Davis-Proctor House —> Davis–Proctor House
- Davis-Warner House —> Davis–Warner House
- Dawson-Vanderhorst House —> Dawson–Vanderhorst House
- Day-Taylor House —> Day–Taylor House
- Dayrit-Cuyugan House —> Dayrit–Cuyugan House
- Dayton-Williams House —> Dayton–Williams House
- DeGraffenreidt-Johnson House —> DeGraffenreidt–Johnson House
- DeRosay-McNamee House —> DeRosay–McNamee House
- DeVault-Massengill House —> DeVault–Massengill House
- Dean-Barstow House —> Dean–Barstow House
- Dean-Hartshorn House —> Dean–Hartshorn House
- Deane-Williams House —> Deane–Williams House
- Debaun-Demarest House —> Debaun–Demarest House
- Debruhl-Marshall House —> Debruhl–Marshall House
- Demand-Gest House —> Demand–Gest House
- Demarest-Atwood House —> Demarest–Atwood House
- Demarest-Bloomer House —> Demarest–Bloomer House
- Dement-Zinser House —> Dement–Zinser House
- Denham-Lacy House —> Denham–Lacy House
- Denkmann-Hauberg House —> Denkmann–Hauberg House
- Dennis-Coxetter House —> Dennis–Coxetter House
- Deshon-Allyn House —> Deshon–Allyn House
- Devane-MacQueen House —> Devane–MacQueen House
- Devereux-Coleman House —> Devereux–Coleman House
- Dial-Goza House —> Dial–Goza House
- Dickinson-Moore House —> Dickinson–Moore House
- Dicks-Elliott House —> Dicks–Elliott House
- Dietrich-Bowen House —> Dietrich–Bowen House
- Dike-Orne House —> Dike–Orne House
- Dille-Probst House —> Dille–Probst House
- Dinker-Irvin House —> Dinker–Irvin House
- Dodd-Hinsdale House —> Dodd–Hinsdale House
- Dodge-Greenleaf House —> Dodge–Greenleaf House
- Dom-Ino House —> Dom–Ino House
- Donehoo-Brannen House —> Donehoo–Brannen House
- Dorsey-Jones House —> Dorsey–Jones House
- Dorsey-Palmer House —> Dorsey–Palmer House
- Douglass-Reams House —> Douglass–Reams House
- Dowley-Taylor House —> Dowley–Taylor House
- Dr. Jacob Geiger House-Maud Wyeth Painter House —> Dr. Jacob Geiger House–Maud Wyeth Painter House
- Drake-Curtis House —> Drake–Curtis House
- Drennen-Scott House —> Drennen–Scott House
- Drury-Austin House —> Drury–Austin House
- Dryden-Louthan House —> Dryden–Louthan House
- DuBois-Deyo House —> DuBois–Deyo House
- Dubois-Kierstede Stone House —> Dubois–Kierstede Stone House
- Dubois-Phelps House —> Dubois–Phelps House
- Dubuisson-Neuhoff House —> Dubuisson–Neuhoff House
- Duckworth-Williams House —> Duckworth–Williams House
- Dudley-Bessey House —> Dudley–Bessey House
- Duke-Lawrence House —> Duke–Lawrence House
- Dunbar-Creigh House —> Dunbar–Creigh House
- Dunbar-Vinton House —> Dunbar–Vinton House
- Duncanson-Cranch House —> Duncanson–Cranch House
- Dupree-Ratliff House —> Dupree–Ratliff House
- Durham-Shores House —> Durham–Shores House
- Durrett-Jarratt House —> Durrett–Jarratt House
- Dutton-Small House —> Dutton–Small House
- Dwight-Derby House —> Dwight–Derby House
- Dyke-Wheeler House —> Dyke–Wheeler House
- Earle-Wightman House —> Earle–Wightman House
- Ebert-Dulany House —> Ebert–Dulany House
- Ebner-Free House —> Ebner–Free House
- Edmondson-Woodward House —> Edmondson–Woodward House
- Edmunds-Heptinstall House —> Edmunds–Heptinstall House
- Edwards-Fowler House —> Edwards–Fowler House
- Edwards-Swayze House —> Edwards–Swayze House
- Eells-Stow House —> Eells–Stow House
- Elbert-Bates House —> Elbert–Bates House
- Elkinton-Butcher House —> Elkinton–Butcher House
- Ellas-McKay House —> Ellas–McKay House
- Eller-Hosford House —> Eller–Hosford House
- Elliot-Bester House —> Elliot–Bester House
- Elliott-Donaldson House —> Elliott–Donaldson House
- Elliott-Meek House —> Elliott–Meek House
- Ellis-Schindler House —> Ellis–Schindler House
- Elson-Dudley House —> Elson–Dudley House
- Ely-Criglar House —> Ely–Criglar House
- Emmert-Zippel House —> Emmert–Zippel House
- Empie-Van Dyke House —> Empie–Van Dyke House
- Endsley-Morgan House —> Endsley–Morgan House
- Ensor-Keenan House —> Ensor–Keenan House
- Eure-Roberts House —> Eure–Roberts House
- Evans-Kirby House —> Evans–Kirby House
- Evans-Neuhart House —> Evans–Neuhart House
- Evans-Russell House —> Evans–Russell House
- Evans-Tibbs House —> Evans–Tibbs House
- Evarts-McWilliams House —> Evarts–McWilliams House
- Evens-McMullan House —> Evens–McMullan House
- Everett-Bradner House —> Everett–Bradner House
- Evins-Bivings House —> Evins–Bivings House
- F. F. Odenweller-James P. and Nettie Morey House —> F. F. Odenweller–James P. and Nettie Morey House
- Faber-Ward House —> Faber–Ward House
- Fairbanks-Williams House —> Fairbanks–Williams House
- Farish-Lambeth House —> Farish–Lambeth House
- Farrand-Pierson House —> Farrand–Pierson House
- Ferguson-Calderara House —> Ferguson–Calderara House
- Ferrell-Holt House —> Ferrell–Holt House
- Fessler-Secongost House —> Fessler–Secongost House
- Fewell-Reynolds House —> Fewell–Reynolds House
- Fields Place-Vickery House —> Fields Place–Vickery House
- Fite-Fessenden House —> Fite–Fessenden House
- Flagg-Coburn House —> Flagg–Coburn House
- Floyd-Newsome House —> Floyd–Newsome House
- Foard-Tatum House —> Foard–Tatum House
- Folk-Holloway House —> Folk–Holloway House
- Foreman-Case House —> Foreman–Case House
- Forrest-Marbury House —> Forrest–Marbury House
- Forshee-Van Orden House —> Forshee–Van Orden House
- Foster-Meeker House —> Foster–Meeker House
- Foster-Redington House —> Foster–Redington House
- Fowler-Loomis House —> Fowler–Loomis House
- Fowler-Steele House —> Fowler–Steele House
- Fowlkes-Boyle House —> Fowlkes–Boyle House
- Franklin-Penland House —> Franklin–Penland House
- Fraser-Hoyer House —> Fraser–Hoyer House
- Frazier-Pressley House —> Frazier–Pressley House
- Freedman-Raulerson House —> Freedman–Raulerson House
- Freeman-Felker House —> Freeman–Felker House
- Freeman-Hurt House —> Freeman–Hurt House
- Frierson-Coble House —> Frierson–Coble House
- Fripp-Fishburne House —> Fripp–Fishburne House
- Fripp-Lowden House —> Fripp–Lowden House
- Frith-Plunkett House —> Frith–Plunkett House
- Frizel-Welling House —> Frizel–Welling House
- Fry-Barry House —> Fry–Barry House
- Fuller-Baker Log House —> Fuller–Baker Log House
- Fuller-Weston House —> Fuller–Weston House
- Gale-Bancroft House —> Gale–Bancroft House
- Galloway-Walker House —> Galloway–Walker House
- Gardiner-Tyler House —> Gardiner–Tyler House
- Gardner-Bailey House —> Gardner–Bailey House
- Garland-Buford House —> Garland–Buford House
- Garrett-Bullock House —> Garrett–Bullock House
- Gaskins-Malany House —> Gaskins–Malany House
- Gaston-Perdue House —> Gaston–Perdue House
- Gauff-Roth House —> Gauff–Roth House
- Gay-Munroe House —> Gay–Munroe House
- Gemmill-Faust House —> Gemmill–Faust House
- Gench-Ogluev House —> Gench–Ogluev House
- Gibson-Burnham House —> Gibson–Burnham House
- Gibson-Todd House —> Gibson–Todd House
- Giddings-Burnham House —> Giddings–Burnham House
- Giesen-Hauser House —> Giesen–Hauser House
- Gilbreath-McLorn House —> Gilbreath–McLorn House
- Gillis-Grier House —> Gillis–Grier House
- Gilman-Hayden House —> Gilman–Hayden House
- Glaser-Kelly House —> Glaser–Kelly House
- Glassworks-Core House —> Glassworks–Core House
- Glassworks-Gabler House —> Glassworks–Gabler House
- Godfrey-Barnette House —> Godfrey–Barnette House
- Godfrey-Kellogg House —> Godfrey–Kellogg House
- Golightly-Dean House —> Golightly–Dean House
- González-Jones House —> González–Jones House
- Good-Reilly House —> Good–Reilly House
- Goodwin-Harrison House —> Goodwin–Harrison House
- Goodwyn-Bailey House —> Goodwyn–Bailey House
- Gordon-Center House —> Gordon–Center House
- Gorton-Greene House —> Gorton–Greene House
- Graham-Brush Log House —> Graham–Brush Log House
- Graham-Crocker House —> Graham–Crocker House
- Graham-Hughes House —> Graham–Hughes House
- Gramelspacher-Gutzweiler House —> Gramelspacher–Gutzweiler House
- Graves-Stewart House —> Graves–Stewart House
- Gray-Jewett House —> Gray–Jewett House
- Gray-Kincaid House —> Gray–Kincaid House
- Gray-Taylor House —> Gray–Taylor House
- Green-Hartsfield House —> Green–Hartsfield House
- Green-Lovelace House —> Green–Lovelace House
- Greene-Lewis House —> Greene–Lewis House
- Greenridge-Arthur Williams House —> Greenridge–Arthur Williams House
- Greeson-Cone House —> Greeson–Cone House
- Gregg-Crites Octagon House —> Gregg–Crites Octagon House
- Gregg-Wallace Farm Tenant House —> Gregg–Wallace Farm Tenant House
- Gregson-Hadley House —> Gregson–Hadley House
- Grier-Rea House —> Grier–Rea House
- Grierson-Sproul House —> Grierson–Sproul House
- Griffeth-Pendley House —> Griffeth–Pendley House
- Griffin-Christopher House —> Griffin–Christopher House
- Griffis-Patton House —> Griffis–Patton House
- Guild-Verner House —> Guild–Verner House
- Guilford-Bower Farm House —> Guilford–Bower Farm House
- Gulick-Rowell House —> Gulick–Rowell House
- Gundlach-Grosse House —> Gundlach–Grosse House
- Gunter-Summers House —> Gunter–Summers House
- Gustave Greystone-Meissner House —> Gustave Greystone–Meissner House
- Hadden-Margolis House —> Hadden–Margolis House
- Hagood-Mauldin House —> Hagood–Mauldin House
- Hale-Boynton House —> Hale–Boynton House
- Hale-Byrnes House —> Hale–Byrnes House
- Hall-Crull Octagonal House —> Hall–Crull Octagonal House
- Hall-London House —> Hall–London House
- Hamilton-Brown House —> Hamilton–Brown House
- Hamilton-Holly House —> Hamilton–Holly House
- Hamilton-Madison House —> Hamilton–Madison House
- Hammersly-Strominger House —> Hammersly–Strominger House
- Hanckel-Barclay House —> Hanckel–Barclay House
- Hanlon-Osbakken House —> Hanlon–Osbakken House
- Haring-Blauvelt House —> Haring–Blauvelt House
- Haring-Corning House —> Haring–Corning House
- Haring-DeWolf House —> Haring–DeWolf House
- Haring-Eberle House —> Haring–Eberle House
- Haring-Vervalen House —> Haring–Vervalen House
- Harriet Campbell-Taylor House —> Harriet Campbell–Taylor House
- Harrington-Dewar House —> Harrington–Dewar House
- Harris-Banks House —> Harris–Banks House
- Harris-Borman House —> Harris–Borman House
- Harris-Kearney House —> Harris–Kearney House
- Harris-Merrick House —> Harris–Merrick House
- Hart-Rice House —> Hart–Rice House
- Haskell-Long House —> Haskell–Long House
- Haste-Crumpacker House —> Haste–Crumpacker House
- Hastings-McKinnie House —> Hastings–McKinnie House
- Hastings-Morse House —> Hastings–Morse House
- Haughton-McIver House —> Haughton–McIver House
- Haven-White House —> Haven–White House
- Hawkins-Hartness House —> Hawkins–Hartness House
- Hayes-Byrum Store and House —> Hayes–Byrum Store and House
- Hays-Gerrard House —> Hays–Gerrard House
- Hays-Heighe House —> Hays–Heighe House
- Hays-Kiser House —> Hays–Kiser House
- Hays-Pitzer House —> Hays–Pitzer House
- Hazel-Nash House —> Hazel–Nash House
- Hazen-Spiller House —> Hazen–Spiller House
- Heard-Craig House —> Heard–Craig House
- Heard-Lakeman House —> Heard–Lakeman House
- Heck-Andrews House —> Heck–Andrews House
- Heck-Hasler House —> Heck–Hasler House
- Hedges-Lemen House —> Hedges–Lemen House
- Henry-Remsen House —> Henry–Remsen House
- Henry-Thompson House —> Henry–Thompson House
- Henry-Vernon House —> Henry–Vernon House
- Henshie-Briggs Row House —> Henshie–Briggs Row House
- Henson-Hizon House —> Henson–Hizon House
- Heriot-Moise House —> Heriot–Moise House
- Hersey-Duncan House —> Hersey–Duncan House
- Hester-Lenz House —> Hester–Lenz House
- Heurich-Parks House —> Heurich–Parks House
- Heyward-Washington House —> Heyward–Washington House
- Higgins-Hodgeman House —> Higgins–Hodgeman House
- Highfill-McClure House —> Highfill–McClure House
- Hikes-Hunsinger House —> Hikes–Hunsinger House
- Hildreth-Robbins House —> Hildreth–Robbins House
- Hinchman-Lippincott House —> Hinchman–Lippincott House
- Hite-Finney House —> Hite–Finney House
- Hix-Blackwell House —> Hix–Blackwell House
- Hizon-Ocampo House —> Hizon–Ocampo House
- Hizon-Singian House —> Hizon–Singian House
- Hodge-Cook House —> Hodge–Cook House
- Hoene-Werle House —> Hoene–Werle House
- Hoffecker-Lockwood House —> Hoffecker–Lockwood House
- Holdrum-Van Houten House —> Holdrum–Van Houten House
- Holladay-Harrington House —> Holladay–Harrington House
- Holley-Rankine House —> Holley–Rankine House
- Hollister-Parry House —> Hollister–Parry House
- Holloway-Walker Dollarhite House —> Holloway–Walker Dollarhite House
- Holmes-Shannon House —> Holmes–Shannon House
- Holoman-Outland House —> Holoman–Outland House
- Holt-Harrison House —> Holt–Harrison House
- Homer-Lovell House —> Homer–Lovell House
- Hood-Strickland House —> Hood–Strickland House
- Hooper-Eliot House —> Hooper–Eliot House
- Hoover-Timme House —> Hoover–Timme House
- Hopper-Goetschius House —> Hopper–Goetschius House
- Hopper-Van Horn House —> Hopper–Van Horn House
- Horry-Guignard House —> Horry–Guignard House
- Houser-Conklin House —> Houser–Conklin House
- Hovey-Winn House —> Hovey–Winn House
- Howard-Royal House —> Howard–Royal House
- Howe-Childs Gate House —> Howe–Childs Gate House
- Howe-Quimby House —> Howe–Quimby House
- Howell-Butler House —> Howell–Butler House
- Hower-Slote House —> Hower–Slote House
- Hows-Madden House —> Hows–Madden House
- Hoyt-Barnum House —> Hoyt–Barnum House
- Hubbard-Dawson House —> Hubbard–Dawson House
- Hudson-Jones House —> Hudson–Jones House
- Huger-Gordon House —> Huger–Gordon House
- Hughes-Clark House —> Hughes–Clark House
- Hughes-Cunningham House —> Hughes–Cunningham House
- Huhn-Harrison House —> Huhn–Harrison House
- Hull-Hawkins House —> Hull–Hawkins House
- Humphrey-McMeekin House —> Humphrey–McMeekin House
- Humphreys-Ryan House —> Humphreys–Ryan House
- Hunt-Phelan House —> Hunt–Phelan House
- Hunter-Coulter House —> Hunter–Coulter House
- Hutchinson-Blood House —> Hutchinson–Blood House
- Hyatt-Livingston House —> Hyatt–Livingston House
- Hyde-St. John House —> Hyde–St. John House
- Iddings-Baldridge House —> Iddings–Baldridge House
- Irvin-Hamrick Log House —> Irvin–Hamrick Log House
- Irvin-Patchin House —> Irvin–Patchin House
- Isham-Terry House —> Isham–Terry House
- Ivanov-Rinov House —> Ivanov–Rinov House
- Ivey-Ellington House —> Ivey–Ellington House
- Jackson-Thomas House —> Jackson–Thomas House
- James-Lorah House —> James–Lorah House
- Jarvis-Fleet House —> Jarvis–Fleet House
- Jean-Baptiste Daigle House —> Jean–Baptiste Daigle House
- Jean-Pierre Auguste Dalmas House —> Jean–Pierre Auguste Dalmas House
- Jefferies-Crabtree House —> Jefferies–Crabtree House
- Jennings-Baker House —> Jennings–Baker House
- Jennings-Brown House —> Jennings–Brown House
- Jennings-Marvin House —> Jennings–Marvin House
- Jennings-Salter House —> Jennings–Salter House
- Jerkins-Duffy House —> Jerkins–Duffy House
- Jerolaman-Long House —> Jerolaman–Long House
- Jewett-Eastman House —> Jewett–Eastman House
- Jewett-Thompson House —> Jewett–Thompson House
- Job Garner-Jacob W. Miller House —> Job Garner–Jacob W. Miller House
- Johnson-Hubbard House —> Johnson–Hubbard House
- Johnson-Morris House —> Johnson–Morris House
- Johnson-Neel House —> Johnson–Neel House
- Johnson-Portis House —> Johnson–Portis House
- Johnson-Smith House —> Johnson–Smith House
- Johnson-Thompson House —> Johnson–Thompson House
- Johnson-White House —> Johnson–White House
- Johnson-Wolff House —> Johnson–Wolff House
- Johnston-Meek House —> Johnston–Meek House
- Johnston-Truax House —> Johnston–Truax House
- Jones-Jarvis House —> Jones–Jarvis House
- Jones-Lee House —> Jones–Lee House
- Jones-Wright House —> Jones–Wright House
- Jordan-Beggs House —> Jordan–Beggs House
- Juniper Hill Farm-Maxwell Evarts House —> Juniper Hill Farm–Maxwell Evarts House
- Justis-Jones House —> Justis–Jones House
- Kahn-Jennings House —> Kahn–Jennings House
- Karsner-Carroll House —> Karsner–Carroll House
- Kearfott-Bane House —> Kearfott–Bane House
- Keet-McElhany House —> Keet–McElhany House
- Kemp-Shepard House —> Kemp–Shepard House
- Kendrick-Baldwin House —> Kendrick–Baldwin House
- Kent-Delord House —> Kent–Delord House
- Kernodle-Pickett House —> Kernodle–Pickett House
- Kerr-Booth House —> Kerr–Booth House
- Kerr-Patton House —> Kerr–Patton House
- Kiels-McNab House —> Kiels–McNab House
- Killicut-Way House —> Killicut–Way House
- Kimrey-Haworth House —> Kimrey–Haworth House
- Kincaid-Anderson House —> Kincaid–Anderson House
- Kincaid-Ausmus House —> Kincaid–Ausmus House
- Kincaid-Howard House —> Kincaid–Howard House
- King-Hooton House —> King–Hooton House
- King-Waldrop House —> King–Waldrop House
- Kingsbury-Whitaker House —> Kingsbury–Whitaker House
- Kintner-McGrain House —> Kintner–McGrain House
- Kittrell-Dail House —> Kittrell–Dail House
- Kneeland-Walker House —> Kneeland–Walker House
- Knight-Corey House —> Knight–Corey House
- Knight-Moran House —> Knight–Moran House
- Knight-Wood House —> Knight–Wood House
- Knights-Morey House —> Knights–Morey House
- Knox-Johnstone House —> Knox–Johnstone House
- Koopmans-de Wet House —> Koopmans–de Wet House
- Kraemer-Harman House —> Kraemer–Harman House
- Kreuzer-Pelton House —> Kreuzer–Pelton House
- LaCroix-Mosher House —> LaCroix–Mosher House
- Lackey-Overbeck House —> Lackey–Overbeck House
- Lacy-Van Vleet House —> Lacy–Van Vleet House
- Ladd-Gilman House —> Ladd–Gilman House
- Laird-Dunlop House —> Laird–Dunlop House
- Lake-Bell House —> Lake–Bell House
- Lamb-Ferebee House —> Lamb–Ferebee House
- Lamb-McSwain House —> Lamb–McSwain House
- Lambert-Parent House —> Lambert–Parent House
- Lampert-Wildflower House —> Lampert–Wildflower House
- Lane-Bennett House —> Lane–Bennett House
- Lane-Towers House —> Lane–Towers House
- Lang-Hess House —> Lang–Hess House
- Lanneau-Norwood House —> Lanneau–Norwood House
- Lanphere-Pratt House —> Lanphere–Pratt House
- Lansdown-Higgins House —> Lansdown–Higgins House
- Lantz-Zeigler House —> Lantz–Zeigler House
- Larkin-Rice House —> Larkin–Rice House
- Larue-Layman House —> Larue–Layman House
- Lasher-Davis House —> Lasher–Davis House
- Latham-Baker House —> Latham–Baker House
- Laws-Jarvis House —> Laws–Jarvis House
- Lay-Pritchett House —> Lay–Pritchett House
- LeBer-LeMoyne House —> LeBer–LeMoyne House
- Leader-Rosansky House —> Leader–Rosansky House
- Lee-Longsworth House —> Lee–Longsworth House
- Lefferts-Laidlaw House —> Lefferts–Laidlaw House
- Legare-Morgan House —> Legare–Morgan House
- Leigh-Pemberton House —> Leigh–Pemberton House
- Leiper-Scott House —> Leiper–Scott House
- Leslie-Rolen House —> Leslie–Rolen House
- Leslie-Taylor House —> Leslie–Taylor House
- Letovsky-Rohret House —> Letovsky–Rohret House
- Levillain-Letton House —> Levillain–Letton House
- Lewis-Smith House —> Lewis–Smith House
- Lewis-Williams House —> Lewis–Williams House
- Lewis-Zukowski House —> Lewis–Zukowski House
- Libby-MacArthur House —> Libby–MacArthur House
- Liddell-McNinch House —> Liddell–McNinch House
- Lillard-Sprague House —> Lillard–Sprague House
- Lisle-Shields Town House —> Lisle–Shields Town House
- Littlefield-Roberts House —> Littlefield–Roberts House
- Lockwood-Boynton House —> Lockwood–Boynton House
- Loomis-Pomeroy House —> Loomis–Pomeroy House
- Lord-Dane House —> Lord–Dane House
- Lowen-Shaffer House —> Lowen–Shaffer House
- Luce-Dyer House —> Luce–Dyer House
- Ludlow-Van Rensselaer House —> Ludlow–Van Rensselaer House
- Luke Bone Grocery-Boarding House —> Luke Bone Grocery–Boarding House
- Lyles-Gudmundson House —> Lyles–Gudmundson House
- Lynch-O'Gorman House —> Lynch–O'Gorman House
- MacDonald-Todd House —> MacDonald–Todd House
- MacMillan-Dilley House —> MacMillan–Dilley House
- Machell-Seaman House —> Machell–Seaman House
- Mack-Belk House —> Mack–Belk House
- Macon-Harrison House —> Macon–Harrison House
- Magness-Humphries House —> Magness–Humphries House
- Maguire-Williams House —> Maguire–Williams House
- Maney-Sidway House —> Maney–Sidway House
- Manley-Lefevre House —> Manley–Lefevre House
- Manly-McCann House —> Manly–McCann House
- Manning-Ball House —> Manning–Ball House
- Marsh-Johnson House —> Marsh–Johnson House
- Marsh-Warthen House —> Marsh–Warthen House
- Marten-Becker House —> Marten–Becker House
- Martin-Little House —> Martin–Little House
- Mary Van Duzer-Sayer House —> Mary Van Duzer–Sayer House
- Masten-Quinn House —> Masten–Quinn House
- Masterton-Dusenberry House —> Masterton–Dusenberry House
- Mathis-Hyde House —> Mathis–Hyde House
- Matt-Bahls House —> Matt–Bahls House
- Matthews-Bradshaw House —> Matthews–Bradshaw House
- Matthews-Bryan House —> Matthews–Bryan House
- Matthews-Dillon House —> Matthews–Dillon House
- Matthews-Godt House —> Matthews–Godt House
- Matthews-MacFadyen House —> Matthews–MacFadyen House
- Matthews-Storey House —> Matthews–Storey House
- Max-Liebling House —> Max–Liebling House
- Maxwell-Hinman House —> Maxwell–Hinman House
- Maxwell-Kirby House —> Maxwell–Kirby House
- Maxwell-Sweet House —> Maxwell–Sweet House
- May-Stringer House —> May–Stringer House
- Mayes-Hutton House —> Mayes–Hutton House
- McAllister-Beaver House —> McAllister–Beaver House
- McAndrews-Gallaher House —> McAndrews–Gallaher House
- McArthur-Council House —> McArthur–Council House
- McCairn-Turner House —> McCairn–Turner House
- McCauley-Watson House —> McCauley–Watson House
- McClelland-Davis House —> McClelland–Davis House
- McClelland-Layne House —> McClelland–Layne House
- McClure-Hilton House —> McClure–Hilton House
- McColloch-Weatherhogg Double House —> McColloch–Weatherhogg Double House
- McCollum-Chidester House —> McCollum–Chidester House
- McCollum-Murray House —> McCollum–Murray House
- McCormack-Bowman House —> McCormack–Bowman House
- McCracken-McFarland House —> McCracken–McFarland House
- McCrory-Mayfield House —> McCrory–Mayfield House
- McCurry-Kidd House —> McCurry–Kidd House
- McDaniel-Tichenor House —> McDaniel–Tichenor House
- McGlashan-Nickerson House —> McGlashan–Nickerson House
- McGuire-Setzer House —> McGuire–Setzer House
- McIntyre-Burri House —> McIntyre–Burri House
- McKennon-Shea House —> McKennon–Shea House
- McNamee-Ford House —> McNamee–Ford House
- McNutt-Howard House —> McNutt–Howard House
- McNutt-McReynolds House —> McNutt–McReynolds House
- McRae-McQueen House —> McRae–McQueen House
- McWain-Hall House —> McWain–Hall House
- Mebane-Nuckolls House —> Mebane–Nuckolls House
- Meigs-Bishop House —> Meigs–Bishop House
- Melius-Bentley House —> Melius–Bentley House
- Melkonov-Yezenkov House —> Melkonov–Yezenkov House
- Melton-Davis House —> Melton–Davis House
- Merrick-Simmons House —> Merrick–Simmons House
- Merrill-Maley House —> Merrill–Maley House
- Merrill-Poor House —> Merrill–Poor House
- Merrimon-Wynne House —> Merrimon–Wynne House
- Merritt-Ragan House —> Merritt–Ragan House
- Merritt-Winstead House —> Merritt–Winstead House
- Middleton-Pinckney House —> Middleton–Pinckney House
- Miles-Hanna House —> Miles–Hanna House
- Miles-Humes House —> Miles–Humes House
- Millar-Wheeler House —> Millar–Wheeler House
- Millard-McCarty House —> Millard–McCarty House
- Milldean and Alexander-Davis House —> Milldean and Alexander–Davis House
- Miller-Cory House —> Miller–Cory House
- Miller-Kingsland House —> Miller–Kingsland House
- Miller-Mackey House —> Miller–Mackey House
- Miller-Martin Town House —> Miller–Martin Town House
- Millsaps-Buie House —> Millsaps–Buie House
- Mitchell-Shealy House —> Mitchell–Shealy House
- Mitchell-Shook House —> Mitchell–Shook House
- Mitchell-Weeks House —> Mitchell–Weeks House
- Moffatt-Ladd House —> Moffatt–Ladd House
- Moffett-Ralston House —> Moffett–Ralston House
- Moon-Dominick House —> Moon–Dominick House
- Moore-Dalton House —> Moore–Dalton House
- Moore-Jacobs House —> Moore–Jacobs House
- Moore-Kinard House —> Moore–Kinard House
- Moore-Mann House —> Moore–Mann House
- Moore-Manning House —> Moore–Manning House
- Moore-Mayo House —> Moore–Mayo House
- Moore-McMillen House —> Moore–McMillen House
- Moreland-Hoffstot House —> Moreland–Hoffstot House
- Morey-Lampert House —> Morey–Lampert House
- Morgan-Curtis House —> Morgan–Curtis House
- Morgan-Gold House —> Morgan–Gold House
- Morgan-Townsend House —> Morgan–Townsend House
- Morgan-Wells House —> Morgan–Wells House
- Morrill-Lassonde House —> Morrill–Lassonde House
- Morrison-Mott House —> Morrison–Mott House
- Mosely-Woods House —> Mosely–Woods House
- Moses-Kent House —> Moses–Kent House
- Mote-Morris House —> Mote–Morris House
- Mrs. Marian D. Vail-Prof. Charles Noyes Kinney House —> Mrs. Marian D. Vail–Prof. Charles Noyes Kinney House
- Munro-Hawkins House —> Munro–Hawkins House
- Murphy-Burroughs House —> Murphy–Burroughs House
- Myers-Masker House —> Myers–Masker House
- Myers-White House —> Myers–White House
- Mynderse-Frederick House —> Mynderse–Frederick House
- Nash-Hooper House —> Nash–Hooper House
- Neibert-Fisk House —> Neibert–Fisk House
- Neill-Mauran House —> Neill–Mauran House
- Netcott-Pfeiffer House —> Netcott–Pfeiffer House
- Newbill-McElhiney House —> Newbill–McElhiney House
- Newbold-White House —> Newbold–White House
- Newdigate-Reed House —> Newdigate–Reed House
- Newman-Cotter House —> Newman–Cotter House
- Nicholls-Crook House —> Nicholls–Crook House
- Nickels-Milam House —> Nickels–Milam House
- Nickels-Sortwell House —> Nickels–Sortwell House
- Noble-Kendall House —> Noble–Kendall House
- Noblit-Lytle House —> Noblit–Lytle House
- Noftzger-Adams House —> Noftzger–Adams House
- Norris-Stirling House —> Norris–Stirling House
- Northrup-Gilbert House —> Northrup–Gilbert House
- Norwood-Hyatt House —> Norwood–Hyatt House
- Nourse-Farwell House —> Nourse–Farwell House
- Noyes-Parris House —> Noyes–Parris House
- Nuckolls-Jefferies House —> Nuckolls–Jefferies House
- Nurre-Royston House —> Nurre–Royston House
- Nutter-Rymes House —> Nutter–Rymes House
- Nyberg-Swanson House —> Nyberg–Swanson House
- O'Kane-Jacobs House —> O'Kane–Jacobs House
- Oakes-Wood House —> Oakes–Wood House
- Oliver-Leming House —> Oliver–Leming House
- Ollinger-Cobb House —> Ollinger–Cobb House
- Ormsby-Kelly House —> Ormsby–Kelly House
- Orndoff-Cross House —> Orndoff–Cross House
- Otis-Wyman House —> Otis–Wyman House
- Owen-Cox House —> Owen–Cox House
- Owen-Harrison House —> Owen–Harrison House
- Owen-Primm House —> Owen–Primm House
- Pagan-Fletcher House —> Pagan–Fletcher House
- Page-Vawter House —> Page–Vawter House
- Paisley-Rice Log House —> Paisley–Rice Log House
- Palmer-Marsh House —> Palmer–Marsh House
- Palmer-Perkins House —> Palmer–Perkins House
- Parks-Bentley House —> Parks–Bentley House
- Parks-Reagan House —> Parks–Reagan House
- Parnell-Sharpe House —> Parnell–Sharpe House
- Parsons-Taylor House —> Parsons–Taylor House
- Partridge-Sheldon House —> Partridge–Sheldon House
- Paschal-Womble House —> Paschal–Womble House
- Patteson-Schutte House —> Patteson–Schutte House
- Paulison-Christie House —> Paulison–Christie House
- Payne-Desha House —> Payne–Desha House
- Peabody-Fitch House —> Peabody–Fitch House
- Peabody-Williams House —> Peabody–Williams House
- Pearre-Metcalfe House —> Pearre–Metcalfe House
- Pearson-Robinson House —> Pearson–Robinson House
- Peck-Porter House —> Peck–Porter House
- Perkins-Bill House —> Perkins–Bill House
- Perkins-Clark House —> Perkins–Clark House
- Perkins-Rockwell House —> Perkins–Rockwell House
- Perrigo-Holmes House —> Perrigo–Holmes House
- Perry-Cherry House —> Perry–Cherry House
- Perry-Cooper House —> Perry–Cooper House
- Perry-Spruill House —> Perry–Spruill House
- Peters-Graham House —> Peters–Graham House
- Peterson-Wilbanks House —> Peterson–Wilbanks House
- Petitfils-Boos House —> Petitfils–Boos House
- Pike-Sheldon House —> Pike–Sheldon House
- Pillow-Bethel House —> Pillow–Bethel House
- Piper-Price House —> Piper–Price House
- Pitcher-Goff House —> Pitcher–Goff House
- Platts-Bradstreet House —> Platts–Bradstreet House
- Pollard-Nelson House —> Pollard–Nelson House
- Pond-Weed House —> Pond–Weed House
- Porter-Crawford House —> Porter–Crawford House
- Porter-Leath House —> Porter–Leath House
- Porter-Rhynsburger House —> Porter–Rhynsburger House
- Post-Williams House —> Post–Williams House
- Potter-Van Camp House —> Potter–Van Camp House
- Powell-Redmond House —> Powell–Redmond House
- Pratt-Faxon House —> Pratt–Faxon House
- Prentiss-Payson House —> Prentiss–Payson House
- Pressey-Eustis House —> Pressey–Eustis House
- Price-Prather House —> Price–Prather House
- Proctor-Clement House —> Proctor–Clement House
- Pugh-Boykin House —> Pugh–Boykin House
- Pulver-Bird House —> Pulver–Bird House
- Purchase-Ferre House —> Purchase–Ferre House
- Purple Point-Stehekin Ranger Station House —> Purple Point–Stehekin Ranger Station House
- R. A. Knight-Eugene Lacount House —> R. A. Knight–Eugene Lacount House
- Raburn-Casteel House —> Raburn–Casteel House
- Rafsnyder-Welsh House —> Rafsnyder–Welsh House
- Ragan-Brown Field House —> Ragan–Brown Field House
- Ralls County Courthouse and Jail-Sheriff's House —> Ralls County Courthouse and Jail–Sheriff's House
- Randall-Hildreth House —> Randall–Hildreth House
- Rankin-Harwell House —> Rankin–Harwell House
- Rathbone-Zabriskie House —> Rathbone–Zabriskie House
- Rawl-Couch House —> Rawl–Couch House
- Rawlings-Brownell House —> Rawlings–Brownell House
- Redmond-Shackelford House —> Redmond–Shackelford House
- Reeves-Melson House —> Reeves–Melson House
- Reid-Woods House —> Reid–Woods House
- Reiley-Reeves House —> Reiley–Reeves House
- Reppert-Gabler House —> Reppert–Gabler House
- Reynolds-Morris House —> Reynolds–Morris House
- Reynolds-Weed House —> Reynolds–Weed House
- Rhem-Waldrop House —> Rhem–Waldrop House
- Rice-Tremonti House —> Rice–Tremonti House
- Rice-Upshaw House —> Rice–Upshaw House
- Rich-Twinn Octagon House —> Rich–Twinn Octagon House
- Richards-Sewall House —> Richards–Sewall House
- Richardson-Bates House —> Richardson–Bates House
- Richardson-Brinkman Cobblestone House —> Richardson–Brinkman Cobblestone House
- Richardson-Jakway House —> Richardson–Jakway House
- Richardson-Turner House —> Richardson–Turner House
- Richmond-Tufts House —> Richmond–Tufts House
- Riggs-Zorach House —> Riggs–Zorach House
- Riley-Bolten House —> Riley–Bolten House
- Rippon-Kinsella House —> Rippon–Kinsella House
- Ritter-Morton House —> Ritter–Morton House
- Roberge-Desautels Apartment House —> Roberge–Desautels Apartment House
- Roberts-Justice House —> Roberts–Justice House
- Roberts-Morton House —> Roberts–Morton House
- Roberts-Quay House —> Roberts–Quay House
- Roberts-Vaughan House —> Roberts–Vaughan House
- Robinson-Hiller House —> Robinson–Hiller House
- Robinson-Pavey House —> Robinson–Pavey House
- Robinson-Stewart House —> Robinson–Stewart House
- Robinson-Tabb House —> Robinson–Tabb House
- Robnett-Payne House —> Robnett–Payne House
- Rogers-Knutson House —> Rogers–Knutson House
- Romberger-Stover House —> Romberger–Stover House
- Romer-Van Tassel House —> Romer–Van Tassel House
- Ross-Sewell House —> Ross–Sewell House
- Rossiter-Little House —> Rossiter–Little House
- Roth-Rosenzweig House —> Roth–Rosenzweig House
- Routh-Bailey House —> Routh–Bailey House
- Rudy-Kodzoff House —> Rudy–Kodzoff House
- Ruffin-Roulhac House —> Ruffin–Roulhac House
- Rundlet-May House —> Rundlet–May House
- Rush-Miller House —> Rush–Miller House
- Russell-Colbath House —> Russell–Colbath House
- Russell-Heath House —> Russell–Heath House
- Sachs-Webster House —> Sachs–Webster House
- Sage-Kirby House —> Sage–Kirby House
- Sally-Billy House —> Sally–Billy House
- Salmon-Stohlman House —> Salmon–Stohlman House
- Sample-McDougald House —> Sample–McDougald House
- Sampson's Folly-Josiah Sampson House —> Sampson's Folly–Josiah Sampson House
- Sanders-Hairr House —> Sanders–Hairr House
- Sanders-Hollabaugh House —> Sanders–Hollabaugh House
- Sargent-Roberts House —> Sargent–Roberts House
- Sargent-Robinson House —> Sargent–Robinson House
- Savage-Stewart House —> Savage–Stewart House
- Savin-Wilson House —> Savin–Wilson House
- Sawyer-Medlicott House —> Sawyer–Medlicott House
- Sayward-Wheeler House —> Sayward–Wheeler House
- Schenck-Mann House —> Schenck–Mann House
- Schindhelm-Drews House —> Schindhelm–Drews House
- Schlegelmilch-McDaniel House —> Schlegelmilch–McDaniel House
- Scott-Davis House —> Scott–Davis House
- Scott-Edwards House —> Scott–Edwards House
- Scott-Lucas House —> Scott–Lucas House
- Seavey-Robinson House —> Seavey–Robinson House
- Secrest-Wampler House —> Secrest–Wampler House
- Sedberry-Holmes House —> Sedberry–Holmes House
- See-Ward House —> See–Ward House
- Sewall-Scripture House —> Sewall–Scripture House
- Shapre-Monte House —> Shapre–Monte House
- Sharp-Mickle House —> Sharp–Mickle House
- Shaw-Cude House —> Shaw–Cude House
- Shaw-Van Gilder House —> Shaw–Van Gilder House
- Shelley-Tipton House —> Shelley–Tipton House
- Shelton-Lockeby House —> Shelton–Lockeby House
- Sherwood-Jayne House —> Sherwood–Jayne House
- Shirk-Edwards House —> Shirk–Edwards House
- Shobe-Morrison House —> Shobe–Morrison House
- Short-Dodson House —> Short–Dodson House
- Shuart-Van Orden Stone House —> Shuart–Van Orden Stone House
- Shumaker-Lewis House —> Shumaker–Lewis House
- Sibley-Hoyt House —> Sibley–Hoyt House
- Simerly-Butler House —> Simerly–Butler House
- Simmons-Edwards House —> Simmons–Edwards House
- Simmons-Harth House —> Simmons–Harth House
- Simpson-Breedlove House —> Simpson–Breedlove House
- Skinner-Tinkham House —> Skinner–Tinkham House
- Slagle-Byers House —> Slagle–Byers House
- Slaten-LaMarsh House —> Slaten–LaMarsh House
- Sledge-Hayley House —> Sledge–Hayley House
- Sloper-Wesoly House —> Sloper–Wesoly House
- Slover-Bradham House —> Slover–Bradham House
- Smith-Cannon House —> Smith–Cannon House
- Smith-Culhane House —> Smith–Culhane House
- Smith-Giltinan House —> Smith–Giltinan House
- Smith-McCurry House —> Smith–McCurry House
- Smith-Moore House —> Smith–Moore House
- Smith-Peterson House —> Smith–Peterson House
- Smith-Ripley House —> Smith–Ripley House
- Smith-Rourke House —> Smith–Rourke House
- Smith-Whitford House —> Smith–Whitford House
- Smyrna Town Hall-Opera House —> Smyrna Town Hall–Opera House
- Snelson-Brinker House —> Snelson–Brinker House
- Sollner-Wall House —> Sollner–Wall House
- Southerland-Burnette House —> Southerland–Burnette House
- Southwick-Harmon House —> Southwick–Harmon House
- Speight-Bynum House —> Speight–Bynum House
- Spicer-Millard House —> Spicer–Millard House
- Spofford-Barnes House —> Spofford–Barnes House
- Springer-Cranston House —> Springer–Cranston House
- Stallbohm Barn-Kaske House —> Stallbohm Barn–Kaske House
- Stallings-Carpenter House —> Stallings–Carpenter House
- Stanley-Whitman House —> Stanley–Whitman House
- Sterrett-Hassinger House —> Sterrett–Hassinger House
- Stevens-Gilchrist House —> Stevens–Gilchrist House
- Stewart-Studebaker House —> Stewart–Studebaker House
- Stickney-Shepard House —> Stickney–Shepard House
- Stiegel-Coleman House —> Stiegel–Coleman House
- Stiles-Hinson House —> Stiles–Hinson House
- Stillwell-Preston House —> Stillwell–Preston House
- Stilwill-Westbrook Stone House —> Stilwill–Westbrook Stone House
- Stockton-Curry House —> Stockton–Curry House
- Stockton-Lindquist House —> Stockton–Lindquist House
- Stockton-Ray House —> Stockton–Ray House
- Stokes-Evans House —> Stokes–Evans House
- Stokes-Lee House —> Stokes–Lee House
- Stokes-Mayfield House —> Stokes–Mayfield House
- Stone-Darracott House —> Stone–Darracott House
- Stone-Tolan House —> Stone–Tolan House
- Stranahan-DelVecchio House —> Stranahan–DelVecchio House
- Strawbridge-Shepherd House —> Strawbridge–Shepherd House
- Strayer-Couchman House —> Strayer–Couchman House
- Strickland-Herold House —> Strickland–Herold House
- Strunk-Nyssen House —> Strunk–Nyssen House
- Sturdivant-Sawyer House —> Sturdivant–Sawyer House
- Sumner-Carpenter House —> Sumner–Carpenter House
- Sumrall-Albritton House —> Sumrall–Albritton House
- Sumter Town Hall-Opera House —> Sumter Town Hall–Opera House
- Sutter-Meyer House —> Sutter–Meyer House
- Sutton-Ditz House —> Sutton–Ditz House
- Sutton-Newby House —> Sutton–Newby House
- Swart-Wilcox House —> Swart–Wilcox House
- Swetland-Pease House —> Swetland–Pease House
- Swift-Kyle House —> Swift–Kyle House
- Sykes-Leigh House —> Sykes–Leigh House
- Tabor-Wing House —> Tabor–Wing House
- Tankersley-Stewart House —> Tankersley–Stewart House
- Tappan-Viles House —> Tappan–Viles House
- Taylor-Condry House —> Taylor–Condry House
- Taylor-Dallin House —> Taylor–Dallin House
- Taylor-Dunn House —> Taylor–Dunn House
- Taylor-Falls House —> Taylor–Falls House
- Taylor-Frohman House —> Taylor–Frohman House
- Taylor-Stokes House —> Taylor–Stokes House
- Taylor-Utley House —> Taylor–Utley House
- Taylor-Zent House —> Taylor–Zent House
- Tefft-Steadman House —> Tefft–Steadman House
- Ter-Abramyan House —> Ter–Abramyan House
- Terhune-Ranlett House —> Terhune–Ranlett House
- Terneur-Hutton House —> Terneur–Hutton House
- Terry-Hayden House —> Terry–Hayden House
- Terry-Mulford House —> Terry–Mulford House
- Thacher-Goodale House —> Thacher–Goodale House
- Thayer-Thompson House —> Thayer–Thompson House
- The Stephens-Black House —> The Stephens–Black House
- Theurer-Wrigley House —> Theurer–Wrigley House
- Thompson-Fasbender House —> Thompson–Fasbender House
- Thompson-Neely House —> Thompson–Neely House
- Thompson-Ray House —> Thompson–Ray House
- Thorn-Stingley House —> Thorn–Stingley House
- Thornwell-Elliott House —> Thornwell–Elliott House
- Tiffany-Leonard House —> Tiffany–Leonard House
- Tiger-Anderson House —> Tiger–Anderson House
- Tillery-Fries House —> Tillery–Fries House
- Tisdale-Jones House —> Tisdale–Jones House
- Tisdale-Morse House —> Tisdale–Morse House
- Titus-Bunce House —> Titus–Bunce House
- Tolman-Gay House —> Tolman–Gay House
- Tomlinson-Huddleston House —> Tomlinson–Huddleston House
- Toney-Standley House —> Toney–Standley House
- Tousley-Church House —> Tousley–Church House
- Treadwell-Sparks House —> Treadwell–Sparks House
- Trent-Beaver House —> Trent–Beaver House
- Trimble-McCrary House —> Trimble–McCrary House
- Trobaugh-Good House —> Trobaugh–Good House
- Trowbridge-Badger House —> Trowbridge–Badger House
- Troxell-Steckel House —> Troxell–Steckel House
- Trulock-Cook House —> Trulock–Cook House
- Tunnicliff-Jordan House —> Tunnicliff–Jordan House
- Tupper-Barnett House —> Tupper–Barnett House
- Turnbull-Ritter House —> Turnbull–Ritter House
- Turner-Ledbetter House —> Turner–Ledbetter House
- Turner-Pharr House —> Turner–Pharr House
- Tuthill-Green House —> Tuthill–Green House
- Tuthill-Lapham House —> Tuthill–Lapham House
- Ulmer-Summers House —> Ulmer–Summers House
- Upham-Walker House —> Upham–Walker House
- Utley-Council House —> Utley–Council House
- Vale School-Community House —> Vale School–Community House
- Valentine-Wilder House —> Valentine–Wilder House
- Vallet-Danuser House —> Vallet–Danuser House
- Valley Junction-West Des Moines City Hall and Engine House —> Valley Junction–West Des Moines City Hall and Engine House
- VanDyke-Libby House —> VanDyke–Libby House
- Van Buskirk-Oakley House —> Van Buskirk–Oakley House
- Van Denbergh-Simmons House —> Van Denbergh–Simmons House
- Van Horn-Ackerman House —> Van Horn–Ackerman House
- Van Houten-Hillman House —> Van Houten–Hillman House
- Van Koert-Winters House —> Van Koert–Winters House
- Van Liew-Suydam House —> Van Liew–Suydam House
- Van Reyper-Bond House —> Van Reyper–Bond House
- Van Swearingen-Shepherd House —> Van Swearingen–Shepherd House
- Van Voorhees-Quackenbush House —> Van Voorhees–Quackenbush House
- Van Voorhis-Quackenbush House —> Van Voorhis–Quackenbush House
- Vance-Maxwell House —> Vance–Maxwell House
- Vance-Tousey House —> Vance–Tousey House
- Vandyke-Heath House —> Vandyke–Heath House
- Veasey-DeArmond House —> Veasey–DeArmond House
- Vergu-Mănăilă House —> Vergu–Mănăilă House
- Vernon-Wister House —> Vernon–Wister House
- Versteeg-Swisher House —> Versteeg–Swisher House
- Vickery-Baylies House —> Vickery–Baylies House
- Villavicencio-Marella House —> Villavicencio–Marella House
- Vinton-Torrey House —> Vinton–Torrey House
- Virden-Patton House —> Virden–Patton House
- Vosteen-Hauck House —> Vosteen–Hauck House
- Wade-Beckham House —> Wade–Beckham House
- Wade-Heerwagen House —> Wade–Heerwagen House
- Wadsworth-Longfellow House —> Wadsworth–Longfellow House
- Wahle-Laird House —> Wahle–Laird House
- Waite-Davis House —> Waite–Davis House
- Walcott-Whitney House —> Walcott–Whitney House
- Walker-Broderick House —> Walker–Broderick House
- Walker-Collis House —> Walker–Collis House
- Walker-Ewing Log House —> Walker–Ewing Log House
- Wallace-Jagdfeld Octagon House —> Wallace–Jagdfeld Octagon House
- Wallace-McGee House —> Wallace–McGee House
- Walrath-Van Horne House —> Walrath–Van Horne House
- Walsh-Havemeyer House —> Walsh–Havemeyer House
- Walston-Bulluck House —> Walston–Bulluck House
- Ward-Hays House —> Ward–Hays House
- Ward-Jackson House —> Ward–Jackson House
- Ward-Stout House —> Ward–Stout House
- Wardlaw-Steele House —> Wardlaw–Steele House
- Wardwell-Trickey Double House —> Wardwell–Trickey Double House
- Warren-Crowell House —> Warren–Crowell House
- Warren-Erwin House —> Warren–Erwin House
- Waterman-Archer House —> Waterman–Archer House
- Waterman-Gramps House —> Waterman–Gramps House
- Watkins-Maxey House —> Watkins–Maxey House
- Watson-Sanders House —> Watson–Sanders House
- Watson-Sawyer House —> Watson–Sawyer House
- Webb-Coleman House —> Webb–Coleman House
- Webster-Lane House —> Webster–Lane House
- Welborn-Ross House —> Welborn–Ross House
- Wells-Keith House —> Wells–Keith House
- Wells-Schaff House —> Wells–Schaff House
- Wells-Stubbs House —> Wells–Stubbs House
- Wells-Twyford House —> Wells–Twyford House
- Wentworth-Gardner House —> Wentworth–Gardner House
- West-Blazer House —> West–Blazer House
- West-Harris House —> West–Harris House
- Westervelt-Cameron House —> Westervelt–Cameron House
- Wheeler-Evans House —> Wheeler–Evans House
- Wheeler-Harrington House —> Wheeler–Harrington House
- Wheeler-Merriam House —> Wheeler–Merriam House
- Whidden-Ward House —> Whidden–Ward House
- Whitaker-Clary House —> Whitaker–Clary House
- Whitaker-Motlow House —> Whitaker–Motlow House
- White-Baucum House —> White–Baucum House
- White-Holman House —> White–Holman House
- White-Meyer House —> White–Meyer House
- White-Pound House —> White–Pound House
- White-Preston House —> White–Preston House
- White-Warren Tenant House —> White–Warren Tenant House
- Whitman-Place House —> Whitman–Place House
- Wieboldt-Rostone House —> Wieboldt–Rostone House
- Wiggins-Collamer House —> Wiggins–Collamer House
- Wiggins-Rolph House —> Wiggins–Rolph House
- Wilcox-Cutts House —> Wilcox–Cutts House
- Wilder-Holton House —> Wilder–Holton House
- Wilds-Edwards House —> Wilds–Edwards House
- Wiley-Ringland House —> Wiley–Ringland House
- Wilkinson-Boineau House —> Wilkinson–Boineau House
- Wilkinson-Dozier House —> Wilkinson–Dozier House
- Wilkinson-Martin House —> Wilkinson–Martin House
- Willard-Clark House —> Willard–Clark House
- Willard-Fisk House —> Willard–Fisk House
- Williams-Gierth House —> Williams–Gierth House
- Williams-Harrison House —> Williams–Harrison House
- Williams-Powell House —> Williams–Powell House
- Williams-Wootton House —> Williams–Wootton House
- Wilson-Clary House —> Wilson–Clary House
- Wilson-Courtney House —> Wilson–Courtney House
- Wilson-Gibson House —> Wilson–Gibson House
- Wilson-Martin House —> Wilson–Martin House
- Wilson-Vines House —> Wilson–Vines House
- Wilson-Young House —> Wilson–Young House
- Windswept Acres-Powers House —> Windswept Acres–Powers House
- Wing-Northup House —> Wing–Northup House
- Wirick-Simmons House —> Wirick–Simmons House
- Withers-Chapman House —> Withers–Chapman House
- Withers-Maguire House —> Withers–Maguire House
- Witherspoon-Hunter House —> Witherspoon–Hunter House
- Wolf-Ruebeling House —> Wolf–Ruebeling House
- Woodberry-Quarrels House —> Woodberry–Quarrels House
- Woodruff-Fontaine House —> Woodruff–Fontaine House
- Wooldridge-Rose House —> Wooldridge–Rose House
- Worsley-Burnette House —> Worsley–Burnette House
- Wortendyke-Demund House —> Wortendyke–Demund House
- Wright-Carry House —> Wright–Carry House
- Wyant-Talbot House —> Wyant–Talbot House
- Wyckoff-Garretson House —> Wyckoff–Garretson House
- Wyckoff-Mason House —> Wyckoff–Mason House
- Wycough-Jones House —> Wycough–Jones House
- Wyeth-Smith House —> Wyeth–Smith House
- Wynn-Price House —> Wynn–Price House
- Ximenez-Fatio House —> Ximenez–Fatio House
- Yates-Flora House —> Yates–Flora House
- Yauch-Ragar House —> Yauch–Ragar House
- York-Gordon House —> York–Gordon House
- York-Skinner House —> York–Skinner House
- Young-Noyes House —> Young–Noyes House
- Young-Sartorius House —> Young–Sartorius House
- Young-Shaw House —> Young–Shaw House
- Zabriskie-Christie House —> Zabriskie–Christie House
- Zuidema-Idsardi House —> Zuidema–Idsardi House